
Anonymous Message, Strange Encounter

Kelly had been standing there, waiting. Earlier, she had gotten an anonymous text telling her to come to this hotel to see a surprise. She couldn't help but give in to curiosity. Now, standing there she was starting to regret coming.

She was about to turn around and leave when she felt someone bump into her or better yet, push her off the sidewalk and to the middle of the road. She would have been hit by an oncoming vehicle If not for someone who pulled her out of the way. Immediately she looked up her eyes met with a pair of greenish - gold ones. They were very beautiful and went perfectly with that gorgeous masculine face.

She was about to say something when she heard that sweet deep voice of his.

"you should really watch where you are going"

"uh.... um, sorry,thank you" she muttered when she finally found her breath

"no problem" he said and flashed her a very bright smile which made her heart skip a beat.

She then remembered that she had somewhere to be

" um, gotta run, thanks again" she yelled as she hurried away.