

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

A stillness descended upon the rainforest on that quiet night, shrouding the dense vegetation in darkness. A beam of moonlight, piercing through a small gap in the treetops, illuminated a gruesome scene: the body of a boy lay sprawled on the ground, its clothes stained red with blood. The wind rustled the leaves of the trees, causing them to dance around the motionless form.

However, the stillness was suddenly broken as the body began to stir. The chest rose and fell with renewed breath, and the wounds that covered the body started to close and heal at an unnatural pace. In a matter of moments, all traces of injury had vanished, leaving behind only a haunting silence in the rainforest.

And then nothing else happened to the body, other than the occasional twitching of it, the body remains "asleep". It goes on until the sun rises over the horizon.

Even though the night have passed, the forest remain quite dark and quiet because of the sheer amount of trees and vegetation present all around the forest.

The body suddenly moved, its eyelids twitched and his eye slowly opened up. "hmmmm... Uugghhh. F-fuck" a groan escapes from his lips as he stretched his stiff body. After a while when he seems to be quite satisfied he slowly sat up and started looking around.

At first his expression was that of a relax and sleepy face. Like someone who just woke up. And as he look around his face slowly shifted into someone who was surprised, then to someone who's horrified and confuse. He was terrified and lost, confused, and filled with questions.

He quickly stands up and he started walking backwards in fear and confusion. "Where am i? How did i got here???!!" he asked out loud.

Before he fell asleep he remember that he was just playing some games on his computer, and he felt tired so suddenly amd so he slept.. And other than that, he cant remember what else happened after that.

Then his back hit a tree making him stop and leaned on it for support. Before he could even question the reality he's

currently in he felt the most painful head ache he ever had.

And then memories started flooding his mind, with all the experience his "Body" have gone through.. Every single moment.

Him, or to be more precise, the body that he was on was named Lukeas with a silent E. (Lukas), his parents died from a monstrous bear with shells covering its body and razor-sharp claws that murdered most of the people in the village. It was said that the bear was expanding ita territory and it just happened that the place that the bear selected was the location of his village.

And because this they were forced out of their small village, the mayor even begged the imperial army for a small help yet, they refused to lend some hands without any payments. And because their village was small and poor they couldn't afford it and got no choice but to abandon their home.

And Lukeas then spent 3 years wondering and begging for food and money, doing odd jobs that barely pays, and was even forced to steal on multiple occasions. And one day, the man who owns the store couldn't take it anymore and hired some mercenary to get rid of him. That man chase him into the woods and obliterated him.

And for some reason the mercenary seems to be in a bad mood or hes just a perverted cruel bastard. Because he tortured him for hours, beating him and stabbing him in multiple places without doing any lethal damage and delivering the maximum pain. Before he finally stab him in the heart.

Seeing those memories, and watching them in first person, was too much for him, then he vomited what food that remains in his system.

"... Damm.... That shits fucked up" he said as he he pants in exhaustion, and suddenly shiver as he recalls those memories.

He might not be the one who experienced it, but he could feel phantom pains in his body as if he himself was the one being stab.

He could still clearly remember the face of the man that kills him, and his hand couldn't help but tremble whenever he recalls him,

"Better avoid that guy, at least for now.." he said as he stands up, feeling much better from the sudden memory transfer.

But before he could even take a step another vision suddenly appeared in his mind making him loose footing and directly planted his face in the soil.

In his mind he could see a golden card and a blue orb.

The card then shined brightly and a new information was transferred in his mind.

En Garde:

•Challenge the target and bring him in your domain to fight fairly. The target must be in at least 10 meters of radius away from you.

And the orb dissipate as if being dissolve in his sea of consciousness, and another information was integrated in his mind and soul.


•Be formless, adapt, mimic, be shapeless and boundless, be you, be everything. Be someone strong or a weakling, maybe even dance like a saplings. Be a fish, a man, be none and be gone.

After recovering a while he pushed him self up and sat down.

"..... What the fuck?" he said. "What does that shit even means?" he asked himself referring to the [Formless] ..

"Also, why am i here? And whats all this shit? Did I got isekai'd? This are my cheat skill?... No explanation or shit? Why is it so vague??!! And why mee???!"

Perhaps because of the stress of having a memory of your body dying he was getting too emotional and was slowly losing it.

Just yesterday he was playing his favorite game and living quite good. He never liked the idea of being isekai'd because it usually means lots of things is going to happen. And he's quite happy with his life..

What an irony.

And before he could pull himself together he felt something... Like a message going in his mind. A voice filled with glory, power and might and said.