
Chapter 543: Liberation

By the Light!

After all this hustle, it seems we've been winking at a blind man! What a waste of effort!

Anduin and Llane stared in disbelief, jaws dropping wide enough to fit a large apple.

They had discreetly approached with the plan, seeing Duke nodding off. They wanted to console him, as politics can be a tricky game. Even seasoned politicians can have a fall from grace just before retirement.

Duke's influence has grown immense. Though not outwardly suppressed, the Alliance leaders have been trying to downplay his impact. They wonder about the Alliance's future after the Horde's defeat. If their soldiers idolize another hero, it would be a tragic blow to their leadership.

But Duke, while appearing uninvolved, had a secret ace.

Anduin and Llane asked for his opinion on the plan, to which Duke casually remarked, "Just go for it. If things turn south, I got your back."

"How exactly?"

"I'll call in the Red Dragonflight to do a ground sweep with their dragon's breath."

The two Alliance leaders almost choked in astonishment.

Sleepily, Duke whispered, "Just because the Red Dragonflight avoids the wars of mortals, doesn't mean individual dragons can't settle scores with the Horde."

Their faces were a sight to behold.

Duke's list showcased an impressive roster, enough to blind anyone: up to 10 ancient dragons and hundreds of younger ones, all loyal to Duke and the Stormwind cause.

With the imposing might of the Red Dragonflight, if the Alliance couldn't defeat a demoralized Horde, they might as well take a leap into the Endless Sea.

The battles were decisive.

Without Duke in this timeline, Anduin Lothar would undoubtedly shine as the era's greatest military strategist.

In just three days, Anduin's 5,000-strong strike force held their ground against the combined onslaught of the Horde from the north and south, firmly establishing their position at the Thandol Span. The Red Dragonflight didn't even get a chance to join the fray.

When Magni Bronzebeard's forces arrived, victory was sealed.

On the 18th of September, two years after the Dark Portal, the once-occupied Arathi Highlands were liberated. Stromgarde's flag flew over the ruins of Refuge Pointe.

On the 25th, Wetlands were reclaimed.

By October 10th, Ironforge, under siege for over a year, was relieved.

The Horde gathered a massive defense. Their newly-adopted bunker strategy, learnt from humans, initially posed a challenge. Over 20,000 Alliance soldiers fell to troll spears. However, the Red Dragonflight rendered these defenses useless.

By October 16th, the combined fleets of Kul Tiras and Stormwind landed on the northern shores, commencing the liberation of Stormwind.

Daelin Proudmoore expected a tough beachhead, but met minimal resistance. With ample supplies secured from Westfall, the Kingdom of Stormwind was rapidly reclaimed.

By the end of October, only Redridge Mountains remained contested. The Horde's reinforcements were locked in a tug of war with Stormwind's forces.

In the north, the Alliance, now including Gnomeregan, pushed the front to the Burning Steppes of later eras. At Blackrock Spire, Orgrim Doomhammer rallied the Horde's last defenses.

On November 1st, the Horde sent an emissary, challenging the Alliance.

"In five days, beneath Blackrock Spire, let's decide the fate of the Horde and the Alliance."