
Strongest Duelist

Young Lukeas suddenly found himself in another place.. He was just playing a game back home just a few seconds ago! Come! Join him! Join us! And see his adventure through the new world. And uncover mystery and learn all kinds of things! Watch him get stronger and train! Watch him fight! Even in the rain! Sure! He'll suffer some pains But without it.. He'll have no gain! A reincarnation novel with a twist in the end! I hope you enjoy it as much as i did when coming up with this story!.. English is not my main language but i will do my best.. Though my updates may be quite problematic since I'm a busy person... If you enjoy the story please leave some stones and some reviews of you like! The original one is on my profile.. I just posted this on the "novel" categories.. Because the original is actually supposed to be in here.. But i posted it in the fanfic categories... So yeah...

Night_Star_Gaze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 2: Digesting the informations and Got a Jobs!

After receiving that message he stay down and kept seated waiting for more information, but even after a few minutes have passed no more of those came.

And he have also calmed down because of the wait. And so he started reviewing all the information that got shoved in his mind.

"What kind of bear was that.... Fuck... I'm really in another world am I?" he said as he recall the monstrous vear that attack the village of his vessel. He also tried to recall anything the past him knows about this world.. But he could only learn much, because this vessel have never been educated, and so, he only knew what the adults have thought him.

Growing up in their village, Lukeas learned valuable skills from both his parents. His father, a hunter, taught him the art of butchering game and foraging for food. He also learned some basic cooking techniques and became proficient in tracking. Meanwhile, his mother served as the village nurse, providing basic first aid and health care to the community. Despite his mother's reluctance to allow him to perform any medical procedures, Lukeas was able to observe her in action and became familiar with basic first aid. He even assisted her by fetching the necessary supplies.

As for the knowledge about this world. All his parents managed to teach him was that the world is called Noulus (Noles) and there's should be 9 major gods and religion. But thats all, his parents seems to avoid any topic about the religions in this place. And all the people in the village too.

As for the bear monster. All he knew was that thing's called Killuing (Coolwing) and its very territorial.

And as for his current location, he dont know because, the owner of this body was pretty panicking when he got here, he doesn't even remember which path he took. But Lukeas was certain that he's somewhere around the outskirts of the Delmons Village.

The small town he took refuges in to. He have been living in this town as a beggar. The place is called Deljih it have a Blacksmith, bar, bakery, many stalls, and an Inn. It was quite too big to be a village but too small to be a town making it quite unique. And the bakery in particular is the one he mostly steal from, and the owner in that place hired someone to get rid of him.

'Better avoid that place for now...' he thought as he stands up. This time nothing was interrupting him and so he took his first step in the new world. And he started moving.

Its not that different considering the fact that he and the owner of this body have the same body structure. But the owner of this body was 10 though and hes already 13, they have same height, 5.4 ft, yes, Lukeas from the earth was short. His body is a bit malnourished and a very normal average face with a long and messy dark brown hair and a green pupils.

He look around, everywhere was trees and grass, it was a little dark and creepy he turn his head and locked his gaze at one of the nearby trees and approached it.

Once he was near he looked up and try to look for a branch or anything that he could hold on so he could climb up. Then once he found one he jumped and grab on and started scaling the tree.

Once he reach the top he was holding on for dear life as he could hear the branches creaking under his weight. Then he looked around.

He noticed something on the east, the forest seems end there at some extent. And he could see a few smoke coming from some chimneys and a surveillance tower in the distance.

Knowing where he would be headed he carefully started climbing down. Not staying any longer in that place.


While he was traveling east he was careful and would carefully watch for anything that is around. Making his progress quite slow.

But time was not wasted as he was also thinking of how he can live in that village.

'Perhaps the smith need some assistance? Maybe some of those stalls.. No.. The stalls are not safe, what if that baker dude found me?... Definitely not good news..' he thought.

'lets try the Inn first.. Then the smith.. If not the bar. If no one still accepts.. Maybe i can live for a few days in the Forrest hunting and foraging?... Lets hope for the best. "


After a long silent walk he finally arrived at the place, it was a little crowded around with merchants and travelers from a far land moving about the village, some people at the stalls yelling and trying to attract some customers, beggars asking people here and there for moneys, drunkards screaming or crying near the bar, or people getting kicked out of the place.

Its definitely more lively here than his previous village.

"Oh dear mother Aclypso! What happened to that poor kid.. Did someone beat him?" a passing stranger said.

Then he looked down and realized how dirty he looked with all the bloods and dirt on his body... 'Crap i forgot about that!... And also...where did my wounds go?' he thought but dismissed it for another time.

'let's go to the nearby river and get cleaned up.'


Once he was done cleaning himself the sun was about to set as he have also washed his clothes and dried it in some campires.

He looked much better now.. And the people around seems to have decreased.. Maybe because they do not like dealing with the mosquitoes?..... But the bar sure do look lively.

'Now... Lets try the inn shall we?'


The moment he opened the door a bell attached at the back of it rang. Alerting the owner and the staff.. The one in the counter was a middle aged woman, she look quite wonderful with a allure of a mature woman, she have her hair in a braid and greeted him politely.

"How can i help you young man?" she said.

"u.. Uhh.. D-do you accept workers?" he said stuttering as he wasn't prepared to see someone like her... Specially with such a big boo-

"We dont accept beggars here! GET LOST!" a man with a big and round belly said, he was a bit short for his age and was also pretty fat.

"Dear! Dont be to harsh on the ki-"

"Shut up! You naive fuck! Hes here to trick us, and steal from us.. Have you not learned from the past? Now... Get the fuck out you useless beggar and die somewhere else! Dont make me kick you out my self." the man said not letting his wife finish.

"I... I apologize but its better for you to go...." the lady said sympathetically

"Its alright.. Thank you ma'am and sir!" Lukeas said with a polite smile and briefly walked off..

'Damm.. Whoever robbed that inn fron the past ruined my plan.. I hope he trip and eat shit.' he begrudgingly thought as he headed for the next location.

And since the bar was closer he instead went for it rather than going to the Smith.


Once he got inside he was greeted with a noisy and chaotic atmosphere, drunken people singing, dancing, and arguing was all over the place. Multiple waitresses serving the customer their drinks with a smile and a little revealing clothing, and some even getting groped, but surprisingly instead of reacting negatively the waitresses laughs and played along..

He then went and circled the bar and walked to the side to not bump to many people because the corners seems to have the less people. After getting through the party and the chaos he went into the counter where the barista is.

The man looked down in surprise. Usually kids dont go in here...

"What do you need brat?" he said casually.

He was a middle aged man as well with a few grey streaks in his hair and a well trimmed goatee. He wore a uniform for a barista.

"Is there any position open that i can fill out?" Lukeas asked seriously

"Do you cook?" the man asked.

"... Not much, but i can butcher" he replied.

"Can you count and good with money?"

".... No"

"Can you stay up for a very long time?"


"hm... Then are you good at cleani-" he couldn't finish his sentence as a man walked up in the counter.

"Hey boss!! You got some good mead there?" a man asked.

Lukeas found the mans voice quite familiar so he turned his head and take a look at the man besides him.

And what he saw almost made him scream and shit his pants.

'Its the guy that killed me!!!' he screamed in his mind. And his back started sweating cold sweat. His body turned stiff and he kept begging in his mind the man wont noticed him.

But fate seems to have another idea.

"Whats a beggar doing here?" the killer asked with a obvious disdain in his voice, he grab Lukeas shoulder tightly and said.

"Kid.. You shouldn't be he-"

"If you treat my customers crap I'll break your jaw" the barista said threateningly as he place a mug of mead in the counter.

"Tsk... I'm just kidding boss... Right?" he said nudging Lukeas. Which he replied with frantic repeated nod..

"Anyway thanks for this.. Ill go back to my babes now" he chuckled as he grab the drink and headed to a long sofa that have multiple women sitting on waiting for him.

"..... I think, I'm not good enough for this place yet" Lukeas said after a few moments of silence.

"... If you say so..... But if you do change your mind, feel free to go back. I really need someone to clean the bathroom for me..." the man said with a small smile..

"Thanks.... Boss.."

"Good... Come back again!"


'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!.. Why is that bastard still here? Dont tell me the baker hired him as a guard now?' he thought.

'Bar is dangerous... I should be careful if I'm around that place... But that Boss guy seems nice...' with that he decided that he'll only approach the bar at day, and be extra careful around it.

'now... Lets try the smiths...'


The Smith was...well a smiths. The smell of iron, coal and rust was everywhere, the temperature was also alot higher. And a rhythmic sound of colliding metal could be heard echoing through the smith repeatedly.

Knowing that someone was working Lukeas tried his best to keep his steps quiet as to not disturb the man in forge.

Once he arrived to the source of the sound what greeted him was a big furnace with a raging fire within it. The room was even hotter in this part of the workshop. And a man with a huge bulking physique was there, wearing nothing but a pants and an apron.

His body was bulging with muscle that he looked like a professional body builder back in the modern world. He have a long white hair the proof of times he spent living. He was holding a huge hammer in a single hand and slamming it down again and again.

Each of the impact could be felt shaking the ground. Making the man even more amazing. He seems to be working on a spearhead, and with this Lukeas just stay on his place and watch, not making a sound.

He watched how the elder man worked. From how he brought the hammer up, and how he slam it down. From his stance, how he gripped it, and how he uses his entire body to deliver a powerful blow to the metal hes working on.

Its like he could feel like hes grasping something, yet it's not there...

This went on for an hour and half. And by the end of it, the process of slamming the hammer down was engrave in his mind.

"Im surprised you're still here." a deep rumbling voice said.

Lukeas was so surprised he couldn't reply on time because the old man asked a question. "So, what do you need?" he said.

"Need an assistant?" Lukeas said, quite hesitantly and nervously because this is his final chance to get a stable income of some kind or he'll be forced to live off stealing and eating grass in the forest.

"....." the man looked at him for a solid minute.

" So... Uuhh... No?... I guess I'm ju-"

"Go get that thing for me" the old man said as he pointed at a waist size barrel.

At first Lukeas was confused but then brighten up. "Yes sir!"

With that reply he hurriedly went and approached the barrel and tried lifting it up. But no matter how much he try jt won't even leave the floor.

After panting and recovering he suddenly asked the old man. "Is there anything fragile inside this?"

Which the old man replied to with "None, its just my tools" with a very casual tone.

Hearing that, Lukeas smiled and changed his approach completely, this time hes pushing the barrel over. Even though it was still hard, he managed to make the barrel fall and then he started rolling it in the ground.

The old man smiled after seeing this "Good job, stay near, I'll call you when i need something else." The man said once the barrel was near enough to him.

"Yes sir!"