
Strange Outcast

When we hear the name "Elina Macklin" the faceless assassin. The one who kills without feeling any emotions. Her cold eyes alone could brings death to whoever beholds it. That name bring fear into our hearts, the one with a dark history....... "I am Elina Macklin, an average girl living in New Jersey. I am strange and an outcast, let's just say I am weird. When I was two to be precise, I lifted my feeding bottle in the air. Crazy right? Mum was baffled and scared. To be honest, no one told me about that because I vividly remember. My experience in Mum's womb made me make up my mind........ I am Never having Children!!! I also remember the baffled looks on the doctor's faces when I came out frowning because they took a lot of time bringing me out of Mum's disgusting belly. Amateurs!!! 16 years passed and I mastered my ability to an extent. Then......... That night, the memory of that night still lingers in my mind. I still loathe myself for being so helpless as I watched tnhe only people I cared about die. "You have been recruited to join 'AssassinCo'..... Welcome Elina" Now, I am no longer that helpless 16 year old girl. I have become stronger, fearless and heartless!!!! The faceless assassin with a life goal of finding those who killed my parents and killing them in the most brutal manner!! "I know you have an heart Elina, you are just hiding under that mask." he says. "I don't, because if you drop dead now, I wouldn't even flinch, not even if the whole world drops dead before me". Will the thirst for revenge destroy her or will she find someone to quench that thirst?

Tolzy_kups · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

All under a mask

"Elina!! Come down now! It is time for school" Mum yells from downstairs.


She can be very loud, tchh!

"I am coming Mum" I yell back. I really don't want to go to that crap of a school but mum won't hear a thing of such. She can be considerate of other things but not towards school matters. She thinks obtaining a degree is the only path to success.....

Guess she did not go to school then!

I have promised myself since I was one... I am never having children!

I can't just think about having little things around me!

As I enter the kitchen, I immediately smell bacon. I am tired of this smell!!!! Mum always makes bacon every damn morning, a tradition I wish she would stop.

"Morning Mum" I mumble as I sit down to have my breakfast.

"Morning dear. It always takes you forever to come down. I am sure you played your boring video games till morning" she scolds.

"They are not boring!" I munch on one of the toasts.

"They are! Why don't you do other educational activities like scrabble, whot, monopoly and the likes. When I was a child....."

"You were very smart because you played these games" I complete with a grin. I always listen to this every morning and every other time she sees me playing videogames. This is 2028 for Christ sake!! Who plays board games?

No one!!!

Except people who can't get over the fact that the world is digitalised now!

"Exactly, so stop playing those games" she sighs.

"Yeah, I won't" I roll my eyes as she goes back to the kitchen to dish dad's breakfast.

"Can you bring the jug for me, dear?" she asks from the kitchen.

Typical Mum!

"Okay!" I lift the jug with my mind and drop it near mum who immediately exclaims.

"Elina!! What did I tell you about your powers" she exclaims.


"I can't use my powers at home, in school or anywhere!! Then, where am I supposed to use it?" I demand.

"Nowhere! We can't have you getting use to those powers or whatever they might be! Nobody must know you have powers..... they will think you are strange" she says, sitting near me.

"They already think I am strange.... and I don't care!"

"I don't know why you have powers....."

"That is why I should train and master my powers!! I was given this ability for a reason and I know it. What if there are others like me....."


"Come on Mum!! What if the world is in danger and I am expected to save it but I can't because you and dad won't let me train and the world ends!" I exclaim.

"That wouldn't happen and you are not going to risk anyone finding about your secret" Dad says as he enters.

"No one knows how it feels to have something you can't use" I let out, take my bag and leave the house.


They don't know anything about my powers..... I was given this gift for a reason and I am going to use it when needed. Since I was little, I have secretly practiced and learnt how to use my powers to a fair extent.... I can even move a house with my mind. I tried that on one of my teachers house in middle school that I hated.

Well..... that house is history now!

I can't believe they wouldn't let me use something that was given to me!!

"Here we go again..." I sigh as I enter the school hall. The first face I spot is that of the school bully who hates me!!

"Oh.... look who is here? The weirdo!! Everyone clap to welcome our lady" she exclaims. People start laughing and clapping.

"Thank you all" I smile broadly and bow as I enter the class, waving at my subjects.

"Seriously Elina... you know they are making fun of you" Elsca says as I settle down. She is the only friend I have in this school.

"No, that was a grand entrance" I smile.

"Whatever.... are you coming to the school dance tomorrow? What did your parents say? Yes or no? Or no? Yes?"

"Geez, calm down"

"Tell me huh? What did they say?"

"Well..... they said yes!"

"Really..... thank goodness. We would be going together, two pretty girls with no dates" she laughs.

"Uhhhh.... but I am not going" I say fixing my hair.

"What? You just said you are going" she exclaims, puzzled.

"Nah! I said my parents wants me to go but I told them I don't want to. I never said I was going" I explain. My parents normally don't care about stuffs like this but they seem to care about this. Because, Mum has been trying to convince me... It is almost as if they want me out of the house.

Guess... they are tired of me!!

"Seriously... really?" she exclaims again.


"Okay, I know you don't like socializing but this would be your first dance in this school, why would you miss it?"

"I said I don't want to. You could dance by yourself!" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah!!! And everybody will think I am crazy!"

"They already do!"

"I will not go then.." she says, sitting down.

"Do as you please though, there is nothing stopping you from dancing by yourself!"

"Yeah, sure....."


"Okay.... why don't we go to another place tomorrow night? Like the movies or we could go shopping..." she jerks up.

"Not in the mood..."

"Come on, Elina.."


"Guess I will just stay in my room tomorrow night..." she sighs

"Wait... are you trying to blackmail me? You should know it rarely works on me"

"I know....."

Shit!!!!! She really knows how to play her cards....

Elsca has been my friend since I came to this school. How we became friends is kind of amusing. She also seem to understand me.... even my parents lack in that aspect. For the first time, I am this close to someone without them being afraid of me!!

To be honest, I have a dominating aura that draws people away and I love it. If not for Elsca, I would have destroyed this school.

I really don't want to lose her as my friend!

"Fine..." I utter.



"I have an idea then..."


"Why don't we go to...."

"To where?"

"Horror capes" she smiles.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Tolzy_kupscreators' thoughts