

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 59: End of the Duel

I'm a open field Lukeas and Akaza stood each bearing their own fighting stance. Akaza took his iconic stance with his other arm pointed forward while the other rested just around his hips.

He was smiling confidently.

On the other hand Lukeas was standing with the a stance similar to Muay Thai. His clothes have multiple holes in it after their fierce fight earlier but that doesn't bother him.

And with a single burst of speed Lukeas and Akaza both jump forward their fist ready to burst in action.

With a swift and deadly precision Akaza swung his fist aiming for Lukeas' face. Which Lukeas then parried using his elbow and

use his other and punch towards Akaza's side aiming for his liver.

But Lukeas didn't met his expected result when Akaza didn't avoided or block his attack and instead directly received it.

Thats when he noticed the upper moon jumping up to perform a powerful kick while he still have Lukeas fist in his liver.

Lukeas tried to pull out but Akaza's insides we're squeezing him tightly that he can't even pull it out an inch. And with a forceful spin Akaza delivered a powerful kick to Lukeas' neck.

Pretty much cutting through it like a cleaver.

'... I'm a demon.... Why am fighting like a human?' Lukeas thought as his vision went dark. But of course not even a second after that he regained his consciousness.

And with a blur he jump away to safety until his head was fully constructed.

"Impressive.. You got a fast regeneration as well" Akaza commented taking to note that Lukeas regeneration is equal to an upper moon.

"But again the sun is about to go up. I'm pretty sure you and I don't wanna burn to death dont we?" he said but Lukeas shook his head.

"No.. I dont mind being in the sun" Lukeas replied which confuse Akaza a bit and Lukeas took this advantage and used his movement technique [DeathMarch] wich of course he have improved in the last few years hes been here.

"But yes, let's end this"

With the mist breathing Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds The personal creation of Muichiro Tokito. When the user appears before the target, they move incredibly slow, but then accelerate to blistering speeds before getting hit, making it seem like they disappeared into a cloud of mist. When done repeatedly, it can disorientate the target to the point of making them think they are being covered in a thick layer of mist.

And together with his [Death March] that disorient the enemies but mimicking thousands of movements at once. Making an illusions that make his lower body very confusing to look at and even overwhelming to others.

He created a movement technique that basically made his movement very hard to detect, predict, and to look at.

Its pretty much life staring into complete darkness just to find him and when you do find him he'll shine a flashlight at your eyes. You'll have the urge to blink and avoid looking at him because of how confusing and disorienting his moves are.

And for him who have become quite a battle expert those blink can end an entire fight.

'[Obscuring Stampede: Fist of the typhoon: fist form: You never now what hits you]'

Lukeas being Lukeas created a completely new move on the spot and also renamed his [Death March] to

[Obscuring Stampede] and with Akaza loosing focus on him with that dammed movement technique of his.

Lukeas managed to get closer to him at a striking ranged and with a little jump he prepared to kick Akaza in the face.

But the latter ducked in time as he recovered from the effect of [Obscuring Stampede] but then his eyes went wide as he found a knee heading right at his face. 'Wha-

*BOOOM!!* Akaza found his head blown to pieces and was sent flying a dozen of meters away.

Then Akaza finally realized what hit him when he stopped rolling in the ground.

'It was a fake from the start... That mist like movement of his.... And that erratic way he runs... He managed to combine those two in perfect way that made him able to do fakes to that level'

Akaza's slowly forming head showed a smile while they other half of his face is still regenerating.

"Magnificent!! ... What technique was that? It's like a mist.. But also a chaotic and strange waves... Like I'm staring into thousands of things at once!!"

Indeed.. What Lukeas did was combine the mist breathing Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash, Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds and his [Obscuring Stampede] to create a movement with a fluctuating tempo and using a swift move and with the control of his 'intent' he managed to create a mist like clone that would perform his 'intent' and he can instead use another move to hit the enemies..

And of course just like the other slayer the most dont actually show up.. It just feels like that. Just like how flame breathing doesn't really produced flame.. But fighting them feels life fighting a moving fire. And with that Lukeas Arsenal just grew.

And at that same moment Akaza finally recovered his entire face in a matter of seconds and was planning to jump forward and fight once again..but then he saw the sun about to rise.

'Fuck! We're out of time!' he curse on his mind and turned around towards the forest.

'Wait! Lukeas! He can't die without ending what we started!'

And he turned around.. But instead of seeing Lukeas in flames like he expected, he saw him standing under the sun with a faint smile on his lips.

Then towards Akaza he mouthed 'Nice fight.. Hakuji'

And with that Akaza turned around and jump both rushing away from the sun and both confused..

'Hakuji?.... Wh-whos that?' and for the first time.. Akaza left a battle with an uncertain and an empty feeling in him like he have forgotten something precious...







Author here! My schedule is now back to normal although it's the same old uncertain released date.. But i will definitely start uploading more chapters from now!!