

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 63: A Hint!

In the serene expanse of the snowy mountain forest, the rhythmic crunch of snow underfoot accompanied the lone man on his purposeful journey. His striking haori, meticulously crafted, portrayed the fury of a storm, its intricate design alive with movement on the fabric. Adorned in this symbolic garb, he exuded an aura of resilience and strength. His hand, clad in a red nichirin gauntlet, featured a fearsome spiked knuckle, hinting at battles past.

Intriguingly, the chilling air seemed to have little effect on him; he moved through the frosty landscape with ease, his breath creating delicate plumes in the icy atmosphere. His footsteps marked his unwavering determination as he ventured deeper into the heart of the wintry wilderness.

Then, as if guided by fate, he came to a sudden halt. His gaze, sharp and focused, ascended to the horizon, where a mesmerizing sight met his eyes. There, standing with an imposing presence, was the mythical creature he had sought—the gigantic green ogre, its moss-covered body a testament to its ancient existence. It effortlessly carried an entire tree trunk on its massive shoulder, a symbol of its immense power and connection to the untamed forest.

A mix of emotions washed over the lone man. Awe and wonder mingled with a tinge of trepidation at the sight before him. "So it's really true, huh?" he murmured. "You guys followed me even here"





Three days earlier, inside the Demon Slayer Headquarters, a sense of urgency filled the air as Kagaya, Lukeas, and all the Hashira gathered to discuss a pressing matter.

"So when did this start?" Lukeas inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine curiosity.

Kagaya's response was direct, "About 4 months after you got accepted here."

Lukeas nodded thoughtfully, realizing that the issue had been lingering for quite some time. "But how can you be certain it's not the work of demons?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Kagaya's expression grew serious, and he met Lukeas's gaze firmly. "Lukeas, it's been 3 months since we vanquished Muzan and nearly eradicated all the demons in Japan. Yet, the reports of these sightings persistently find their way to our headquarters. What's even more concerning is that all these sightings occur during the day."

The gravity of the situation settled in, and the room fell into silence as everyone contemplated the implications.

Inquisitive, Muichiro broke the silence, "Master Kagaya, may I ask what these reports contain?"

Kagaya let out a weary smile, understanding the significance of revealing this information. "The civilians claim to have witnessed a colossal green Oni in Mt. Kumotori," he disclosed, his eyes locked with Lukeas's.

The revelation elicited a reaction from the Hashira as they exchanged knowing glances. The pieces of the puzzle began to fit together, and they understood the connection to Lukeas, whose past intertwined with that very mountain.

"You've mentioned waking up in that mountain once, haven't you?" one of the Hashira inquired softly, a somber tone underscoring their words. "I believe you know this 'guys' well Lukeas"





Present time.

In the vast snowy expanse of the mountain forest, Lukeas stood with unwavering resolve. With a command that echoed through the crisp air, he spoke into the wind, "Tell the others I found the target and lead them here." As if in response to his call, a black crow emerged from a nearby tree, its feathers rustling with purpose, and it soared away to deliver the message.

As for Lukeas.. He slowly extended his arm and a blade slowly formed out of his palm using his own flesh and biomass and soon a Odachi made of his own manifested and he grab hold of its hilt and took his fighting stance.

And the world seems to have slowed down, the snow linger still in the air as he muttered in his mind. [Storm Breathing :Second Phase: Fourth Form: Coil of the Lightning Serpent] and with a quick move, he dashed forward.

Drawing closer to the towering ogre, he struck with the fury of a thunderstorm. His blade cleaved through the monster's colossal thigh. With the elegance of a storm wind, he dashed again, leaping towards the ogre's nape and delivering a second devastating slash.

In midair, a tempestuous grace possessed him as he twisted his body, to turn and accelerate his fall while unleashing yet another precise strike on the creature's left arm. Every movement was a symphony of strength and skill, orchestrated in harmony.

With his feet planted firmly on the ground once more, the world returned to its natural flow. The impact of his previous strikes reverberated through the mountains as deep layers of snow were blown away, and the ogre's anguished cry pierced the air.

Lukeas glanced towards his blade, now completely chipped from the toughness of the monster's skin. "As expected... Fighting this shit without mana is hard," he muttered, acknowledging the immense challenge that lay before him.

His unwavering gaze returned to the ogre, which now bled from the wounds he had inflicted. "I planned on decapitating all those parts, but it only got some shallow wounds," he grimaced, recognizing the formidable nature of his adversary. This battle would be no easy feat. But it won't be a problem.

Drawing upon his skills and instincts, he suddenly dashed to the left, utilizing the [Sudden Lightning Flash] technique to avoid the tree trunk the ogre swung with terrifying force. The sheer power of the attack sent snow and dirt flying, creating an avalanche in the distance. Lukeas sensed a faint trace of mana surrounding the tree trunk, knowing that a direct hit would be fatal.

Yet, amidst the chaos, his thoughts drifted to the absence of his comrades. He couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't arrived yet. The he remember this ogre and all the other monster that was chasing after him before he found himself in this world. "If this ogre managed to get here, what's stopping other monsters from coming as well?" he mused, hoping he was wrong but wary of the looming threat.

Dismissing his concerns, Lukeas reabsorbed the dull and chipped blade he held and swiftly created a new weapon using his [Blood Demon Art]. A lance manifested in his hand, gleaming with an fleshy and unpleasant radiance.

With determination and fury, he jumped and soared high into the air, a scream of determination escaping his lips. "TAKE THIS!" he roared as he pointed the lance towards the ogre's massive form.

And as expected, the ogre looked at him smiled wickedly and swung the giant tree trunk towards Lukeas. His face paled in response. But at the last moments he smiled.


And, to the ogre's surprise, the attack seemingly passed through Lukeas, revealing his mastery of the [Obscuring Form] as he appeared in a different place. In a moment of calculated brilliance, he positioned himself right below the monster's gaze, his lance drawn back and ready to strike. He charged for an attack, he muttered with unwavering resolve, [3rd Phase: 3rd Form: Sunlight Through Canopy of Leaves].

Inspired by the Sun and Insect Breathing styles, Lukeas unleashed a mighty thrust. With his shoulder propelling the attack forward and his entire torso twisting with force, the lance found its mark, piercing the center of the monster's chest.

A fleshy sound followed the impact, and the ogre gazed down at Lukeas with fear, confusion, and shock. Overwhelmed by the force of the strike, the colossal creature sank to its knees before finally collapsing to the ground.

The mountain forest seemed to hold its breath as the echoes of battle faded into the air. Lukeas stood tall amidst the aftermath of his fierce encounter.

"I should look for the others.." He muttered before giving the ogre a final glance as he turn and started running in the opposite direction.

For the first timw in 3 years.. A Hint finally showed itself to him.. Perhaps he can find his way back home.





In the aftermath of the battle that unfolded in the snowy and cold mountain forest, the once serene landscape had transformed into a scene of both triumph and devastation. The air was thick with the lingering scent of battle, and the ground was strewn with remnants of the fierce clash between the human Demon Slayers and the horde of monstrous creatures.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the wintry landscape, the victorious human warriors surveyed the aftermath of their hard-fought victory. The ground was littered with the lifeless bodies of the fallen monsters, their grotesque forms frozen in death. Among them were the remnants of ground dragons, goblins, gholbins, wolves, giant blue bears, and many other aberrations that had sought to overrun the land.

The Demon Slayers, clad in their iconic haoris and nichirin katana, showed signs of the intense battle they had endured. Some were battered and bruised, while others had small cuts and scrapes, testaments to the relentless combat they had faced. Yet, their expressions were marked with a mix of exhaustion and pride, knowing they had stood as humanity's line of defense against the monstrous horde.

The once pristine snow had been stained with patches of crimson, a stark reminder of the bloodshed that had occurred. The clash of swords, the roars of the monsters, and the cries of battle had echoed throughout the forest, creating a symphony of chaos that now lay silent.

Despite the triumph, a somber atmosphere hung in the air. The Demon Slayers had paid a heavy price for their victory. Some of their comrades had fallen in the heat of battle, and their absence was deeply felt by those who had survived. Yet, they knew that their fallen brethren had not died in vain, as their sacrifice had paved the way for this hard-earned triumph.

The surviving Demon Slayers gathered around, offering solemn nods of respect to the fallen. With a sense of camaraderie that only those who had faced death together could understand, they silently honored their comrades' memories.

The mountains themselves bore witness to the clash, the trees standing tall as silent sentinels, their branches now adorned with shreds of torn flesh and remnants of weapons. The icy winds carried the faint echoes of victory, as if nature itself celebrated the triumph of humanity over the monstrous horde.

As darkness fell, the surviving Demon Slayers began the solemn task of collecting the bodies of their fallen comrades. Each life was treated with utmost respect, their sacrifice not to be forgotten. They would be laid to rest with reverence, their names etched into the annals of Demon Slayer history.

With the horde vanquished, the mountain forest was once again enveloped in a tranquil stillness.

"So... This are the monster's your people fought with on daily basis? And whats with those attack of them? Those green guys look thin and weak but their attack is powerful" Sanemi asked.

"Its mana" Making Lukeas looked at him as if he's expecting something stupid.

"Oh... Anyway..."

"It was a piece of CAKE! HAHA I've killed dozen of them in a single move! I even killed that shitty bear right there!" He laugh as he points toward the corpse of the blue bear. Expecting this Lukeas sighed

"Though some of the newbies suffered some blow" he sighed. "Hmp! I bet they didn't even train mu--!" suddenly Lukeas covered his mouth

".SHHH i know.. You've been saying that nonstop already. " Lukeas sighed in frustration. But then he smiled. "But guess what? I've killed a bigger one.. Ive killed an Ogre SOLO and killed it without getting damaged you weak shit!" Lukeas suddenly laugh but Sanemi suddenly started choking him. And in return Lukeas grab his mouth tighter.

"You two seems lively" Kagaya suddenly voiced out making the two sat up straight and pretend nothing happened.

"... Sup" Lukeas said.

".. Yo" Sanemi said just after Lukeas. The awkward atmosphere lingering for a bit before Kagaya broke the silence by speaking.

"We've found the source.. They're coming from a nearby cave it seems... And there's a little of them left. Me and the rest have decided to exterminate the rest tomorrow" He explained. "And it seems like we've found the door to your world" Kagaya added with a gentle smile.





After that small interaction the Demon Slayer Corp took rest and camped in the mountain.. Although it was cold it wasn't something they can't endure.. As for Lukeas.. He slept outside and over night got buried in snow without showing any sign of being cold.

The morning came and someone thought he was dead.. But with a few taps he woke up. And so they prepared and went north of the mountain.

As they grew closer they noticed more traces of activities.. Such as traces in the snow, the bushes and small vegetation seems to be disrupted or broken. There's also more dead body of animals around.. And most of them are eaten completely or just dead.

Soon they arrived ay the location.. And just as their reports the were monsters left and they quickly dealt with it.

And having experience a battle before the fight was easier as this time they used ranged and employed the tactic Lukeas called 'Kiting' and lessened the casualties.. Although it took longer for them to complete it.

But with the monstrous Hashira.. Even with the enemies using mana and foreign energy that the people of this world are unaware of.. They were easily defeated by the Pillars.

As Lukeas stood in front of the dark cave, the gravity of the moment weighed heavily on his mind. Kagaya's voice broke the silence, "So this is the door to your world, huh?"

Lukeas replied, his gaze fixed on the abyss before him, "Seems like it..."

"So... When are you gonna leave?" Kagaya inquired, curious about his decision.

Lukeas fell silent, lost in contemplation. The decision to leave the Demon Slayer Corps and return to his own world was not an easy one. He had found purpose and camaraderie here, fighting alongside his fellow Demon Slayers. But his responsibilities and connections in his own world called him back, and he knew he couldn't delay his departure any longer.

Following the event, the Demon Slayer Corps decided to gather everyone in the snowy mountains to celebrate their hard-fought victory against the demons and bid farewell to their best fighter, Lukeas, who would leave the next day. An entire night of revelry ensued, with laughter and cheers echoing around a huge campfire.

Amidst the festivities, the Love Hashira, Mitsuri, found herself overcome with emotions. Tears welled up in her eyes as she approached Lukeas, her voice trembling with sadness. "I'll miss you so much, Lukeas. Please take care and come back to visit us soon if you can," she whispered, her heart heavy with the impending farewell.

Meanwhile, the Wind Hashira, Sanemi, stood in the shadows, his usual gruff demeanor softened. He approached Lukeas, offering no words, but a firm pat on his shoulder. Their eyes met, and in that moment, understanding passed between them. Sanemi silently conveyed his respect and admiration for Lukeas's strength, vowing to grow even stronger in his absence.

As for the other hashira they bid him farewell in their own way.. The sound hashira gave him a ring with a bright red ruby in it. "With this you'll be the flashiest in your world!"

The flame hashira gave him a back breaking hug and a ear breaking thanks.

The Stone Hashira gave him a silent prayer and a small goodbye. And as for Giyu.. He gave Lukeas a handkerchief whilst looking away with a grumble.

".... Did Shinobu forced you again?" Lukeas asked chuckles in hopelessness.

"Dont get me started" he grumbles so Lukeas just took the gift.

As the night wore on, Lukeas found himself standing before Kagaya, the master of the Demon Slayer Corps. Kagaya's face held a mixture of pride and sadness. With a deep bow, he expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Lukeas, for all you've done for us. Your strength and courage have saved countless lives. You will always be remembered as one of our greatest warriors."

Lukeas returned the bow with humility, "Thank you for giving me a place in this world, Kagaya. I will carry the memories and lessons I've learned here with me always."

As the first rays of dawn touched the snowy landscape, it was time for Lukeas to step into the portal and return to his own world. Bitter-sweet smiles adorned the faces of his fellow Demon Slayers as they gathered to bid him farewell.

Amidst the tearful farewells and warm embraces, Lukeas mustered a brave smile. He spoke his final words before stepping into the portal, "I will never forget all of you. Thank you for everything. Until we meet again."

With those parting words, he vanished into the darkness of the portal, leaving behind a legacy of courage and friendship. The Demon Slayers stood in silence, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that their greatest fighter had departed. But they knew that his spirit would live on, inspiring them to continue their battle against the demons.

And so, with the memory of Lukeas burning brightly in their hearts, the Demon Slayers returned to their mission, vowing to honor his legacy and protect humanity from the darkness that lurked in the shadows and completely destroy and kill the remaining demons.





As Lukeas stepped into the portal, he felt an immediate shift, as if he was riding a roller coaster through a turbulent void. The world around him twisted and churned, and he could feel the dimensions bending and stretching around him. It was disorienting, and he struggled to keep his bearings as he traveled through this ethereal passage.

The distant voices of his comrades bidding him farewell gradually faded away, replaced by an echoing emptiness that enveloped him. The darkness was absolute, and he could not see anything around him. Only the muffled sounds of the Demon Slayer Corps' celebration reached his ears, growing fainter with every passing moment.

As he journeyed through the distorting space, a sharp and persistent headache gripped his mind, threatening to overwhelm him. He gritted his teeth, trying to push past the pain and disorientation. It felt as if his very soul was being stretched and pulled in countless directions at once.

Amidst the chaos, a faint glimmer of hope appeared—a small dot of light that gradually grew larger and brighter. It beckoned him forward like a guiding beacon in the vast darkness. The closer he got to the light, the more intense the headache became, but he endured, knowing that this was the gateway to his world.

Finally, with a surge of energy, he burst through the other side of the portal...

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