

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 33: [Dragon's Heart]'s Dramatic Entrance

Lukeas slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was lying on the ground, covered in a thick, black, slimy substance. The pungent smell of the sludge was overwhelming, and he felt his stomach churn with disgust. He struggled to sit up, his muscles aching and his head pounding.

As he stood up, he shook off as much of the sludge as he could, but it seemed to cling to him like a second skin. He stumbled towards the bathroom, his feet slipping on the slick floor. When he finally reached the door, he reached out to turn the knob, but as soon as he applied the slightest pressure, the knob flattened under his touch.

He recoiled in shock, staring at the ruined doorknob in his hand. The metal was warped and twisted, as if it had been melted and reformed. A small round hole was left where the knob should have been, and Lukeas could see the splintered wood of the door beneath it.

He couldn't believe what had just happened. How had he managed to deform metal with his bare hands? He looked at his palms, but they appeared normal, except for the black residue from the sludge.

Despite feeling confused, Lukeas continued with his routine and cautiously made his way to the bathroom. He took a bath, trying to clear his head and make sense of the situation. After finishing his bath, he looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't believe what he saw.

While his face appeared relatively unchanged, he noticed that the excess fat and wrinkles that were once there had disappeared. His body appeared broader, and his skin was smoother than ever before. He also felt incredibly strong, as if he could take on anything. But the most striking change was his golden pupil, which replaced his usual green one.

Lukeas couldn't help but wonder if this transformation was a result of his cultivation using mana instead of ki. He felt a mixture of wonder and shock at the changes he was experiencing, trying to make sense of what had happened. He realized that he would need to explore this new power further to understand it fully.

As he stared at his reflection, he felt a newfound sense of power and confidence, eager to see where this transformation would take him. With a deep breath, he left the bathroom and began his heading outside to the training area to discovering the full extent of his new abilities.

Lukeas examined his body closely and was amazed at how much stronger and tougher he had become. His skin, which had previously protected him from punches, stones, and falls, was now even more resilient. It could withstand a direct hit from a hammer or a dull knife, and it would prevent him from completely getting hurt if he rolled down a mountain.

He was also impressed by the strength of his bones. They could probably resist a few hits from a sword, and he wouldn't shatter any bones if he fell from a great height. But that wasn't all. His senses had also been enhanced significantly. He could see, hear, and feel things that he never had before. He could even smell the lingering scent of the previous occupant of the room he was in, as well as the pungent odor of the black tar on the floor back on the room he was in.

And as for the internal changes lets talk about his heart first, the source of all of this..

He could feel that each beat sends a pulse of mana throughout his body. So technically his [Aura] is now always active. But it doesn't consume his mana since his mana is traveling through his arteries and circulatory system and not really leaving his body.

And it would also flow back to the heart to recharge and to re-cycle the circulation.

If a normal person use [Aura] a part of the body gets covered in mana.. But on his case..his passive [Aura] doesn't really covers his body.. But his very own cells. Giving more solid defense. And whats more each time his cell divides the new cells are more adapted to magic becoming stronger with each passing time.

But all of this comes with a devastating effect..

Because when Lukeas tried to cast a spell it felt like his blood was drained.. He felt weak and thirsty.. And that's when he realized that since his mana have fused with his blood, with each use of his mana, he also throw some of his blood away.

Although the spell is a bit stronger than usual it is still such a huge backlash..

Currently Lukeas could be seen dressed in a new set of clothes the inn provided.. He was standing in the training area outside the headquarters.. And have tested some of his abilities..

Obviously, his strength, speed, durability, and reaction have increased. Specially his strength. Now he could shake an entire tree with a punch and it doesn't hurt as much as before too.

But the most surprising thing is.. If he focused enough.. He could see the mana in the air.. And if he looked at a human, with enough concentration and by spending a little amount of mana blood he could see their mana flow.. And could easily spot their mana heart.

But even after all of this. His mana capacity is the same.. And he still dont have any element, nor his mana changed a little..

All the changes that happened were physically

"I cant believe it... The backlash is good, but the boost is still too good to be true!" he said in a lost expression, he have long seen the affect of the boost and have accepted it.. But now that he have seen everything.. It is still quite surreal.. "My skill [Formless] seems to not be affecting my mana... Or perhaps i dont have the requirements?" he added.

He have also found out that only a night have passed.. And since he started the process yesterday afternoon.. It took him somewhere around 17 hours of compression...

".... With all that in mind... I shall name this... [Dragon's Heart]! Hehehe.. So cool"

"Lukeas? Why are you here? Aren't the junior have a examination battle at the arena?" suddenly a voice said..

He turned around to find Julie and Rueen.. They seems to have just finished a quest..

"Julie? Where have you been?" Lukeas asked.

"We were force to accept an urgent quest... And the migration of the monsters from the west is getting worse.. They're getting more and more closer to the capital... And merchants and travelers are getting attacked left and right.. So the association issued an urgent subjugation quest.. And you should probably go.. Even though students are free to do what they want.. Exam battle is an important thing.. You might get kicked out if you dont attend... " she explained and added a warning before finishing her speech.

" oh right... Thanks... I should probably go now.. "

And with that Lukeas started sprinting away.. His current speed was equivalent to a carriage at max speed.. Shocking some people that are seeing him run.

"wait.. Is it me or Lukeas look nicer?" Rueen suddenly voiced out.

"shut up. Ren... Lets go.. We need to report what we found.." then they went into the headquarter.

- - -

"I wont repeat again... Is Student Lukeas present?.. If he don't show up. I will consider princess Cassadin Jehies

(pronounced as: Jay-yeas) Aurelius [1] the winner of this fight" a bald fierce looking man shouted as he looked around the arena.

Meanwhile Lukeas grew more and more anxious. He realized that he had not fully prepared for this moment, and the thought of failing the exam made his stomach churn. But he refused to give up. He quickly put on his fighting gear and grabbed all his stuff, knowing that he needed to get to the exam location as soon as possible.

Lukeas rushed out to the campus and ran towards the exam location and since the entire school campus is pretty much as huge as a small town he felt even more depressed. As he ran, he used his superhuman speed and agility to make up for lost time. He leaped over obstacles and dodged pedestrians, leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him. He even made use of the buildings.. Leaping on top of them to jump to another building, and avoid having to squeeze himself through the crowds.

As he approached the exam location, he realized that he was already late. His classmates had likely already begun fighting, and he knew that he needed to make a grand entrance to make up for his tardiness. Lukeas looked around and spotted a nearby building. He quickly scanned the area for any objects he could use to make his entrance more dramatic. And since the arena have an open ceiling he got a bold idea.

Earlier before he left for the exam he found a way to control his blood as well as his heart with his mana. And and with a faster heart beat.. A stronger blood flow.. And since his blood carries his mana, his [Aura] gets stronger.. But at a cost of faster stamina consumption. And he call this skill.. [Second Gear].

"[Second Gear].. Start!" he muttered with a small smile as he remember a nostalgic anime that inspired this skill..

Suddenly a strong beating of heard was suddenly heard as if an engine is roaring. Then his skin became a but flushed.. And a sudden burst of steam came out of his lips.

And he bent his leg preparing to jump.. And with a swift and a burst of strength. He sprang up and lunch him self a dozen of meters in the air with an incredible speed. And once he saw that the arena is exactly below him he disperse his skill. With a big exhale from his mouth.. Releasing a thick fog of steam as he plummet down the ground..

And with a shocking impact the students exclaimed in shock. Except for a few who felt his presence. Everyone tried to take a better look at what caused that sounds.. But they couldn't see anything pass the fog..

But as the wind blew it away a figure can be seen in a landing pose. He slowly stands up and inhaled..

"Did i made it in time?" Lukeas asked looking at the examiner.

The bald man smiled.. "Took you long enough."

= = =

[1] - you might remember her as the veiled girl in the entrance exam.. She was wearing white at that time.. And shes together with her brother.. And both of them are the children of the king

.. I added some more..

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts