
Chapter 854 In the End, No Mercy is Difficult

Chapter 854

"Report..." A young officer, breathless, ran into the tent, "General Guan went out to meet the enemy, and within a single exchange..."

Before the officer could finish, Li Xing sighed, "I knew it. General Guan is quite capable of coordinating, deserving of a commanding talent, but how could he be a match for Nu Meihu, that brute of a warrior. Alas, I have needlessly lost a great general."

The officer was stunned and said, "It's not like that..."

"You young fool, lacking self-knowledge, in my view, he deserved to die." Lei Tianyin felt quite a sense of satisfaction at this moment, although Guan Yu being killed held no benefits for him.

Inside the tent, it was full of sighs and nobody paid attention to the officer bringing the news. Gritting his teeth, he gathered the courage to raise his voice:

"General Guan went out to meet the enemy and within a single exchange, he severed Nu Meihu under his horse."