
Chapter 2 creature and 6th sense

This is strange, Jill thought.

Currently he was still awake even though he thought he had passed out. he could see everything around him but not with his eyes but sorta like a 6th sense. but everything was black and white and objects were clearly outline and he could sorta feel what object they were and what they were made out of.

But his attention was on the police cars piling in front of the crash site with all there weapons drawn.

IDENTIFY YOUR SELF RIGHT NOW!!!! a police officer said on the micro phone But even though he said this he was actually quite fearful because of the trial of blood and guts leading into the bus.

Jill was just watching at this point the thing that gutted the girl was humanoid in shape and everything was normal except for the head it's didn't have a fixed shape and it had teeth everywhere. But other from that he couldn't get more details about the creature because of his lack of skill with this sense and partly because Jill knew that when ever someone saw it they would be affected somehow and he didn't want to test and find out what would happen.

It was truly nightmare fuel but Jill didn't seem to mind. hmm why is this thing so familiar he thought but his thoughts stopped when it startled to move and made that clanging sound the girl he gutted was dragged along.






Jill could see that even the cops outside heard this and everyone tensed up. With every step was long and drawn out and the creature slowly reached out it's hand and curled it on the side of the bus.

but that's when the officers started to come under it's influence and they started to freak out except for the police officer with the microphone he just turned pale but didn't shake. but Jill saw his reach for his pocket and seemed to press something.

They then waited and to the cops horror they saw the thing get out of the bus while dragging the mangled flesh of what used to be a girl and it's unholy head.

But while Jill was observing the cops. EVERYONE OPEN FIRE ON THAT THING the cop yelled with panic.

Jill thought "so is that person the captain of this group" before the bullets rained down on it.

Cop captain that had the microphone threw a smoke bomb looking thing. that was all Jill could think it was because he couldn't use his eyes at all and he only saw that when it landed a piece of it was missing and the cops shooting got more scattered.

The captain then put on a mask and ducked behind the car. The creature on the other hand went ballistic when it was being shot at and the fact that the girl it brutally killed was filled with bullets.

The thing charged at the cops and took one of the cops head clean off. While blood spurted out it splashed other cops which freaked them out even more. It was truly a slaughter fest head limbs and bodies were ripped apart some even where eaten by the creature just using it's teeth and undefined head as a weapon.

Jill on the other hand saw all this and was panicking not because of there deaths but the consequences if they all died would the creature start eating the dead bodies and the captain which tapped something in his pocket would that thing be like a jet coming to bomb the area he didn't know and there was nothing he could do except for hoping he could get out of this alive.

Can I even affect the surroundings at all but if I do would that draw that things attention fuck Jill thought he hated being this helpless it reminded him of when he got kidnapped.

but, as the decimation of the cops continued something just shot out of the sky and skewered the monster right before he ripped of the head of the captain. because Jill was not paying attention he didn't notice the 50 cops that were there were now reduced to 5 with the rest painting the ground with there mangled bodies. In fact some of the cops even got guts and brain shoved down there throat because of the bodies becoming projectiles after they were brutality maimed by the monster.

When the spear hit the creature it seemed to paralyze it and it and the spear was slowly picked up and whisked away the monster couldn't do anything about this. Jill couldn't see if there was a creature pulling it away all he could see was the spear leave his senses range.

I don't know if this is a good thing or not but if the person that threw the spear could sense me watching it might end up bad so lets make a little noise to get their attention Jill thought as he let out a groan which alerted the cops remaining.

What was that one the cops said

What the captain question back at the cop

I think I just heard a groan come from the bus the cop said as he slowly turned toward it.

wait don't move the captain said as he called in over his radio to get more people over here because he just got a message that there was no more monsters in the area.

The captain and the rest of the cops slowly walked over avoiding the bodies and pieces of there dead compatriots and cautiously walked over. When they got over they almost threw up because of the children bodies and pieces along with the hanging student and the girls gutted body.

The other kids on the bus were passed out so Jill communicated a simple word Help. The cops all looked over and pointed there guns but the captain told them to stand down and he walked over and pulled the seat off of Jill and Gale.

Jill then faked a very pained expression and showed fear and all other emotions.

Please help he said in a very miserable tone. The captain seeing that he was a child started to speak.

Don't worry where here as he tried to comfort the Jill. Do you know if anybody else is alive what about the kid on top of you the captain said as the other cops also look around.

He is alive and there are other Jill weakly said but in truth he didn't feel weak in fact he couldn't feel pain but, it would be very odd if he showed none of it and he didn't want to deal with potential consequences in fact the only reason gale was there was because Jill wanted a meat shield in case something happens and the situation required it.

After that he pretended to pass out from pain and close his eyes so he wouldn't slip up. The captain did a quick pulse check on Jill but for some reason his heart was beating this surprise both Jill and the Captain. When Jill checked his heart with his 6th sense he felt it beating and closely examined it as well.

That's fucking weird Jill thought but the captain said don't worry the ambulances will arrive soon to Jill trying to comfort him but Jill couldn't care about that right know for he has to make sure they don't get suspicious if medical equipment said he is supposed to be dead he remembered the kid who got ran over he thought something slimier is happening to him and he saw his own guts but they weren't rotten and filled with holes.

The other cops found still breathing children and one got spooked by the head of the harmless kid. Jill thought what a bitch haven't seen a severed head before.

After around 5 minutes ambulances showed up and the woman that were on them were horrified mainly because of the kids broken bodies and the cops limbs every where even some of the males thought this way too,

They tried to ignore them the best they could and got some tools to help cut the kids out of there entrapment's on the bus. Jill was the one who had it the worse but at least nothing was severed the nurse and the other hand were a lot more emotional when they saw him because it was like looking at a 10 year old girl that got brutally beat so they were extra gentle with him.

When all the still breathing kids where in the ambulances and whisked away men in military uniforms with strange markings showed up and rounded up all the cops except for the captain and one of the man there made a strange rune appear out of thin air and the cops and ambulances workers got a dazed expression on there face as memories literally flow out of there head to cover up what happened there. Jill saw the rune but nothing happened to him.

Jill was able to catch a glimpse of there present but because he couldn't really examine them with his 6th sense for fear of exposure he mainly just watched them threw the window of the ambulance. Since he was the last one there before leaving he stealthily looked through the window and saw all this happen.

When I'm alone in the hospital room I will continue more on what this 6th sense is and what I can do with it but, why was I not affected by the rune even though I saw it more questions keep piling up Jill thought as he was taken away the nurse's and paramedics around him where female and were doing there best to make sure he stayed alive.