
Storytellers Creations(going to rewrite)

Some dream of being great heroes, with legions of armies under their command. Others dream of becoming magicians of unmatched power and knolwedge. The only thing Lukas strives for is being an author, creating worlds of fantasy for his readers to enjoy. As he watched the sun set on a particularly beautiful night he heard a ding. [Host has been selected by the Author System] [World creation will begin shortly, please be patient] Being granted the ability to create a true fantasy world full of life, and magic. With each new world Lukas creates he finds that he gets stronger. Perhaps through this system he’ll become a true author, the greatest of authors, a God! 10 powerstones = 1 extra chapter 20 powerstones = 2 extra chapters 30 powerstones = 3 extra chapters

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Kor-Pa the Conqueror

As Minerva and Kor-Pa sparred, the young Demon had begun rapidly improving focusing more of his mana around his body and elemental prowess for his weapons. Instead of being a magician much like most of the species on Terra. In front of Minerva stood this world's first warrior, a being that used their mana and mana circles to improve their techniques and strength. She couldn't help smiling as each time they clashed and slashed at each other Kor-Pa improved. As blood splattered to the ground Kor-Pa grew faster and fiercer.

As an entire year passed Minerva could easily tell that Kor-Pa had rapidly improved and was many times stronger than the first time they spared. You even became a 5-circle warrior in the process, the first one in the entire continent. Seeing this Minerva stopped their spar midway through, confusing Kor-Pa who stopped as well.

"Master, why did you stop?"

"It's because you're ready now, to grow your village into a supreme power which the world has never seen."

"With my teachings, you should have no trouble becoming a great leader for your village, and a fierce warrior as well."

Once she finished an orange portal opened behind her, as she stepped through she heard a clump from behind her. She turned back and saw Kor-Pa on the ground with tears running down his face.

"Thank you for teaching me, master!"

Hearing this Minerva shed a single tear as well, for much like her two brothers and sister before her she had truly loved spending time with their disciples. Disappearing before Kor-Pa, he stared at where his master once was and slammed his fist to the ground. Getting up he grabbed his heavily damaged spear that looked like it would break from a light wind. He began to track back, trying to remember where his village was, forgetting after the path back when the first two months passed.

Soon enough his spear broke after hitting a single tree branch, and he immediately broke a large branch that had a pointed edge. He began killing a few small dog-sized creatures that posed no threat. Then Kor-Pa started seeing a few dead corpses, all of them rotting in the sun half-eaten and clawed to heck. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a quickly moving shadow, several of them in fact. As he went deeper he saw a pack of Swolves, wolf-like creatures that were much bigger than their cousins with saber-tooth teeth. They were half eaten and dragged into the lower branches with bits of their bones hanging out.

As the corpses and piles of them increased he saw less decomposed ones piled up and hanged from the trees. He saw one of the creatures that caused this, it was a tall skinny humanoid with grayish skin and light fur. It had a deerlike head that was pale as the corpses that surrounded it. It had dark crimson eyes and rows of large sharp teeth that easily tore into the corpses around it. The arms and legs were extremely long and had four hands and thumbs on their hands. It had long dark nails that slashed into another corpse tearing a limb off.

Kor-Pa stared at the thing in front of him and felt a twinge of fear and nervousness as the creature ate the corpses around it. The creature turned around and saw Kor-Pa and smiled a wicked grin. It roared out into the jungle, and more of its species came running out some with pieces of bone and flesh dripping from their mouth. In total there were 10 of them, all circling him growling in a low tone ready to strike any minute. The first to strike was the first one, who lunged at him with its claws outstretched.

Seeing this Kor-Pa charged, with his sharp stick outstretched both hands held on tight. Mana began surrounding his body and the spear, making him stronger and faster. Fast enough to slip under the creature and stab it right in the chest. The creature roared out, as black blood spilled out of the wound. It tried clawing at him, even getting a few nicks in. Feeling this Kor-Pa flung the creature towards its pack members, pushing them into a nearby tree.

Seeing this a third creature charged forward, leaning more towards the left side, charging as a malicious roar rang through the forest. Seeing this, Kor-Pa put held his spear tightly in his right hand and went into a battle stance, ready to strike the creature's side. Seeing this the creature lept forward with its jaw wide open, ready to clamp down on his arm. Kor-Pa responded by jamming the spear straight through its head, killing it instantly. In rapid succession another came, biting his arm and latching onto him. Feeling the sudden jolt of pain, he slammed it down to the ground, hearing a loud crack as he did so. Twirling his makeshift spear he jabbed it right into the creature's head, right through the center of its forehead.

Ripping it out, he stared down the eight remaining creatures, two that were severally injured. Growling the still healthy ones, walked away some climbing through the trees, dragging a corpse behind them. The first of the injured creatures growled and slumped away, getting a corpse as well. The first creature Kor-Pa encountered simply stared at him, with eyes full of malice, and jumped into the forest disappearing.

Seeing that the battle was over Kor-Pa continued his journey encountering fewer corpses as he made his way through the forest. After 30 minutes of walking, he saw a light piercing the trees, and he ran believing he was near the village. As he ran out of the trees he stared in horror seeing what was in front of him. It was his village, but it was ravaged and nearly destroyed with a few bodies outside the medium size walls. Charging forward he ran to a still breathing heavily injured person. Sitting down next to him Kor-Pa looked at the man's face, seeing long scratch marks.

"Who did this?"

Hearing this the barely alive Deemon looked to where the voice came from and answered with a groggy voice.

"The We...en...digos."

With his last dying breath, the injured Demon put a dark metal tip spear in Kor-Pa's hand and died saying one final thing.

"Please sa..ve our pe...ople."

Then Kor-Pa felt him slump over and his heartbeat stop. Kor-Pa with tears and misery in his eyes screamed knowing the creatures he encountered did this and that he couldn't save one of his fellow villagers.


Author here, would you read a horror anthology type series, all set in the same universe titled "Unknown" comment down below if you would.