

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 9: Interesting Development

"Lukeas is 15 now and as for me I'm technically 18....but my body is 15.. What a weird thought..." Lukeas thought as he sigh and look down at the stream.

Currently hes taking a bath in a shallow river just outside the eastern border of Luicruos, the village he have been wandering about.

He have thought of going back and search for the previous village he stayed with. He wonders doe everyone in Astavan, is Oldman Dune ok?.. How about the bar tender Jasper? But after a few considerations he decided not to. At least not now.

Then once he was done he dressed up and started walking back to he village following the tracks travelers use. Fortunately a carriage that was delivering some merchandise in the village pass by him and let him tag along and allowed him to get on the carriage, making the travel easier.

And all the while Lukeas and the coachman Andrew talked. Lukeas found out that the guild is about to return back to the village. And that reminds him. Its been 6 months since he registered and experienced that shameful moment. Base on Lukeas memory the guild moved out to conquer a dungeon the next day after his shameful display.

"Hey.. Dont you feel hot inside that armor of yours?" Andrew asked not removing his eyes on the road.

"Hmm.. I've gotten used to it.." Lukeas replied.. Quite literally.. Because after 5 weeks of wearing this armor after he crafted it.. The heat was being more and more bearable... And now. He barely minds it. "Sure its hot, but its almost the same as wearing a jacket on a good day. But anyway, there's more pressing matter let us not talk about it" he said being more serious.

"Is the rumors true?" Lukeas asked. And a brief silence cames after. Before Andrew decided to answer it after a few moments.

"Yes.. Almost every monster in the western region is migrating in in the east.. Its expected to have a spike in monster sightings around this lands.. And its a great opportunity to sign up as an adventurer.. Since many of the guilds and the Adventurer associations will be posting many hunting quest on this period.. But as for the reason of the migration? No one knows... " Andrew explained before whispering on his self. "I should probably move my family up in the north... Just to be safe..."

"Yeah.. You should do that." Lukeas agreed and the conversation ended. And Lukeas just leaned back and watch the scenery 'Damn..I missed my phone, my pc, internet!' he thought as he shed a tears in silence.

"How about you uhh..adventurer? What are your plans?" Andrew asked in a curious tone.

"Uh.. I dont know to be honest.. I'm still lost and dont know much in this world.. So i guest I'll let the wind carry me and I'll just go with the flow.." he replied with a deep sigh.

And another silence..

Suddenly Lukeas stands straight up and said "You know what?" then he took off his skull masked and pull down his hood..

"Im Lukeas... Just Lukeas.... for now..." he said introducing himself to the man.

"Oh.. Then I'm Alexandrous Nielsen Darwin R. Ewen... Oh my R stands for Rodney... My mums Family name..." Andrew smiled..

"Or A.N.D.R.EW for short! Hehe... My father's quite proud on naming me.. And i couldn't agree more.." he explains with his chin up in pride.

This scene made Lukeas chuckle. "Whats funny in that??!" Andrew asked as if offended..

"No,, no im not laughing at you.. I actually kinda think its cool too" Lukeas smiles and after that a long conversation started with no specific topic and they kept talking for quite a while until they reach the Luicruos town..


"It was fun talking to you kid... Or should I say Azbab?" Andrew wiggle his eyebrows as he makes fun of him. Lukeas sigh

"Im starting to regret telling you that.." he said as he covered his masked face in frustration..

"Ok ok... I'll stop jeez.. Anyway this is where we part ways.. Maybe well meet again in the future.. Also.. You said that you're just going with the flow right? How about you try the Royal Academy up north?" Andrew suggested.

But hearing it Lukeas was confused.."Base on its name its only for Nobles and Royals... I dont have any titles..." with his reply Andrew smiled. And explained "For some reason the new king allowed it.. Many of the nobles hated him for it.. But who cares.. I think the king did a good decision! Because some of the very successful soldiers and sorcerers came from a common fa-"

"wait what?!!" Lukeas suddenly cut him off. Making Andrew very confused.. "What? You dont know the great General Gilbert?"

"No not that! sorcerers! SORCERERS!!! MAGIC EXISTS HERE??!!" Lukeas question was quite puzzling for Andrew. "Duh?? Are you kidding? You dont seems to be joking though.. Do you really not know about magic existing here?" Andrew eyed him.

And so does the people that overheard their conversations.. And since they're in the side of the road.. There is quite a lot of them. "Uhhhh... I'm from a tribe? Deep in the forest... So punching and slashing are the only things we know.... At least in combat?.." Lukeas started spouting bullshit to save his ass.

Then he suddenly saw Andrew's eye relax.." Ohh! The Harmana tribe!! Ok i get it now! That's why you also wear an armor made out of the parts of your slayed enemy!" seeing this Lukeas started nodding at him "Yes yes.. Now you know haha"

"But how did you got out of your tribe though? I heard they considered that a sin and kill whoever that tries to leave the tribe...."

"Uh... For exploration?... I think??... They actually never told me..

haha... Ha..." At this point Lukeas felt the armor's heat returning and he started sweating bullets ready to run whenever they start accusing him of a demon from another world.

"Uhh... So you're the first one to leave the premises... What an Interesting Development! With this maybe they can expand on their economy.. And build up relationships with the neighboring towns and villages!" Andrew said as he placed a hand on Lukeas shoulder.."Your tribes future depends on your kiddo.. Your already doing so much at such a young age! How amazing! Now go on boy.. Explore the world.. Dont let me hold you back now!" Andre pushed him forward with an excited smile..

"Who knows maybe after this project is done they will allow their tribes men to move and see the outside world! And dont worry! We'll see each other again when fates allow it!"

"hehe... Ok... See you... I guess...." Lukeas started walking away awkwardly.

"See you again friend!" Andrew waves his hand before making the carriage run and head to the central trading area in the market place.

'What an interesting development indeed' Lukeas thought with a small smile on his lips under his mask as he walks away..

'Come to think of it.. He said something about an Academy in the north right?.. It might be worth checking out..'
