
Strike The Sun!

The Sun had mutated and had raised the radiation levels in the Earth. Three years have passed since this apocalyse occured. Humanity begins to rise up against the challenges caused by this phenomenon. Join Allen Stryka as he journeys towards beating the source of humanity's misfortune - The Sun itself!

onemeterofsky · Urbano
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32 Chs

Chapter 13: Stockholm Syndrome 4

Sutak Ormsindro did not receive any further reply afterwards. He could not see the expression of the weird kid. Fire or any forms of illumination would be a taboo in the evening after all. That is if one did not mind the beast attacks that might come rushing forward.

He was sure that the kid was not asleep though. He was probably doing some mental retreat of some sort. Perhaps meditation? Sutak could even swear that the kid had somehow disappeared from his senses for a second.

'Could it be that he became one with the surroundings?'

Was what the bandit leader had mused. But he thought that such thing was not possible. He began to suspect that it was the technique that the kid had developed to escape the abuse of the mutated beasts.

'What a weird kid indeed.'

Was the final thoughts he had given on the matter. He then let the issue rest for the remainder of the evening. He would just resume the mental conditioning tomorrow.

Hours passed and the time to change duties arrived. The lackey named Apatze approached the bandit leader to replace him on guard duty. The thin lackey would also assume the mission of converting the prisoner to their side.

Sutak searched for a good place to sleep. He set-up his spot and then closed his eyes.

But after a few hours, or maybe even minutes, he heard a commotion.

"You creep! You think we didn't notice? You're nothing but a rat slave! Hahaha, someone who bended over to 'serve' a couple of rats! Were they wild? Were they rough? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

Apatze was screaming on top of his lungs. He seemed to not care if he would attract the attention of the mutated beasts. Thankfully nothing tried to rush towards them.

He started kicking the tied-up prisoner. He then panted from his outburst. Once he recovered though he continued,

"Hey! Are you listening? Stop acting so high and mighty, you piece of crap! Rat sucker! Rat fetishist!"

The bandit leader facepalmed. He could not believe that the thin lackey would reveal such matter aloud. He even made sure that all the other lackeys would hear him. This caught their attention and they began mocking the prisoner as well.

"That idiot!"

Sutak blurted out. He suddenly felt weak. It was like a bag of riches were flying away from his grasp.

Why would the lackey destroy the reputation of their potential recruit? It would have been better to use that information as a leverage against the weird kid. He could have utilized that to blackmail the prisoner into submitting to him!

Now all of the members of the Orm Bandits would surely know about the 'special' circumstance of the kid. And once the word comes out, all of the bandits in the province would know about this as well. What would then be the use of having a lackey if he had this kind of 'peculiar' characteristics?

This was why he referred to the prisoner as 'weird' in his thoughts. But he never voiced it out loud. He did need to keep the reputation of the potential recruit intact after all.

This was not a good cop/bad cop scheme anymore. It was more of a bad cop/bad cop/bad cop scenario! The pretext he had setup a while ago was now destroyed. The image of a compassionate bandit leader was now broken.


Because the attitude of his lackeys would reflect on him, who was the gallant leader, in one way or another.

"Like I care anymore!"

Sutak gave up on trying to fix the situation. He lied back down and closed his eyes. He would just think of a solution tomorrow.

But the morning arrived without the problem being solved. The stupid thin lackey continued on making fun of the weird kid. The mocking from the other lackeys were not helping either.

Sutak had considered the thought of reprimanding Apatze. But he had a feeling that the latter would only intensify his verbal abuse if this was done. The bandit leader must not show that he was favoring the weird kid.

Fortunately, the prisoner seemed to be unaffected by those harsh words. He remained quiet during the evening and the morning travel. But once noon arrived, the tied-up kid simply lied down the ground. He began to take a nap.

Apatze got enraged by such display of disregard to others. He kicked the sleeping kid. But the latter ignored the yells and kicks. He simply closed his eyes and did not bother resisting.

The enraged lackey wanted to hit harder but this time, Sutak intervened. He stopped the thin lackey and ordered the previous two lackeys to carry the sleeping prisoner. They showed their displeasure but followed the command in the end.

The two lackeys seemed to have realized something though. They glanced at one another. They then grinned mischievously. They looked at the tied-up kid with eyes full of disdain.

They would definitely channel their grudge towards the prisoner.

And that was what Sutak wanted anyway. He would entertain the weird sleeping habit of the kid. But he would not give him a peaceful one.

Evening arrived without further problems. They did encounter a horde of beast during the afternoon. But as long as they kept a low profile, they would be safe.

Sutak sat down as he observed the outline of the tied-up prisoner. He did not give the kid some replenishments during meal time. But he would give the kid some silence for now. A little chance to contemplate on his options. And mostly likely than not, chose the correct answer. Which was to join his group by the way.

The guard duty of the bandit leader ended. He began to take a rest when he heard the insults once again. He sighed in exasperation. It seemed like the stupid lackey was not planning on giving the prisoner a break.

"At least keep it down you morons!"

Sutak sighed in frustration. He turned his back on the commotion and tried to sleep.

The next morning arrived and the travel resumed once more. It was noon when they arrived at the settlement that issued the hunting request. At this time, the weird kid had fallen asleep once more. The bandit leader ordered his lackeys to not disturb the prisoner. A sleeping prisoner has no chance of escaping after all.

Furthermore, a sleeping prisoner would not see how much riches they would be receiving from the completion of the request. That would be one less share to be worried about.

The Orm Bandits immediately left the settlement after receiving the reward. Bandits were considered as outcasts, hoodlums, and plunderers after all. The residents may have been desperate for revenge. But now that the beast was slain, there was no longer any need to welcome their kind any more.

"Ha! What matters is pay and nothing more."

Sutak commented. He was not bothered by such treatment. It was part of human nature to discriminate others after all. Apocalypse or not, humans loved to look down on one another.

He secured the satchel he received. They would only split their earnings once they returned to their base. And that would be around four days from now.

The rest of the day was uneventful and evening arrived once again. The silent treatment of the weird kid continued. The bandit leader did not mind this since he just received a hefty sum. He had even offered a few gulps of water to the prisoner. The insults and mocking continued later in the evening though.

Morning arrived once more. The noon signaled the sleeping habit of the prisoner and by this time, the lackeys did not care about this routine of his anymore. The afternoon arrived and the bandits prepared their dinner.

This time around, Sutak had decided to settle the matter once and for all. He approached the kid who was still denied of food. The lackeys noticed that something was about to happen. But they should know better by now. That they should just focus on their own meal.

The great haul of exquisite rodent meat had provided the bandits with ample of supplies to last for the rest of their journey. This unexpected bonus was not only delicious but had also saved them the need to hunt. Hence the lackeys now had more chances to enjoy their mealtime. They would not dare interrupt the leader who had given them this luxury.

Sutak was holding a piece of meat. But it was not the rodent's. He was not that insensitive after all. It was a ration he packed prior to the hunt. He was about to hand it over to the kid. But he stopped halfway. He then said,

"Kid, it's time. What will be your answer?"

"Can't you give me a little more time?"

The reply might have sounded uninterested. But the bandit leader knew better. The starving eyes of the tied-up kid had betrayed his words.

Sutak moved the piece of meat to the right. The eyes with black pupils followed through. He moved the meat to the left. The eyes moved to the left. He moved the meat upward. The eyes did the same. Up. Up. Down. Down. Left. Right. Left. Right. A. B. A. B.

'Enough! There's no direction A or B for crying out loud!'

The bandit leader snapped at his thoughts. He put away the piece of meat. The eyes seemed sad.

Anyway, he then looked at the prisoner seriously. He stated,

"No! You have plenty of time already. Now chose: Join my group or die!"

Sutak had already given the kid enough chances. The latter had been starved enough. If he were to abstain any further, it may affect his strength permanently. Since he had to be fed now, the bandit leader had to know if the food allocation would have any use or not.

He could also find a way to salvage the kid's reputation. They were still a distance from their base after all. But that would require effort. An investment that the bandit leader was not willing to give to those he had no use for.

However the kid sure know how to make a conversation difficult. He replied,

"You're going to kill me?"

Sutak wanted to punch the prisoner badly. He had just given his answer by asking that question for crying out loud!

Nonetheless, the bandit leader withheld his anger. He decided to explain the situation a little. He answered,

"It will be a waste but yes. Your soul energy will surely help my ability grow stronger."

"I see… so it's called Soul Energy, huh?"

"Kid, that's not the point!"

"What is exactly?"

Sutak was losing his patience. He was now clenching fist tightly to hold off his anger. He decided to give an ultimatum. He declared,

"Last chance. Choose. Now!"



"I refuse."

"Then die. Right here, right now!"

Sutak had to admit that he was disappointed. But he heard the answer loud and clear. He had to resort to violence now.

Rat fetishist...

I also facepalmed when I read that insult...

But hey, it's a cruel world out there... especially in the apocalypse.

onemeterofskycreators' thoughts