

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 41: Trouble

Lukeas look up to the stage with an annoyed expression.

'What is it with this guy? Is he that annoying mini villain at he start of a story that would keep fucking around the MC' s life?'

He curse inwardly.'But fighting back would result with this guy taking out the big guns... And i cant afford to deal with that..' he sighed and shifted on his seat..

Seeing the person he called out not reacting made Altair even more mad as he grit his teeth harder and muttered "Don't make me repeat it, boy"

'Haa.. this guy.. It's best to not cause too much trouble for now.. Not until I'm more aware about the kingdom and some general knowledge of this world...' while thinking of this something suddenly came to his mind

'Wait... If hes the mini villain wouldn't that mean I'm the MC??? Now that i think of it.. I did get reincarnated... And i do have a cheat power!'

Then Lukeas looked at the ceili-HOLY SHIT HE'S LOOKING AT US! HES LOOKING AT YOU!

"Ill do my best to make my life interesting hehe.. Just keep reading or watching and support the author who's writing this hehe"

He spoke in English making it sounds like a gibberish to others.. But it was a... *sniff*... It's such a wholesome shit! *sniff*

But of course other do not understand it.. Making them assume all kinds of things. Specially the one guy in the stage... Altair..

'Did he just curse me in a foreign language? Him? A weak scum?'

He was about to open his mouth again to say something but shut up once he saw Lukeas getting up and started approaching the stage.

Once he climbed over Altair wore a satisfied face. "Do you know why i called you up here?"

"Uh... Cuz you wanna see my handsome face closer? Apologies but you're not my type" he said while faking his embarrassment and fidgeting hinata style like a cringe bastard but it did got a few laugh from the students from its silliness.

But for someone he insulted it doesn't look cringe at all... It was so insulting that he wanted to rip Lukeas' head off. But knowing the rules of the shcool... He couldn't just kill him without a proper reason... So he decided to use his word as well..

"You're completely wrong.. I've seen guys more handsome than you.. You're like a shit stain compared to them." he smiled thinking that it was a quite good comeback.

"Oh.. So you are indeed Gay! Everyone Professor is Gay! Can you believe it??!!" he laugh and covered his mouth with his hand like a sly fox while telling everyone.. Getting even more laugh from the crowd.

'Heh.. You dont know this.... But I'm goddamn good at trash talking after spending a few months in Call of duty.. All my suffering were worth it...' he smiled as he remember how much he said the N word and all the slurs and all the 'your mom' joke..

'I'm unbeatable!'

"You! -..." he was about to lose his temper but he took a deep breath and calmed himself down then added.

"I've call you hear because you were noisy when i was giving a lesson.. So i want you to bow down and apologize to me.. And everyone in this class for being a loud noisy kid"

"Oh?! For sure!" Lukeas replied casually and turn to the class.

"Im sorry everyone for being loud and causing some disturbance.. I hope you all forgive me.." he said while bowing his head.

Then he turned to professor Altair and bowed.. "Sorry for disrupting your class hehe.. I'm quite noisy since when I was young"

Lukeas did all of this without showing any sign of embarrassment or shame that the usual noble kids often shows.. Resulting in Altair being confused.

"What? You thought I'd say 'I'd rather die than bow to someone' kind of shit? I'm no idiot.. You'd probably use it to fuck me around the shcool... But again.. I'm not into you so you ain't fucking me"

"You scum-" professor Altair raised his hand and Lukeas felt him charging up for a spell.

"What? You gonna blast me? Let's see how the principal reacts~ my potential is quite good.. I think he's gonna be upset if some teacher attack me even though i haven't done anything wrong" he shrugs and shook his head.

"I mean I've already apologized.. And i didn't even said something to ruin your image.. Ive only ask some questions." Lukeas smiled and on the other hand the professor looked even more pissed as he tried his best to control his anger by gritting his teeth..

" I'll - " he was about to say something when a sudden notification came from the tattoos of everyone that belongs in the school.






Everyone was obligated to take a look at the mission even the teacher, that's why when Altair look back up he couldn't see Lukeas anywhere.. As Lukeas took his chance when Altair was looking at the content of the announcement and ran away.

"I'll remember this"






"Welp... I know i could have handled that way better but that would be boring right?" Lukeas said... Staring right through my- our soul...

"Enough wall break.. Let's focus on our main objective."

Currently Lukeas could be seen blitzing past all the building and students as his body produce steam from his skin. His heart beating like drums, his skin turning red from the heat of his blood.



With a loud landing Lukeas arrived at the gate of the Adventurers headquarters in an iconic pose with his right fist on the ground and his other hand on his left thigh. While thick smoke rises from his body.

Later he arrived in front of the quest board.. Some students were already present here.. Perhaps they were here when the announcement came... But enough of that.

He look at the Urgent Quest categories and saw hundreds of not.. Thousands of papers stack upon each other..

He survey each one with his eyes and saw that it was a subjugation quest... But whats interesting was instead of killing a certain amount of monsters what it said was:


[Urgent quest

Kill every monster spotted in the sector 12 of the kingdoms map

Reward: 10 points per confirmed monster take down]


... "Its a zone subjugation quest?"

A zone clearing quest..


As you may not know.. There is 3 type of subjugation quest.

One of them is {Specific subjugation} where the adventurer must slay a specific creature/person... This is like a bounty.. But instead of just for humans.. Its for any living things. And how do they do that? Well they give that specific monster a nickname or title.. Or pretty much a short description like

"The Gob-Shaman of the eastern forest goblin tribe"

Also they have a lot records of monster in the area.. Since one of the most common quest is a scouting mission where adventurer dont have to fight but only gather information. This is where the adventurer guild decide which monster to put up on the {Specific Subjugation} categories.. Since most of the target of a specific subjugation is a strong creature and not just a random target.. But if it is indeed a random target.. The quest giver will give the adventurer the details about this creature..

The next one is the most common form of subjugation quest.

The {counted subjugation} pretty much the common quest like.

"Kill 5 goblins"

"Kill 10 horned wolves"

"Kill 3 of the Celestial Gods"

Stuff like that.

And the last.. The {Zone subjugation} where the adventurer are task to clear out an entire section of the map off any monster and kill everything that may cause harm in there. But it can also be a much more specific area like.

"Kill all monsters in the sewer of the kingdom"

"Kill all the monster in the swamps"


".. Every Urgent quest is a Zone subjugation.... This is quite hard isn't it? As expected of the academy.... They did say it will be a hard year for us..." Lukeas sigh and reluctantly took and ripped one of the quest card that was hanging in the gigantic board...

" Well.. I guess it's time to see how much i improved.. "









(Author here! If you're enjoying the story so far please do make a review and send some stones! It would greatly help this novel.. And seeing lots of people reading my work give me motivation to continue working! Thanks for reading!)

(A bit of edit! Also, im baaackk!!! I just did some back-reading haha)