
Storytellers Creations(going to rewrite)

Some dream of being great heroes, with legions of armies under their command. Others dream of becoming magicians of unmatched power and knolwedge. The only thing Lukas strives for is being an author, creating worlds of fantasy for his readers to enjoy. As he watched the sun set on a particularly beautiful night he heard a ding. [Host has been selected by the Author System] [World creation will begin shortly, please be patient] Being granted the ability to create a true fantasy world full of life, and magic. With each new world Lukas creates he finds that he gets stronger. Perhaps through this system he’ll become a true author, the greatest of authors, a God! 10 powerstones = 1 extra chapter 20 powerstones = 2 extra chapters 30 powerstones = 3 extra chapters

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

2nd Apostles Birth

As the hours passed, soon enough the entire valley with littered with both ice spikes and corpses of various animals/yetis. Looking over this all was Khio who had a psychotic look on her face, with both her beautiful face and dress stained in blood. then it started shifting to one of confusion and eventually of horror at her actions. She looked over the entire valley and started inspecting her body, finding large patches of snow covering her dress.

"W-W-What happened, where am I?!"

She started descending and felt a rush of mana as the natural blue mana and her purple mana started colliding with the purple mana forcing the blue in. As this happened, Khio keeled over and inspected her mana sac, finding an already half-formed circle alongside the other nine. She began thinking frantically, trying to find the cause for her rampage, for the things she had done in the past few hours.

"Is this who I truly am, a monster, a predator, something all should fear?"

Another burst of pain brought her out of her deep thoughts as another circle was 80% done. Once the pain dulled away she began thinking again, trying to figure out if some event occurred during the years she meditated, but no matter what she recalled nothing came to mind. Then she recalled her meeting with the goddess, the one who gifted her what she thought was a supplier mana cultivation method.

"No goddess isn't right, she was something else, something far more wicked and destructive."

"She was...no he was Abaddon the incarnation of destruction."

Then behind her, she heard a low mocking voice, that clapped its hand turning around she saw him. It was a tall figure wearing a tuxedo that was mostly black with a white undershirt, and black tie. He had three large horns that formed a crown, with three eyes as well and each one was pure black. He spoke with a deep demonic tone.

"Well, I suppose one of my apostles was bound to figure it out, better sooner than later."

Getting up she had a furious look on her face and stretched out her arms, forming two extremely large blue circles. It was interrupted when she felt another rush of pain enter her body.

"What did you do to me?"

Abaddon began laughing as Khio cried out in pain as the tenth circle was nearly completed. He began circling around her, as the blue mana poured into her body, turning purple as soon as it got in.

"That's the problem with you mortals, whenever you see a being like me, you assume we're gods or goddesses here to give you blessings, instead of curses."

"For that is my nature, to bring about the most destruction possible, and for right now I'm unable to do so, but with you, with my apostles."

"This world will face true destruction, whether by flame or ice it doesn't matter, for destruction comes all the same!"

Then Khio shouted in pain as the tenth circle near completion, s the ice flowing in her veins started freezing up, n longer flowing as smoothly. She started feeling her legs freeze up first, turning ice blue, and sticking to the snow around her. She tried everything she could think of to get herself unstuck, but nothing worse. As the tenth circle neared completion more of her body freezer, turned icy blue as time passed. Abaddon saw all this and smirked, and she saw this and pointed her left index finger at him.

A small blue circle formed, and she launched a small ice spike at him, trying to conserve her mana in case she was completely frozen over. The ice spike hit Abaddon in the chest, but it shattered on impact not even leaving a speck on his suit. He leaned down, and stared directly into Khio's eyes with a wicked grin.

"If you accept my offer to become an apostle, I can save you, after all, mortals are afraid of death no matter if you are a king, peasant, or princess in your case."

"So just take my hand and I'll save you."

Khio resisted at first, trying to ignore the freezing pain all over her body as she felt the blood in her veins starting to freeze locking her in place. In fact, she did more than that, with her left hand still raised she began creating several small blue circles, each one stacked on top of the other. Each one shattered once it hit Abaddon's chest, and nothing worked. She felt her neck starting to freeze and she looked down in fear, and Abaddon took all this in, enjoying the fear on her face.

"I would say you have about a minute left before you completely freeze over, tick-tock as they say."

She cried, as her face started freezing over, and switched her left hand from a firing position to a handshake. Seeing this Abaddon took it spreading his own red mana into her body, completely turning her purple into red as well. Once the deal was complete, Abaddon disappeared in a puff of ice and snow. Seeing him disappear Khio cried as she felt her body defrost but instead of a freezing pain, something else took over.

She saw her skin turning naturally snow white, with her body growing taller and longer. She could feel her horn grow longer and longer, and it twisted as well becoming more like a tree branch than a horn. Then in the center of her two eyes, she could feel her skin splitting as she slowly gained a third eye, which was pure black and full of malice. Then her mind slowly started going away, being replaced by thoughts not her own. Once her transformation was completed she looked at the world with no emotion in her eyes.

Then she gathered the snow around her and flew straight back to her kingdom, and stared at it from the sky. Raising both hands to the sky a large red/blue circle appeared over the entire kingdom. Then five gigantic ice towers sprouted from the ground, sending the people into a panic, with the king and his guards coming outside to see what was happening. Once the five towers were fully formed, she began placing red/white circles on each one, whilst forming another smaller circle underneath the big one. Once it was completed it started snowing, but as each snowflake touched the ground, they froze.

The civilians seeing this started running away, trying to avoid the snowflakes. Seeing all this, Khio still didn't show any emotion, yet underneath it all, she was both crying simultaneously and laughing. Soon enough she was floating above a kingdom of ice and snow with a giant tower, bigger than the others formed in the center of it all.


Author here, we're halfway done with the apostle's birth and nearing the main "story" of this world so please leave a review and a few powerstones my way as well, it really helps, hope you enjoyed reading.