
Are you there?!

Another knock echoed through the cottage and this time louder like the person on the other end was trying to break down the door. Matthew stood up and looked at his wife and said"I'll go check it out it might be some hunters who got lost.You stay here ok I'll be back quickly"

Julia didn't get a chance to say anything because he left abruptly without waiting for a reply,so she could only wait for him to come back like he promised.But then seconds turned into minutes and he had yet to returned and the house was unusually to quite.

She started to have a bad feeling, usually when he's stepping out of the house he always tells her even if he'll be back in a minute or two.

Julia heart started to beat faster, but she tried telling herself that she's worrying for nothing and that Matt was ok. So she tried calling out to him"Darling is everything fine?! "but to her dismay she got no response. Her uneasiness started eating her up so she decided to try one last time and a little louder " Matt are you there?! "

And just like last time she didn't get any response and the house was eerily quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Despite what her husband told her about staying put and to wait for him, she gently put her baby down and stood up, but she immediately felt dizzy due to lost of blood and not getting any rest which resulted in her almost falling down.

But she immediately shook it off and tried to get to the front door while using the wall to support herself because like her legs felt like jelly.

When she got to the front door she was shocked to see it wide open, her eyes widened upon the sight of droops of blood on the front porch. She felt her stomach turn from fear of what might have happened to her husband.

She then heard thunder outside and realized that a storm had started.When she looked at the the drops of blood again she noticed that there was a trail of blood leading to the forest. She started thinking about all the worst possible scenarios.

Due to the fear she was feeling for her husband she rushed out of the house absent minded and not minding wind or the drizzle.She was following the trail of blood which she hoped and prayed that it wasn't her husband's.

The blood started to wash away leaving Julia frozen and rooted to the floor with widened eyes looking in horror as she watch her husband's lifeless body with his throat slit and his eye wide open lying against a tree.

An ear screeching scream left Julia's lips which would have echoed in the wood expect for the thunderstorm happening .The drizzle turned into a downpour,and she lost consciousness from both the horrific scene in front of her and from spending hours in labour which left her exhausted.