

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 38: Excess Points to Use!

Lukeas strolled through the bustling streets of the Royal Academy's shopping district, weaving his way through a sea of students vying for the attention of potential customers. The air was alive with the sounds of enthusiastic vendors shouting out their wares, each hoping to attract the eye of passing shoppers.

Everywhere he looked, Lukeas saw a dizzying array of students outfitted in a vast assortment of equipment and armor. He couldn't help but marvel at the sheer variety of goods on display, from rare magical artifacts to simple trinkets and knick-knacks.

As he made his way through the throngs of people, he noticed that many of the students had set up carpets or stalls to showcase their latest spoils from recent quests. It was clear that they had no need for these items, and were eager to trade them for points with anyone willing to buy.

Lukeas couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he browsed through the goods on offer. There was so much to choose from, and he knew that with a little bit of bargaining, he could come away with some truly valuable items.

While browsing he would stop in some stalls once in a while and buy some simple trinkets that he finds interesting or useful. One of them was a smoke bomb.. It was a crystal like ball the size of a golf ball it was clear and one could see a dancing smoke within..

It was crafted but some students that specializes in alchemy and crafts. So there's a small risk of it failing.. But he went to buy 5 of them anyway..

"Hmm... I guess I also need to learn how not rely on my eye some time.." he muttered to himself while walking away from the store.

Total points left. 5,278pts[1]

'hmm.. What else should i buy?..' he thought as he keep walking around and search for more equipments. Then he saw something getting sold.

Its a Bo staff that has the same length as his height.. Which is 6ft[2]. And something just attracts Lukeas to it. So with a little hesitations Lukeas approach the seller.. He was a man in a familiar attire.. It was the same as what the shaolin monks wear on earth..

"uh.. Hi... Can i know more about this staff??" he asked the man

"Gud choys, gud.. 10% off.. I give you free shoe! Bery gud deel!"

"Uhh... Im just aski-

" 15% off! Free shoe! Free rice! Lah. Buy it now! "

Without being able to say anything. Lukeas was bombarded by offers that make it look like the seller was actually trying to get rid of the staff.

And the dude also say it with such a thick accent like a Chinese man from earth. Lukeas feeling conflicted, chuckled. 'It...actually don't look that bad...'






"Hehe.. I finally got rid of that shit, it's too heavy for a normal staff.. And I'm not even a staff user. And i even got a hundred points from it.. What a fool" the man wearing the monk uniform snickers while Lukeas slowly walks away.

"My dad's technique did work... Well.. I better get going to class"

In the end Lukeas finished his errands in the bustling Marketing district, a wooden staff that caught his eye is now strap on his back.

It was made of a rare wood that he had never seen before and of course of metal, and it was decorated with intricate carvings of mythical creatures, such as fierce dragons, majestic tigers, slithering serpents, galloping horses, elegant birds, and even a kirin and a horned panther. He couldn't resist the staff's charm, and so he purchased it, slinging the strap over his shoulder.

Though the staff was rather heavy, weighing around 10 kilos, Lukeas didn't have much trouble carrying it around, thanks to his strength. It felt well-balanced in his grip, and he was sure that it would prove to be a valuable tool for his travels.

Along with the staff, he also bought some useful items for his journey. He purchased healing and mana recovery potions that could be lifesavers in times of need.

The map he bought was detailed and well-made, and it would help him know more about the world. He also picked up a small, sharp dagger that he could use for protection or as a tool. Lastly, he got some new clothes since he couldn't bring one in the academy..

And yes.. He have been wearing the same clothes since the entrance.. But he does washed it whenever he took a bath at the river.

Then he willed the star tattoo on his wrist and activated it. And suddenly a small dot could be seen in the distance.. And he started heading towards it.

After speaking with Izerie he learned a few tricks with his tattoo.. And also realize that each students got a their own room.. And their room also depends on what grade the receive at the entrance exam.

Base on his memory, he was pretty sure he got a B. And with that in mind he hurried his pace, excited on what his room would look like.





Lukeas pushed open the door bearing his name and stepped inside, gasping in awe at what he saw. The room was more akin to a small house, complete with its own backyard, which was secluded from the outside world by thick walls of bushes that stretches up high. The natural barrier gave the yard a pleasant, unimposing appearance and a feeling of privacy.

The backyard was equipped with a pool and an empty patch of ground that featured a weapon rack nearby, possibly indicating a training area. To add a touch of beauty, there were even some well-tended flower beds.

Moving indoors, Lukeas discovered a fully-equipped kitchen boasting a variety of cooking appliances, including a counter, stove, and oven. The fire could be controlled using runes engraved on the stove instead of a conventional turner.

'so they mixed magic and technology huh?'

There was also a cabinet pull off spices, materials, ingredients, and tools. And something similar to a refrigerator but instead of electricity it make use of ice and cold runes.

The interior also featured a bathroom, living room, guest area, dining room, and Lukeas's bedroom, all decorated in a pleasant oat color, which created a welcoming and cozy atmosphere

There's no T.V though or any entertainment device.. Kinda sad.

But over all. It was great.. No, it was perfect for him.

Then Lukeas entered his bedroom, he was met with the cozy sight of a king-sized bed and a nearby cabinet.

His eyes then caught the floating lamp, emanating a soft light that didn't strain his vision, which hovered over a wooden table in the study area of the room.

The space was dimly lit, with the floating device providing a warm ambiance that made the room feel inviting.

He proceeded to place his clothes in the cabinet and carefully set the map and potions on the wooden table, while his staff leaned against the nearby wall.

As he sat on his bed and sighed, 'I guess i should start visiting school instead of going solo..' he contemplated, ultimately deciding that it was time to start attending school regularly.

Lukeas extended his arm, activating the star tattoo on his wrist, which displayed the current time: 11:28 am. With a quick glance at his schedule, he noted a general subject class at 1:00 pm, following the lunch break.

Feeling hungry, he rose from the bed and headed to the kitchen to see what he could whip up with the ingredients available








Author's note! : a few chapters from here on out would be a filter to set the real deal... And sorry for the awful update schedule.. I'm getting busy with school exam is right in the corner.. Hahah.. Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare