

"Princeton!" a renowned top university in the United states, a place meant for rich kids as the locals would say, which was a fact since only rich kids could afford the necessary fees, only a selected top model students could gain admission into Princeton under scholarship and Tyler was one of them... well not exactly a model student but he gain admission through the sports quota "basketball".... this was his ticket to achieving his dream.

He stood at the entrance of Princeton university as he observed luxurious cars drive into the university but he wasn't fazed by this nor felt jealousy due to his " i don't care attitude" , although this was an unfamiliar territory to him but his dreams and goals strengthen his resolve as he proceeds to walk through the entrance, he was halted by the security team as they proceed to check his documents and paper work.... [ Hmmm Tight security that's strange, an event must be going on] he thought to himself whilst he underwent security check...SUDDENLY the tires of a car screeching as a red Telsa model x plaid vehicle took a hard right before accelerating through the gates and almost knocking down Tyler but before it could, he took an effortless leap back evading the speeding car.

This seemed to leave the head guard " bill" in awe as Tyler's movement seemed effortless and could only achieve such swiftness by martial art or Jiu jitsu training, as he attempts to ask but Tyler noticed the guard had become somewhat suspicious and brushed it off " phew that was close, i am a basketball player so i moved out fast , who was that tho?" - Tyler said as he tries to erase the head guard's suspicion ... " none of your concerns, your'e clean so move along kid " - says Bill the head guard as he drops his guards.....[ that was close, this guy is pretty sharp, ill have to be careful around him, i wonder who was that tho.. they didn't even bother to stop him...mmm must be an important figure] says Tyler as he tips his black cap and continues his journey towards the boys dorm.

He walked around campus sightseeing and exploring a lil bit [ shit i have to get registered at the office] he said to himself as he ran towards a large map board depicting where about image of the schools facilities " there, just gotta go around this block " quickly running towards the administrative office, he spots dark skin brunette girl, she wore a white laced shirt and and a nice black skirt which reached knees with a contact glasses and had her braces which gave a nerdy but beautiful vibe from her, Tyler approached her hoping to get directions " Hey uh i am Tyler, i was wondering where the administrative ward is, could you please direct me" -Tyler, the brunette turned and gave a warm smile " Hi i am Annie, the administrative ward is second floor to your right, the first door... come i'll show you" - Annie. as they proceeded towards the lift [ elevator

" i really appreciate that Annie, this school is pretty big"- Tyler " first time in Princeton i see, you weren't here first semester" - Annie " yeah, bummer" - Tyler " Princeton is a great school, you will love it"- Annie " sure hope so" says Tyler as they walk out of the lift and he enters the Administrative office, he is greeted by a middle aged woman called miss Palmer where she offers him to take his seat and Annie leaves. " Welcome to Princeton, i hope your paper work are in order" - says miss Palmer with a hint of contempt in her tone... " yes mam"- Tyler says as he brings out the paper works which she takes and have an extended time looking at it whilst she adjusted her glasses while doing so

" so you are here on the sport scholarship program " she says as she sets her gaze on Tyler, analyzing him [ street bumpkin] she thought to herself whilst stamping the paper work and putting it below her desk, she then gives him the keys and codes to his locker and dorm room putting him in Block C....., the dorms in Princeton were divided into 3 blocks for the boys [ A,B,C ] and 2 blocks for the girls [ D and E] although some students rents or buys their own flat in school...

After receiving this, a senior student in charge of Block C was called to show him the dorm ''jack O'conner '"

" hey new kid, stick with me, lets go" says jack as Tyler follows him with his luggage hung around his shoulder, they traversed the campus for a while as they head towards the dorm, on their way, they passed by the basketball court as a couple of frat guys popped in front of Tyler

" Jacky are you baby sitting, who is the new kid!" says one of the guys at the front whilst the other two behind him laughs at his comment...

" piss off" - says Tyler as he gave a stern look towards the guy, the guy at the front was " SAM" a billionaire playboy, he had long black hair which he parked it in a pony tail, he had a well built muscular build more bigger than Tyler's in comparison ....

" new kid got some fire" says Sam as he circles Tyler, jack immediately cuts him off " enough Sam, i know you ain't looking for beef" - jack says as Sam looks at him and backs off " whatever!, see you around new kid" - Sam as he walks away and his goons follow suit,

" making friends already new kid" - jack says as he and Tyler continues heading to the dorm.