

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 13: Welcome to the Northern capital

After riding 3 more hours they finally reach the city... Lukeas look up and observe the gigantic wall in front of him. The slowly slowed down as they reach the gate. A dozen or so carriages lines up for entry giving Lukeas more time to observe what he can see..

The wall was made beautifully.. If hes not mistaken, each tiles contains a unique made pattern and even sculpture. Then his eyes went pass the walls and instead he looked at the very top and saw multiple statues of strange creatures hanging as if . If hes also not mistaken, he could see some soldiers looking down on them every now and then.

"Who are you people? And what is your goal in entering this place? And I believe y'all got to pay the entrance fee. And you guys will also have to sign some pap-." the guard said indifferently as if he have come tired of repeating this again and again. when Leonora suddenly took out a badge. "I believe we do not need to do so, sir..." and once the guards saw it, his attitude completely changed. Making him bow and say something incoherent for Lukeas..

'Who care of what he says.. I'm too tired.. Fuck those shit.. ' he thought as everything seems to become muted.. He cant hear anything anymore.. When suddenly he noticed he was inside the city's walls... "Fi... Finally....." and everything fade to black as Lukeas finally let his fatigue creep in.

On the other hand Alexandra who heard his last words was surprised when she felt the Lukeas weight increased as she was forced to lean forward. After pushing her body backwards and resuming her straight posture, she look back only to hear Lukeas faint snore.. She smiled.. "Sleep well mr. Adventurer." then she and her parents continue on their journey to reach their residence.. But this time Alex tried her best to keep the horse as stable and smooth as possible to not disturb his sleep, smiling all the way home. And her parents are all into it.. Smiling widely on their own watching their little princess.


In a large luxurious room with many expensive furniture and a one huge royal bed sits, a young teenage boy lays sleeping. He was sleeping with only a pants on underneath the blankets that currently covers his wonderfully trained body.

When suddenly his eyes fluttered and madly opened up as he aggressively sat up and warily looked around the room. 'Where am I? Where's my clothes? My bag? Am I in dang- oh never mind there they are'

He was speculating in his mind about the worse case scenario when he suddenly noticed that his equipment and armor was currently on an armor rack while his bag is just left besides the bed he's on.

Then he clearled his throat having a good idea where he is. "Ahem.... Uh... Andrew???" he yelled out the mans name then the door quickly opened and an elderly woman suddenly came in.

"Hello, young master Azbob.. Please wait for a while until the lord has returned.. Currently he's doing some business away from home and will shortly back before dinner" She quickly explained.

"Can i know how long have I been asleep?" Lukeas as expecting it to be a couple of days considering he have not slept for 2 weeks.

But surprisingly the lady said. "7 hours... The Ewen family just got in here young master, I too was quite surprised to see you up and ready with only a couple of hours of sleep after that whole ordeal." she expressed as she approaches the cabinet on the corner..

"And why is my armor removed?" he asked as he looked down on the blanket that covered his lower half.. Thats because he never remembered wearing a pair of pants.

"Well.. I thought that it would be hot inside that armor of yours.. So i decided to took it off.. The sheer heat that emitted out of the armor when i removed it quickly made me felt thirsty.. How can you wear it for a whole 2 weeks without dying?" she asked with a little surprise in her tone.

" I got used to it" Lukeas smiled. He wasn't sure too.. Perhaps the formless skill he have does not only apply in movement. But also the environment.... He was filled with excitement but he tried to contain it.

"... Anyway, you should stop wearing such a thick armor it might harm your health" Charmes said as she rummaging through the cabinet.

" Here please put this on young master.. I do appreciate your beautiful physique, but please have some mercy on this old woman. " she said without any hint of emotion.

'Is it me or I can hear a hint of flirtatious tone from her?' Lukeas looked at her weirdly. He would say she's gorgeous. With her black framed glass, a mature yet fair and smooth skin. A sharp keen eye. And a beautiful red lips, and of coures a generously curvy body.. She look gorgeous its even an insult to call her old.. Yet you could see her maturity just from her movement alone. Her graceful and reserve moves yet precise and fluid, as if she have done it many times.

"Young master of you keep looking at me like that I might get pregnant" she said with a very monotonous voice, yet one could notice a small smile in her lips. "Ma'am.. Please dont tease me.. I might cry." Lukeas closed his eyes and sigh deeply as he accepts the clothes and promptly put it on and stand up.


After Lukeas got dress the maid who introduced her self as Charmes and she even emphasize that it was pronounced Sha-hm. Which sounded very much like French to him. But whe he asked she said it was a name of a flower in this world.

They were currently walking in the halls as Charmes took him to a tour. She introduced each of the rooms and the directions to reach them. She also explained a brief history of this place. According to her Andrew and his family were actually originally from the north. And this is where they established their first branch until they move out to the eastern capital but stopped at a nearby village called Luicruos and thats where they continued their operation and decided they would slowly expand their business from there to the eastern kingdom of Tramonto.

"So thats the entire place... Now I've taken enough of your time.. Lord Ewen have given you full access to the mansion so, if you desire, you can go out and explore the capital city. It is also one of the major kingdoms in the entire continent. So its possible to find everything you need in here. And also, the red light district open at dusk." she said with a small smile and winked at him before walking back to her duties.

" If you need any assistance with anything just call for me young Master... I'll do anything you want~" she said before she went out of his field of vision by turning on one of the halls.

"... What an odd woman... Is she just playing around or is it legit?" he thought and after a moment he placed it in the back of his head. Lukeas turns around and realized he was exactly at the front door.. "Lets see what's the north is like shall we?" he smiled and pushed the door open.


After going out he realized that the mansion have a big front yard. 'Almost the size of a soccer field' he remarked. As he took a couple more steps before a man with a blue suit greeted him.

" You must be the young master lord Ewen told us about.. Tell me sir, how can i address you?" the man asked. "Im Albert, a coach man and also a butler.. Lord Ewen never really told us anything about you."

"Well.... You can call me Lukeas.." he replied. But internally hes sighing in relief in side.. 'Looks like Andrew didn't tell anyone about who am i... I'm sure whoever that tried killing Andrew is finding out anything he can about Azbob guy...and I better avoid wearing the armor for now' he thought but then he felt his hand being pulled by the man in front of him for a handshake.

"Welcome to the Northern capital!"

Sorry for the late chapter.. I got quite busy and did have time to write

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts