

well so I'm writing now on webnovel it seems kind of funny as I read a lot of story's from here and now I'm writing I doubt many people will even see this so whats the matter right well that's at least what I think this story I writing won't be any thing special it will be more like a journal for me just getting my thoughts out there instead of keeping them I find it's a good way to calm down is just writing like this with no purpose it's kind of like going on a walk theirs not much of a purpose to walking like that it's just calming In a sort of way well if anyone is even reading this why I don't know what I'm writing seems boring but I don't know your perfences so I won't judge but I want to say I suprised you even got this far as right now I running out of things to say and if you don't like what I'm writing I'm not gonna say dont rate my story bad just stop reading because I don't really care how what I write does I just writing for fun so it doesn't matter to me if this does good not at this point I'm out of things to write for this chapter so I'll just end this one and also when I update this won't be consistent so don't expect things like that this is the end of the chapter I guess so thanks If you did take your time to read this