


He revealed a helpless smile, stepped forward, and took out a dry towel to help her wipe it.

As soon as he approached her, the familiar lotus and sandalwood scent instantly enshrouded Sian's body.

Sian unconsciously scrunched her forehead and thought it was weird.

Luckily Kane did not notice anything and merely saw an obedient, lovable girl sitting there and letting him wipe her long hair, occasionally blinking her eyes.

Her exposed skin was somewhat red after bathing, and her entire person appeared to be much more spiritual than during the day.

The two were both silent, but neither of them was self-conscious at all. When her long hair had quickly finished drying, Kane felt somewhat disappointed.

Sian was sure that Kane's face looked a little conflicted while watching her, she wanted him to leave at once, pretending to be autistic was stressful, it was as if her head would split open by now.

He placed the towel away and thought about the information he received from Lin, the helper. According to her, Sian would go to bed at this time of the night.

Not needing him to speak, the person at his side automatically stood up and walked to the bedside. She took off her slippers, laid down, covered herself with the quilt, and closed her eyes. After one action after another, she appeared to be asleep within a moment.

He smiled a bit. He knew that this was the habit that Sian had developed after so many years. He walked to the bedside and stared at her for a while. He softly whispered a 'Good night', turned off the light, and closed the door as he left.

Sian opened her eyes at once and the expressionless face she had the whole time gradually eased, she felt like everything was pure torture for her. She wanted to surrender effectively after a day.

The next day, when Kane knocked on the door, Sian had effectively cleaned up and sat on the edge of the bed.

He glanced at it. The quilts were neatly folded without a single trace of creases.

In his heart, he was aware that people like Sian could be said to have frighteningly severe OCD2 towards certain things. However, as long as they didn't influence her ordinary life, he would not roll out her improvement.

After the meal, Sian went to the Music room they prepared for her.

Every day after breakfast, Sian plays the Violin for an hour.

Khloe came to the Malcolm residence at this time.

Today, she came to apply for the job as the Malcolm Family's little young master's tutor. The Malcolm Family was a well-known rich and powerful family in the city. The salary for teaching their family's little young master was several times higher than other jobs. For Khloe, whose home circumstances were not very good, this was a rare opportunity.

"Miss Peters, the young master, and miss is in the first study room on the left-wing of the second floor." The Malcolm Family's housekeeper gave directions to Khloe.

"Thank you." Khloe looked at her surroundings feeling inevitably nervous in her heart.

She walked towards the path as directed by the housekeeper but unexpectedly heard the sound of a Violin.

Just listening to it briefly, Khloe, who had come from a music institution, knew that the person playing the Violin surpassed her by far in the aspects of the Violin.

Could it be that someone else also applied for this job? Khloe thought of this possibility and her heart stuttered.

The person playing the Violin was obviously way better than her. If they wanted to compete with her, she would have no chance of winning.

Her footsteps uncontrollably walked towards that direction and saw Sian sitting in the Violin room.

Sian's Violin room was decorated quite elegantly. The Malcolm Family intentionally built a glass Violin room next to the garden for her. As long as Sian looked up, she could see the sunshine and flowers outside. However, the dazzling, hot sunshine did not affect her.

Khloe stopped her footsteps and saw a girl playing the Violin in the Violin room. It seems like time had stopped ticking for her, everything just seemed to be a scene from a movie.

She wore a white dress with her head quietly lowered. Her white, slender fingers flew across the Violin strings, and a string of smooth, elegant music flowed from her fingertips.

She listened to it with fascination until Sian ended the song.

She noticed the Violin under her hand, 'Molitor' Stradivarius. This was the treasure that every pianist yearned for even in their dreams; however, there were very few who possessed Stradivarius violins.

Khloe calmed down her heart. When she saw Sian, she knew that this girl was not her competitor.

Sian paused for a few minutes before preparing to start another song. She knew that Khloe had already entered the floor she was on. What was dividing them was the glass wall that held her in and connected to the beautiful garden that had all the beautiful flowers. Sian purposely ignored her while working hard on playing the violin.

She could not understand what she was feeling, it was as if her hands were moving on their own and easily played it as she played it her whole life. It was almost as if the violin was a part of her body and every touch she made on it made her heartbeat crazily and yearn to hear it more.

Khloe snapped out of her daze. A moment ago, she came to this place to look for the person playing the Violin. Looking around, she discovered that she could not find the way back where she came from.

Looking at the time, her appointment with the Malcolm Family was at 9 o'clock. Now, there was still half an hour left.

After thinking for a moment, she went to the Violin room door and pushed it open.

The girl in the room had just begun playing another song. Sian chose a piece that was hard to play to somehow shame the woman.

Based on her memories from the original owner of the body, Khloe had done more than enough to cause her to feel hatred, she can't understand why, but she at least wanted to do anything to get revenge for Sian.

Khloe walked in front of Sian saying: "Excuse me, may I ask whether you know how I could get to the Malcolm Family's Eldest Young Master and the Young Miss's study room?"

As if she did not hear her at all, Sian did not raise her head and continued playing the Violin. She turned her back towards her and continued playing.

Khloe became somewhat angry and depressed. Although it was indeed a bit impolite to disturb someone playing the Violin, wasn't this person's attitude too arrogant?

However, she was, after all, asking for help. Khloe patiently waited for Sian to finish playing this song and prepared to ask her again.

After listening and listening, Khloe couldn't help but be jealous of her talent. Her heart was burning with jealousy and she almost wanted to strip away the Violin from her hands and just contemplate what made them so different?

She appeared to be younger than her, but the music that came from her hands seemed as if it had a soul. Like an angel's voice lulling her, tempting her to simply listen to every note.

She looked at the side of Sian's beautiful face and thought: God is unfair. She not only has an excellent family background, but she also possessed beauty that surpassed others. Her talent also leaves ordinary people behind in the dust, unable to reach.

If she had this kind of talent, perhaps the professors in college would each fight for her to be their student.

When Sian finished the song, she heard Khloe once again ask: "Hello, may I ask how I could get to Malcolm Family's Eldest Young Master and Miss's study room?"

Of course, it would be impossible for Sian to respond to her. Even if Sian was not autistic, with what Khloe did to the original soul, she too would never respond to her questions.

Seeing that the girl in front of her disregarded her as if she did not exist, Khloe became angry.

Are rich people so amazing? That they would look down on people in this way?

Seeing that Sian was starting to play again, she pulled the bow from her with her hand in anger.

The girl in front of her jumped in fright, and her gaze finally moved to her. If Sian could, she would have clapped her hands, she was so good at acting, maybe once this 'autism' gets cured, she could start her career in acting?

As she looked at that pair of defensive eyes, Khloe felt somewhat uneasy. There is something wrong here, she thought.

"Can't you hear that I'm talking to you? Where are the Malcolm Family's Eldest Young Master and Miss's study rooms? Is it so difficult to take the time to tell me?"


Maple Writes

Don't forget to leave a comment, share and give me reviews for me to know if there are things that I should improve with and change at the same time. Have a good day. Enjoy reading.

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