
Duty VI

Adelle raised an eyebrow, her skepticism lingering. "If this is an official request from the Knight Commander, shouldn't it be forwarded directly to the official channels? Why involve the guild?"

Darwin scratched his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. Lady Rachel specifically asked for my help in this matter."

Ervian and Adelle exchanged a knowing glance, their suspicions deepening.

There seemed to be an unexplained layer to the situation, but for now, they decided to trust Darwin's word and withhold their judgment.

"Alright, I think we're all set," Ervian declared, noticing the absence of disagreement from Adelle and Leriat. They seemed ready to proceed.

"Perfect! Then let's waste no time and set off immediately," Darwin chimed in, his enthusiasm evident.