

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 58: Something new

On that night of the final selection, Lukeas went to the deepest part of the mountain where there's a denser amount of trees around. And as he have expected theres even more demons in here. And thats where he started his rampage.

Every demon was of course shocked to find another demob wearing the Demon Slayer Uniform and they were even more shocked to find out that he was absorbing everyone he get his hands on.

He didn't even have to draw his sword nor use a Breathing style.. Or any swordsmanship at that, he just punch and grab demons left and right. And speaking of Breathing Style, remember that Lukeas managed to make his own?

Well let me tell you about it.

It contains 90 forms and those forms are divided into 3 part

First part: The Calm Before the Storm

Second part: Raging Storm

Third part: Tranquil Sunny Sky

Although the third part is not completely finished as he was missing the Sun breathing Technique. And if he integrated it into his Dance of Totality it would have around 67,925 forms all together considering that he didn't include the movement technique and all kinds of feints and tricks it would have been around a hundred thousand.

And fortunately throughout the night Lukeas didn't even used any technique he have and completely relied on his physical strength to obliterate the demons he saw and absorb every single one of them.

And all the while he watched Tanjiro's back without interfering that much. And soon 7 nights have passed. And Lukeas found something..

For some reason theres more people who joined the selection.. From what he remembers in the anime there was only around 20 people at that time.. And looking back from the start thers about 48 people in here... And he could also recognize some familiar faces.

And after a bit of investigation inside his memory he found out most people here are the ones he saved.

'Huh did i inspired them to join?' he thought as he himself felt a nice feeling. 'hehe now i have my own fans! Thats another check from my previous life bucket list!'

But that's not all... He also noticed there's even more demons here.. But no, it's not because of him. Well, its because he never captures demons.. He eats them.. 'Maybe the slayers is working double time this times?' he thought as he came up with a reason and all the while casually leaning his head to the right to dodge a claw from a demon who tried ambushing him.

And with a swift move he punch the demon in the chest Akaza style and quickly the demon started visibility shrinking as his arm devours it from the chest and slowly absorb the demon, all the while it tries his best to escape and only failing to do so. Leaving him begging to be spared but getting completely ignored by Lukeas.

And as the demon fades into Lukeas arm he turned his head to another demon and vanished on his spot and once again absorb another demon.

¦Hello it's The Narrator! If anyone is wondering he absorb them like how alex mercer absorb humans by ripping them apart or killing them before turning them unti liquid like goo to be absorb.. And how do he does that? By making use of his biokinesis and pretty much breaking the enemies biology and messing up with their genetic construct.

But the stronger the enemies is the harder it is to convert them into biomass energy.

On the other hand. Tanjiro is having more trouble than what he went through in the anime as there's demon in every place in the mountain. Giving him less time to rest.

He could also hear a distant thunderclap making him wonder if there's an incoming storm. There were also more candidates around. And most of them have an unusual braveness with them. Some are still running away from a sight of a demon but theres a group of candidates who faced them on and bravely fought.

Tanjiro was included.

Yes, Tanjiro already have a team of 4. The two of then are a wind breathing user while the other two are a earth and flame breathing.

And Tanjiro have already gotten used in teaming up as they have been fighting for 6 days together now.

He have learned how to match others rhythm and synergies their attacks together like how the earth breathing and him would be on a defensive position while the other in a offensive position.

Also the flame breathing guy is named Hajime Hanma

While the earth breathing is Jotaro Jōhan

And the wind breathing is Yosuke Kirigaya

And the other wind breathing is Chunchunmaru Chosuke

"CHUN CHUN MARU! BEHIND YOU!" Tajiro scream as he dash forward and swung his sword toward him. But instead of getting shocked or angry Chosuke ducks and rolled to the side.. Evading Tanjiro's attack making it hit the demon instead.

"Thanks! But please stop calling me that name!" Chunchunmaru yelled back as he dash forward to another demon and deliver blows after blows like a hurricane and successfully killing one demon.

"But Chunchunmaru is your name!" Hajime replied with a wide and confident smile as he fights two demons at once. Unleashing a burning fury towards them with each swings of his sword.

"I KNOW! AND I HATE IT!" Chunchunmaru screamed as he pour his frustration towards the demon infront of him and cutting it in half.

"But it is the name given to you by your parents. You have to cherish it" Jotaro the earth breather said in a calm and mellow voice as he pushed a demon back into defensive with his unrelenting force.

"Arrrgh fine!" Chunchunmaru just gave up and instead focus on fighting the demons who jump out of hiding within the trees.

"Everyone please dont fight!" Tanjiro said as he deals with 3 demons albeit with a bit of struggle.

Thats when all them heard a loud scream comming from somewhere.. And of course they went towards it and found a random candidate running and getting slam by a giant hand in the ground reducing him to a bloody pulp.

And everyone felt chills run down their spine as they see a gigantic demons covered in hundreds of arms all around.

And then the demon turned towards them.

"Oh.. Another student of Urokudaki?" its smiled but then then he screamed as he realized another year have passed.

And the same events in the anime transpired.. But instead of being alone Tanjiro fought with it the 4 other slayer. And easily defeating it as their attacks went in complete harmony and so does their rhythm. Tanjiro and the others did receive a few injuries but nothing sort of fatal and they completely recovered after a day.

And also finished the exam.

And while this all happened Lukeas was watched with great interest and concern as the alteration of event was quite huge..

He was concern if the story would progress the same pace as the one in the anime or will be completely different..

But soon he found out as after years and years Tanjiro went the same path as the anime but it is even harder as he fought more demons and sustained more injury. But at the same time he have also grow much quicker in the Anime and learned total concentration much earlier.

He and Inosuke also met and became friends. And so does Zenitsu. But for some reason the Zenitsu in this reality is less noisy and less annoying. And also the 4 new member of the gang were also becoming stronger as well.

And soon comes the infinity train arc and at this time Lukeas went with rengoku.. They have also became quite a good friend and his desire to not allow Rengoku to die also became stronger.

And at the event of the train attacks he instead took care of the passenger and protected them while Rengoku and the rest deals with the lower rank 1 and fought him together. And just like before it went smoother than the anime as they got the help of a hashira.

But the trouble arrive after that fight as Akaza finally showed himself.

"Rengoku leave this guy to me... Go get the passenger to safety" Lukeas said as he produced a sword out of his flesh..

As for Akaza he got excited to see a demon.. That is also a hashira. "You look strong... Lets find it out shall we?" and he took his fighting stance. He wasn't even pissed that a demon have betrayed the demon side and joined the humans.. He just wanted to fight someone strong.

And seeing this Lukeas realize something... And he smiled. Then his katana was reabsorb back to his palm amd instead he took an unfamiliar stance.

And seeing this akaza just got even happier and burst forward with an incredible speed.

And Lukeas does the same and they clashed fist together creating destructive shock waves sending rocks and debris all over the field.

Akazas fighting style was destructive and pinpoint accurate. As if each of his punches was a homing missile. And of course Lukeas know how this works but he didn't reveal it at first and watched Akaza's style.

And throughout the fight Lukeas sustained multiple injuries that should have killed a normal person but he healed and kept fighting.. All the while Akaza haven't received any injuries yet.

But soon the battle became a tie as Lukeas started hitting Akaza and be able to fight toe in toe with him.

'It's harder than usual' Lukeas thought as he squint his eyes and turn his head to the side and avoided a deadly fist aiming for his head.

This still cause his cheeks to bleed and cause his ears to burst. But he healed it quickly with his biomass and counter attack by attempting to punch Akaza in the stomach.

But as expected Akaza sensed this and jump back.

"You're strong.. What's your name?" Akaza asked casually as he kept his guard up.

"Im Lukeas Mercer" Lukeas replied.

"Oh.. You're not Japanese.."

"You damn right i am"

"Then Lukeas.. Shall we finish this?"






I'll be posting this here for now.. Cuz I'm getting ashamed of not writing for so long..

Also stuff might be wrong cuz it's been a while and i kinda have forgotten my previous chapter already hahah.. And as for irl... It's my graduation, and we are tasked to memorize a lot of stuff and practice... So again I'm busy... But it'll be over soon!!