

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs


In the paper what Lukeas did was a powerful feat of strength and skill... But no.. It is only a feat of cunningness. Since he's not really fighting the entire horde but holding them back.

How? You may ask? Well its easy.. First, find all the large monsters. Second do what you can and get closer to them.. And third, kill those big monster and then repeat...

The corpse of those monster would act as a wall that may restrict or even stop the advancement of the monsters.. And also mame them spread out their group.. Making the entire fight easier..

But even with this Lukeas is currently all battered up. He's not bleeding yet, but he have already sustained multiple injuries..

His right arm have shattered, his ribs cracked... And his skull too. .. What happened?

Well.. Lets get back a few minutes earlier.




Lukeas who have spotted a large silhouette of a monster behind the horde if the enemies quickly went for.. Killing smaller ones on the way.. He now was out of [Second Gear] mode as he was too tired to keep it up and he couldn't risk collapsing here or hell be eaten alive..

But when he got closer he realized how fucked up he is.. The monster that he thought to be a simple land drake turn out to be a gigantic Chimera.

Its size alone was intimidating, with its body standing over 10ft tall. The creature's head was a bizarre combination of a turtle and a bird, with a sharp beak that looked like it could easily tear through flesh. Its eyes glinted with an eerie intelligence, as if it was sizing up its prey.

The chimera's back was adorned with a spikey shell, like that of an armadillo, protecting its vital organs from any potential attacks. Its muscular legs were reminiscent of an elephant's, each ending in four razor-sharp claws that dug deep into the ground as it moved. The creature's long, sinewy tail stretched out behind it, reaching up to 6 meters in length. But it was the tail's end that truly caught Lukeas's attention. A thick, round bone protruded from the tip, with a rough shape that looked like it could inflict severe damage.

The chimera's entire body was covered in thick, coarse fur that looked like it could repel even the sharpest of blades. Its breaths came in deep, steady huffs, as if it was preparing for a deadly battle.

At this moment the same voice appeared again and started whispering madness to his ears.. Urging him to fight it and get even stronger. Get stronger or the others will.

Without much thought, he lunged forward, his staff at the ready. However, the Chimera was far too quick for him, and as he approached, it swung its massive tail with incredible force, hitting him square in the chest. Lukeas felt like he was hit by a freight train, his body flung through the air, and he tumbled along the ground, rolling to a stop some distance away.

Despite the pain and damage he had sustained, Lukeas was quickly on his feet again, fueled by the same voice that had brought him here. He knew he couldn't afford to hesitate, and he charged back towards the Chimera, his staff tightly in his hand.

The Chimera, however, was prepared for his attack. With a swift motion, it swung its tail once more, this time aiming for Lukeas's head. Lukeas managed to twist his body at the last moment, using his arm and the staff to block the incoming strike. The impact was brutal, and Lukeas felt his arm snap like a twig under the force of the blow and couldn't help but to let go of the staff.

The Chimera's tail was a formidable weapon, strong enough to crush bones and knock the wind out of any attacker. The thick, round bone at the end was like a battering ram, capable of delivering devastating blows with incredible force. It was a weapon that had evolved over time, honed by countless battles and predators that had dared to challenge the Chimera's dominance.

As Lukeas struggled to his feet, he knew that he was in deep trouble. The Chimera loomed over him, its beady eyes fixed on him. He could feel the heat radiating from its body, and the stench of its breath made his stomach churn. He knew that he needed to come up with a new plan if he had any hope of defeating the Chimera and surviving this encounter.

He needed to change his tactics if he was going to stand a chance. His broken arm was a hindrance, but he knew he could still fight if he used his other arm and some quick thinking. He picked up a staff that was lying on the ground nearby.

The Chimera snarled as it saw Lukeas approach with the staff, but Lukeas was undeterred. He knew that the staff would give him reach and the ability to deflect the Chimera's attacks. He twirled the staff in his hand, getting a feel for its weight and balance.

As the Chimera charged towards him, Lukeas stood his ground, waiting for the right moment to strike. He deftly blocked the Chimera's initial attack with the staff, using its length to keep the Chimera at bay. With each swing, Lukeas could feel the weight and power of the Chimera's attacks, but he managed to hold his ground. The secret is from his jumps..

Whenever hes going to block the chimera's attack instead of holding his feet as rooted in the ground as he could so he wont fly away from the impact, he now jumps before blocking the attack.. And letting the force go through him and pretty much ride the tails momentum instead of going against it. Although he would be send flying using this technique.. It's still better than losing another arm in the process.. And so...

Using the staff's length to his advantage, Lukeas managed to strike the Chimera's legs, forcing it to stumble and slow down. He followed up with a strike to the Chimera's head, causing it to roar in anger. Lukeas continued to circle around the Chimera, striking at its weak points, using the staff's reach and using it as a platform and making use of his agility to his own advantage.

The Chimera was not used to this type of attack, and Lukeas could sense that it was getting frustrated. It lunged towards him, but Lukeas managed to sidestep it and delivered a powerful strike to its side. The Chimera let out a deafening roar and staggered back, stunned by the blow.

Lukeas knew that he had the upper hand, and he pressed his attack, striking the Chimera again and again. With each blow, the Chimera's strength waned, and it became slower and more sluggish.

Lukeas saw his opportunity and he quickly jump up in the air.. And while mid air his skin suddenly got red and tick steam suddenly burst out of his body.. And with a scream he quickly delivered the final blow

"[GEAR SECOND: MAGNUM]!!" striking the Chimera's head with all his might. The Chimera let out a final, pitiful cry before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

Then he looked around.. And wonder.. 'Why did no other monster came to fight me while I'm getting wrecked?' he thought as he surveys all the monster watching him..

Looking at their eyes.. He felt chills down his spine... It's like all the monsters present here have a human like eyes... It's far too intelligent... It doesn't hold the usual madness and the wild nature of all the monster... And it actually waited for them to finish their fight.

But then as if something was unveiled... Everything came back to normal with all the monsters eyes turning back to its usual rabbid and crazy look.... Their desire to wreck havoc returns..

And Lukeas was left confused... 'Am i going insane? Arrghh enough of that shit.. Leta focus more on here or i might fucking die for real'

Instead of questioning the reality he just put it to the back of his mind.....

'Good boy..... Just keep that up get stronger.... And soon....'

A faint voice muttered.