
STRIKE : Remnants of The Thunder Spear

Humanity was ruled by gods and in the circle of the gods, they all worked together to create a world where everything would not turn into an endless cycle of chaos. Humans abide by anything that the gods yearned for to achieve perpetuity and peace. Yet, the god of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom chose to betray them to which he belongs and decided to create a rebellion against the other gods. Because according to him, the promised perpetuity and peace were a hoax to earn the trust of mankind into a greater and selfish desire of the divinities. He found this answer while witnessing a taboo action caused by his fellow deities. And now, his ambition to create a new world for humanity has been passed on by his descendants and they were called "Anshiantiae"

zhxien · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Where everything was centered, the mainland. Foudiere had known that the unknown power of lightning would pose danger for the people there thus he decided to find a place where the Ikazuchi could start again. They were known to be one of the renowned soldiers in Riagi, a clan of warriors who continued to war against the Nemiendlich—the people who refused to join the resistance founded by the god of wisdom, blinded by their faith with the other gods, and continued to follow them that caused the war between the Anshiantiae—who fights for the sake of a different world not ruled by the selfish schemes and slavery of the deities. In the present time, it seems to be that the Ikazuchi clan was been erased in history for only a few had known the ring of its name.

"What should I eat for dinner..." Raijin muttered to himself as his eyes surveyed around.

Raijin Ikazuchi, a young man at the age of 16. In his veins flows the blood of an Ikazuchi, the remaining member of their clan. With the might of thunder he wields, he yearns to be strong to protect their clan's pride and to honor his grandfather's wishes.

Raijin had nothing to accompany him in his journey to the mainland but a single spare of a tattered shirt tied on his waist. And not far from where he stands a bellowing sound echoed and as the noise was heard a flock of birds came flying to the skies for their peaceful chirping had been interrupted. "What's that?" The roar echoed again.

His expressions changed as he quickly held tight on the chushin hanging on his neck. There was a sudden appearance of a wild beast with bared fangs, a reddish fur, and its spittle was falling through its mouth—even the eyes were strange for it was full crimson. The creature bears a resemblance to a lion though its behavior is more than violent.

Raijin turned in all directions hoping to find something that could calm the wild beast. But to his dismay, there are only trees, plants, and rock in the woods and the thought of using his powers against it also passed through his mind but killing a creature who did nothing but defend its territory would be a lowly reason to take its life.

With a step backward, his only option is to retreat. "In 3...2...1," he said under his breath starting to dart quickly as fast as he could. "Jokes on you! When I was a child, I was the fastest runner in our village- Ah!" bragging about his self-proclaimed title, the lion was about to reach him causing his heart to pound faster as sweat trickled all over his face. Screaming like a kid Raijin continued sprinting—not minding the exhaustion. His feet stopped abruptly as a stone on the ground crashed towards the steep of a dead end. "Ah! Really!?" Disappointment washed over him realizing how high it was and sliding off wouldn't be a good option. "Guess I got no choice, heh" He turned his heels on the creature, positioning himself. "I'll handle you into hand-to-hand combat. Come on, hit me with the! Ack-" Before he could execute his stance the lion jumps at him baring its claws and fangs prepared to devour him whole.

Raijin struggled to defend himself as the lion on top of him kept on clawing his way in. Numerous grunts were heard from the animal indicating its dominance towards him. His arms that he used to guard himself against the scratches were now filled with marks and blood started to drop as the beast continued to pursue him.

"Ah! W-wait! Hey!" Raijin pleaded; his arms are too wounded for him to continue his defense. The stinging pain from his arms and the weight of the creature made him unable to create any means of escape and he couldn't risk another minute for he might lose both of his arms. A young man who searches for dinner becomes the dinner himself.

Though there might be one option left and that is to use his abilities to survive the danger. For a second Raijin had contemplated on the choice but he suddenly found himself channeling the energy within him, focusing it on his arms to prepare in launching a charge towards the lion.

He took a final glance at the animal and just as he could discharge his attack, he turned his head towards the direction of a crackling noise. "A-another one again?" He said perplexed and frustrated. A rapid set of flaring lights came charging towards him as he felt the hot and humid air nearing followed by one last cry of the beast.

"Are you okay?"

Raijin is in disbelief expecting to be burnt alive, and yet, before him stood a figure of someone reaching out a hand for him to stand. He gazed upon the stranger; the black coat that tops his clothes matches his tall appearance and his face was almost ethereal that holds such fairness to its youth—his chocolate hair danced with the wind silently as his eyes that resembled the golden blaze of the flames landed on Raijin.

"That one dude who's popular with girls!" Raijin exclaimed.

The stranger's brows creased, "H-huh?"

"Thank you for saving me, the dude who's popular with girls" taking the stranger's hand he stood up covering his wounds, hoping the blood would stop its flow.

"Let me take a look" The stranger took his arms, beginning to tend on his wounds.

Raijin glanced at the dead body of the beast who almost took him out. He felt a piece of pity for the creature was now lifeless because of him.

"You're too kind," the other young man said, gently aiding his wounds with herbal medicines from his pockets.

"What do you mean?" Raijin asked. He noticed the pain in his arms is surprisingly fading quite fast.

"You looked at the beast with concern. But If I didn't come to help, you would've been the one dead right now," said the stranger.

"You're right, I owe you one" He showed him a smile.

"Call me Kato"

"I'm Raijin. Raijin Ikazuchi" With an exchange of pleasantries they shared a handshake.

Night has come and the moon shone illuminating the skies accompanied by its twinkling stars. Raijin and Kato had set fire for warmth and dinner for the rest of the night. They surprisingly got along quickly in just a short time they've been together.

"Raijin, why are you here in the forest? There are still wild beasts out there, wouldn't it be safe to go away?" Kato said holding his bowl of the meal. He sat in a log opposite to where Raijin was.

After getting his share of the food from the pot, Raijin settled back to where he was seated as he reminisced the days when he has trained with his grandfather. "I need to join the selection" he responded firmly.

"The selection huh" Kato paused for a moment, "It happens every year and usually only zero to two or more are qualified to join the military. But it's been 10 years since nobody has been chosen" he elaborated, taking a spoonful of the food onto his mouth.

Baffled by the sudden information, Raijin's doubts about his strength continued to linger over him. "I see..." he replied, contemplating the outcome of the choice he had made through this journey.

"Well, knowing someone as kind and determined as you to join you might be able to pass. May I know your power?" There was something in Kato's voice, a hint of eagerness rather than curiosity.

'My power' Raijin had no idea if this so-called power of him can be considered as his own. With uncertainty clouding into his mind, he still built the courage in opening his palm to create small shocks of lightning.

The other young man's eyes watched in earnest at the transformed energy making quiet screeches of lightning. "That's wonderful," Kato remarked in amusement as if it were some sort of a wonder that his interest had piqued upon.

Raijin was quite perplexed as to why someone would be in awe by a simple trick he had pulled. "Kato how about you-"

Kato didn't let him finish his phrase and began to speak once again. "Can I ask that necklace of yours?" his entire attention landed on the amulet.

"A-ah this" For a moment, Raijin paused. "This is just a necklace given by my late grandfather," He said filled with hesitation.

"You're a bad liar Raijin. It emits a different aura and abundance of energy. That might also be the reason why that beast attacked you" Kato said.

Feeling ashamed for himself—Raijin scratched the back of his head. "I'll tell you. But promise me that it would be a secret between the two of us Kato" his eyes turned to look at him directly, anticipating his response. He didn't know what had gotten into him that he had immediately decided on trusting Kato. The stranger had saved him, offered him his company, and for a boy who had lost someone he treasures more than his existence—even if he had disregarded the thought, he yearns for someone to confide with.

"Promises..." It was a whisper and for a short moment, Kato's eyes slowly turned from afar.

"Kato, is there something wrong?" Raijin asked noticing the change of the atmosphere between them and the other young man's sudden silence.

"Nothing" Kato replied. "Yes, I promise" going back to his senses Kato immediately brushed the look on his eyes.

Raijin might be dull-witted at times, and yet, when it comes to understanding people's feelings, he had caressed them with care as if it were his own. "It's okay Kato, I'll be here to listen if you need to"

Kato nodded in gratitude, returning his look, and along with it, he saw the moon's reflection onto the young man's eyes that seemed to remind him of the purity it holds.

"Then, let's call it a day and head to sleep!" yawning, Raijin stood from the rock where he was seated stretching his arms.

"Wait" stopping the other in his tracks, Kato held on his wrist.

He turned his head towards his direction, taken aback by the sudden action. "W-what is it?"

"You said you'll tell me something about your necklace"

Surprised by his companion's act and desperation, Raijin held onto the amulet. "This is what we call the chushin. Our clan's regalia" he said, not planning on giving the remaining information to him.

"And?" Kato asked, surprising seriousness was heard from his tone.

Raijin's doubts had filled him, but he tried to push the thoughts on the back of his mind—not wanting to doubt someone who had helped and has accepted him as a friend. 'Raijin, if you wanted to be a soldier of wisdom then you should not worry about hurting others. Always remember that this is war and an act of kindness would not always be the answer.' Yet the words of his grandfather had suddenly echoed on his mind.

"Why did I remember that? Is it true that-" he whispered to himself, holding the side of his head because of the sudden ache.

"Raijin," Kato called, noticing his absent-mindedness.

"I'm sorry if I'm asking this Kato, but why are you so curious about our regalia?"

The latter let out a breath, standing up to face him. His expressions were solemn as his gaze could almost pierce straight onto him. "Took you so long to figure it out."

Raijin's eyes widen hearing the words. "What are you saying Kato?" the second thoughts that he had on him had started to make sense—and yet, he still refused to assume it that way.

"Stop playing the innocent, it irritates me" his face was in a blank and lifeless manner. "Ignis Schwert" In a single chant, a sword that's engulfed in flames was summoned in Kato's hand. He raised it pointing the tip of the blade to the young man while gazing at him in a cold stare. "For an Anshiantiae like you to wield lord Higanus' power, you are slow and stupid. It's over Ikazuchi Raijin"