

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 46: A Frigid Forest Night

Deep within the heart of an ancient forest, a frigid cold winter night cast its icy grip upon the land. The moon, a pale and distant orb, hung high in the ink-black sky, its ethereal light barely piercing the thick canopy of towering trees. A hushed stillness settled over the woods, broken only by the occasional rustle of snowflakes falling gently to the ground.

The air itself seemed to hold its breath, as if in anticipation of the events about to unfold. A bitter chill wrapped around every tree trunk and nestled within the smallest crevices, gnawing at the very bones of the forest. The ground was blanketed in a pristine layer of snow, pristine and untouched, save for the occasional set of footprints left behind by creatures brave or foolish enough to venture into this wintry realm.

In this eerie tranquility, the creatures of the night stirred from their slumber. From the deepest corners of the forest, their eyes flickered with an otherworldly glow, their presence felt rather than seen. Wraith-like figures weaved between the skeletal branches, their ethereal forms merging with the shadows, making them almost indistinguishable from the surrounding darkness.

The howl of the wind echoed through the trees, carrying with it an ancient, haunting melody. It whispered secrets of forgotten times and distant realms, calling forth the nocturnal inhabitants of this enchanted domain. The owls emerged from their hidden perches, their feathers glinting silver as they soared through the frosty air, their keen eyes scanning the undergrowth for prey.

Amidst the symphony of nature, midst of the wintry forest, with snowflakes swirling through the air, a figure lay motionless upon the ground. The body of a man named Lukeas was sprawled upon a snowy expanse, cold flakes accumulating on his form, creating an ethereal blanket that whispered tales of the frigid night.

Lukeas appeared seemingly lifeless, his body covered in a thin layer of frost. His eyelashes, frozen with crystalline droplets, fluttered slightly as if stirred by an unseen breeze. The chill of the night clung to his clothing, casting an icy pallor upon his features.

Time seemed to stand still as Lukeas's body lay dormant, embraced by the winter's icy touch. The snow continued to fall, silently accumulating around him, burying his form beneath a soft, pristine white mound. The forest held its breath, as if waiting for some sign of life from the still figure.

Then, as if defying the frigid embrace of the winter night, Lukeas's eyes flickered open. They shone with a vibrant intensity, reflecting the moon's pale glow like twin orbs of azure fire. With a gasp, he inhaled the crisp air, the sharp coldness jolting his senses back to life.

Raising a trembling hand, Lukeas brushed away the snow that had settled upon his chest and face. As he sat up, his body shivering against the biting cold, he glanced around the wintry landscape, his gaze filled with a mix of confusion.

"w-w-w-wha-wh-ha-attt? W-w-w-where a-a-am -I ??" he muttered as he looked around.. His speech stuttering from sheer coldness.

Then he slowly stood up and wiped the snow on his face, chest, and shoulders and slowly started walking around..

He never been in a cold place... Making him very vulnerable in this kind of environment... But not for long.

He looks up and searched for the highest tree and once he found it he quickly scaled it up and went at he very peak of it. But once he arrived there he couldn't see anything because of the snow storm.

Realizing this he just jumped down from the top and landed in the ground in the famous superhero landing pose ignoring the height he fell from.

. From his estimation it's probably close to a 3rd floor building. Then he stands up and looked around.. The he points in a random direction.


Then points to another one.

"meeny" and another.

"miny" and another.

"moe" then he stops. "The God has spoken... I shall take this destination hehehe" he said in a monotonous voice but failed to hold his laugh a few moments later.

And so he sets out to this direction walking straight whilst shivering like a pitiful baby. Sneezing many times over and over as he walks. And of course the struggle in walking in thick layer of snow.

And after an hour or two he found something.. A glow coming from a far.. And... A smoke?.

"Someone's here!" and so he hurried forward. Struggling and walking through the thick snow the buries his feets. And not long after that he reached the source of light.

And a look of surprise and reluctance appeared on our boy Lukeas as he was staring at a small house in the middle of this snowy Forrest. He could hear laughter and voices from within.

As he listened to the harmonious chorus of happiness emanating from within, Lukeas found himself torn. Hesitation tugged at his heart.

He contemplated whether to seek refuge and assistance within the cozy haven or to continue his solitary journey through the snowy mountains.

Doubts lingered in his mind. Would they accept him, a stranger clad in snow and uncertainty? Would he burden them with his presence? That's what made him reluctant.

He glanced back at the vast expanse of the snowy mountain, its treacherous terrain stretching out before him. Then he look back to the house and with a deep breath Lukeas stepped forward, his footprints leaving imprints upon the pristine snow.

As he approached the door, he couldn't help but keenly look at the house and realized.. Its actually a humble Japanese hut, nestled amidst the wintry forest like a hidden gem. Its modest thatched roof, covered in a dusting of snow, sloped gently downward, its simple structure blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings. Soft light emanated from within, casting a warm glow that spilled through the cracks in the wooden walls.

"wait... Japanese hut??" his brows furrowed and he once again wondered where he actually is..

The hut exuded a rustic charm, its weathered wooden planks displaying the passage of time. Intricate patterns of frost adorned the exterior, adding a delicate touch to its unassuming facade.

The fragrant scent of burning firewood mingled with the crisp air, creating an inviting atmosphere that embraced Lukeas and without anymore reluctance he raised a hand, poised to knock, but then the door opens up before he could do it.

"Oh! Traveler! You've been standing out here for a while now. How about youcome over and let the storm pass?"

The person said.

But Lukeas have his eyes stretch wide. His lips opened in a small "O" as he stared in deep surprised.. 'N-no way!!'

Did i use cliffhanger right? Hahahahah

Also if you enjoyed reading so far please leave a comment or a review!

Throw some stone while your at it perhaps whahahahha

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts