
Business partners

After a long while of exploring all the available features, Lisa felt like she just came back from a different world. The project was absolutely amazing. However, one of the few disadvantages is that it would make people extremely lazy and make millions jobless. The rich would remain richer and the poor would go poorer. The economy would be terribly affected.

"I'm interested in this idea, but what would happen to unemployment? Millions would be unemployed. If that happens, there would be a high crime rate and poverty amidst other bad effects in society. In such a case, just like other companies, we would also receive a devastating blow."

The two guys gave each other a knowing look.

"Actually, that is our greatest concern at the moment. We don't know how to bring this to the public without taking most of them out of their jobs. We want to relieve people of physical stress and not to cause them mental stress."