

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 26: The school starts. But I don't care.

I'm a field crowded with the new students, chaos ensued as more and more tried going after the person who have the most points to challenge and defeat him just to get his points.

Yet whenever they look at the man who was running away. Their sense would go into an overdrive, some getting nauseous and some even vomiting or passing out.

Ellison who was still standing back on the stage have a small smile on his lips. Even though the Lukeas and the students are already inside and running around the halls of the building he still could see without any problems. Looking at his eyes, his irises glows with a bluish glint.

"Hoh.. That's the kid that said my shoe were fancy right? So his name is Lukeas." he said with his lips curving up.

Then he paid attention to Lukeas movement techniques. Even he an expert still find it confusing and hard to analyze. "Interesting.... I wonder who thought him that... Well.. Anyway.. My job is done.." having said so he turned around and suddenly vanished with a swift sound.


In the building 3 where the infirmary and the storage are located Lukeas can be seen panting and gasping for breath. He was leaning on the wall of the hall, his chest heaving up and down heavily, with his legs twitching and trembling once in a while.

"D-damm.. This shit hurts.. It may be an effective skill but it hella hurt." he squeeze out his voice.

He have only been running around for less than 3 minutes yet his leg is about to give up. The stamina expenditures of the skill [Death March] was insanely high. Because if Lukeas was just running normally.. He could last an entire day before needing to rest. But he couldn't even last 5 minutes using the skill..

'Looks like it takes more time for me to adapt physically...' he thought.

Ever since the test, or specifically, yesterday.. He have started trying to find more about his cheat skill [Formless]. And he have also looked back at the past and put in mind all the changes this skill of his gave him. And found couple of things.

First: His adaptation was inhumane.... Adaptation that human would require decades or centuries only took Lukeas a few days at least.. Or even hours.. And even evolution that would require a thousand years only took him a couple months.

Like for example... His bones... It much more denser and harder than a normal person, his lungs were bigger, his eyes were better, his nose, sense of touch, hearing, and resistance to certain diseases and infection are better stronger and more efficient than most humans... And he have also noticed his wounds would clog up faster and heal faster than normal. Small cuts that would take a human a week or a few days would only took a few hours or minutes at least for Lukeas.

Second thing was: he could "adapt" or copy the moves and behaviors of anything he desires, but moves that are more complex will take more time. Like for example... The man he met on the streets.. Even now.. He still couldn't hide his steps and movements as good as that guy. But he could quickly copy a strangers way of walking. Or even their fighting style. He now call this [Shadowing]

He even found his mind having more and more easier time to memorize and recall things. Perhaps it's because of his constant use of [Shadowing] which requires him to memorize and recall the movements he want to use.

With just this few things were already enough for Lukeas to think of hundreds of ways to get stronger..

"It wouldn't take me long till i can beat that shit stain without getting knocked out because of a damm lighting....." he whispered as he took a deep breath.. Then he forces him self to stand up straight.. " so... The school now starts huh?" he said as he looked at the window from the other side of the hall.

" Lets look around shall we? "


In the highest peak Lukeas could find in the vacinity Lukeas could be seen Looking around like an eagle searching for its prey. But for Lukeas' case he was just looking at the entire school grounds. And the only thing in Lukeas' mind right now was. 'This shit is waay to huge to be a school'

Because it is... The entire school grounds contains 27 major buildings, each with their individual floors and even more smaller ones.. With the least reaching 3 to 5 floors. And the highest taking more than 10 floors.

But further away, he could see a tall wall... Its the same as the one outside the City.. 'Is that the kingdoms wall? Or its a different one?'

He also noticed a big gate beneath it.. And it was widely open.

He have also noticed the existence of students who a peculiar gold bracelets.. And not just one but an entire crowd. He also noticed some of the students who wore a golden bracelets going in and out of some buildings.. And some are even fighting and dueling outside..and some going outside that same gate he saw from a far.

Some forms a group.. Some remains hidden and alone. 'who are this guys?... The seniors?' he guessed.. But it's nothing but a hunch for now.

Looking around he also noticed a unique building that was entirely black. And have no windows.. He could also see a lot of students that wore the same bracelet training outside.. So enthusiastically that it looks like they do not want to forget something... 'So thats the library? Should i check it ou-!!!! -

Suddenly Lukeas was forced to move his head to the side to avoid an incoming arrow. Looking down he saw a beautiful girl aiming her bow at him..'the fuck did i doo??!!' he screamed in screamed in his mind before reluctantly jumping away from the edge of the building's roof and hiding himself from the hostile woman.

"Haaahhhh.. Are people so hothead in this city? What's wrong with them???"


"what a creep... Looking at people's fron afar with such a weird look... Tsk... Should i go up there and beat him up?" a woman holding a bow said as she dismissed the item in her hand.

And like Camille her weapon vanished with a blue specs of light before flowing into the bracelet and disappearing completely.

She have a beautiful wavy red hair with a pair of piercing golden irises. She was beautiful and stand tall and proud with a stunning curves.

" I told you dont mind him, Ann.. I didn't even notice him looking at this way.. How can you be sure he's specifically watching us?" another girl said. This time the girl was a little shorter than Ann she have a brown straight hair and a green eyes lookin straight at the red head with a hint of frustration.

She sigh.."How many times have i told you to keep your self calm.. Why cant you just be like your brother Allan??"

"First off.. Allan is lazy and weird.. And I dont want to be a bad influence for Adam!" she replied crossing her arms over her chest to make her point.

"But the twins isn't even here! Why do you have to keep up this nonsense?!?" the short brunette asked.

"shut up Quinn..I'm not buying you food anymore ..." Ann said as she turn around. Leaving Quinn looking at her in shock.. "H-hey maybe we can talk this out?? Yes! Know that I think about it.. That guy in the roof gives me the creeps - " Quinn... Who was just complaining earlier were now suddenly agreeing with Ann and started praising her like a loyal minion. And Ann liked this very much as she and her friend walk into the cafeteria with a smile..


On the other hand Lukeas who have taken a detour was walking with a slow pace as he look up with an eyes of awe and wonder. He was currently standing near the gate.. He have decided to head here first after the incident earlier.

And looking up his guess were proven... 'It really was the same as the one use to protect the entire kingdom..'

Looking straight his eyes went beyond the gate and saw a huge grass lands, and a few further away a jungle lies with thick and dense population of trees and overgrowth. And few hills and mountains could be seen deep in the jungles.

Walking a little faster he quickly got out of the gate.. And realized... 'it's outside? ..... The school have access to its own gate? Wouldn't this pose a little bit of security issue?' but then he quickly took it back as he saw dozen guards walking around..

And most of them were no ordinary as he could easily feel dangerous air from those guards..

Following their movement with his eyes, he found them going inside one of the buildings just beside the gate.. 'They got an entire headquarter here.. Thats why they're confident....'

Realizing that he shifted his attention to other things.. And looked around some more.

That's when he found a big tent similar to one's use in circus.. And he approached it together with the other students who wear the golden bracelets..

And inside tables after tables were in. And students and adventurers could be seen drinking and partying around... "ooii junior welcome!" suddenly a guy with a red bandana greeted Lukeas warmly..

"Huh? Junior?"

"Well. You still dont have a spatial inventory bracelet that the shcool bestows to the seniors... And your also quite young to be a senior hehe" the guy laugh as he started walking around with Lukeas.

"So anyway.. Welcome to the adventurers quartets... This is the place you get quest and earn points... Yeah... This points thingy is quite new.. But we're getting a hang of it.." he said as he spreads his arm and mentioned to the whole place.

"That's the quest boards.. Thats the direction to the bathroom... And that's the counter... And that beauty is Visky! She handles the quest rewards and stuff.. She's a friendly woman! Specially if you gave her some cookies, but don't tell her i told you Hehe" he started pointing the places out and explaining things..

"So the shcool and the Adventurers Association created a partnership?" Lukeas asked.

"Yup... In exchange for letting student learn and experience the outside... The Adventurers Association(A.A) don't have to give out rewards money. But points... It's basically free labor for the A.A so of course they didn't refuse it."

Lukeas nodded and listened carefully.. Then The man in front of him turned. "I forgot to introduce my self.. I'm Gilbert.. 2nd year senior of the Northern Royal academy.." he said stretching his hand forward to Lukeas..

And Lukeas didn't hesitate to shake it. "Im Lukeas.. First year junior of the academy.. Nice meeting you" He smile..

"It's nothing.. I've been on your shoe before.. I felt lost and out of place.. Until the 3rd prince helped me out... So i wanted to help the juniors of mine as well.." he chuckled as he scratches his head.. "It's a bit childish but yeah.. Thats me haha"

"i dont find it childish at all... I really appreciate it.. So if you need help.. I guess you can ask me if we meet again!" Lukeas laugh.

"oh? You're gong out? It's quite dangerous... But sure.. I wont force you... But remember though.. Try your best not to stay out till the sun set... Because the moment the light are out.. The big guys starts coming out.... We've already lost some... It'll be bad if we loose more..... So i guess good luck.. If you have more questions.. Just asked around.. I'm quite popular here.. "he said boasting a little before saying farewell and heading out of the tent...

'He's cool... I wish more of the people here are like him... Not someone who would shoot arrows at stragers...' Lukeas sigh as he approach the quest board.

'lets see...."

Most quest he saw were subjugation quest and gathering quest.. He saw some specially hard ones that would require and entire party. And he saw some very easy ones like picking up some mushrooms.

After deciding for a while Lukeas took 3 different quest... 'I guess I'm not attending the first day of class... They didn't really said it's necessarily anyway.... And i doubt ill be able to get it off the room without those bastards jumping on me.'

He thought as he slowly approached the counter. "Hi Visky! I would like to have these quest!"

"Oh! A new face! Nice to meet you! And sure please wait a minute while i process it!" she enthusiastically said as she turns and started filling up some paper works.. "Here.. If you finished please give this to me so i can give it the reward" she said.

Lukeas smiled back at her and receive the tokens. 'She's indeed beautiful' he thought as he look at her..

She have a short black hair that is secured by a small beret. Her small round face is decorated by her small cute nose and bright brown eyes, her smile seems to be frozen in her face as she always smile yet its genuine and sweet. She wore a nice uniform for clerics and have a silver pendant hanging in her neck..

"Thanks! I'll see you later!" he finally replied after pausing to admire her beauty.

"hehe.. Goodluck! Sir! Happy hunting!"


Just outside the jungles Lukeas smile.. "it's been a while mommy nature... Please dont kill me this time as well.. And take care of me... Since i would be staying here for a while..." Lukeas sajd as he gave the jungle a courteous bow.

'I've decided to stay here and train my body.. With the new knowledge of my [Formless] skill... I now have a general idea how i can improve my power.... With nature of course' he looked up his eyes burning with determination.

Ending the bow he didn't hesitate to enter and went Unruh the thick foliage of the jungle and his figure quickly dissappear from view..