
Stories In Another World: Making Peace

The story follows two people first, 20 year old Asher Lee Graham and second 15 year old James Arthur Bell. They try to make the world a more peaceful place. But not always by the most peaceful of means.They will have to overcome great obstacles and try to stick together through it all. This is the first story I'm writing so please be patient with me as I work it out. Have a great day or evening or night.

Be_ll · Fantasia
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34 Chs

21: A name (Asher)

Friday, December 8th, 7 Years Before The Sacrifice

"I don't see why not," James says

'Yes, thank you!" The Beast-kin girl yells

"You've got to be kidding me!" Asher shouts

(He's fucking crazy) Asher thinks

"What? there aren't many people left here" James asks

Asher gets closer to James and begins to whisper.

"James, what if she sees your magic?" Asher asks quietly

"That's easy to avoid. I simply won't use it in front of her, though she's a child so I'm sure she would find it quite cool." James says quietly

"I don't think it matters if she finds it cool or not, she may tell someone about it," Asher says quietly

"I could make an unbreakable vow, though I would have to tell her about my magic first," James says quietly

"A what?" Asher asks out loud

"An unbreakable vow, it's when two or more people make a deal with each other at least one has to be able to use magic, and if anyone breaks the deal that person dies. Also, keep it down" James says quietly

"Right sorry, but I guess that could work," Asher says quietly

"Uhh, hello I'm still here," The Beast-kin girl says

"Right… you should go pack your things," James says out loud

"Oh yeah, I need my bow," The Beast-kin girl says

"You can use a bow?" Asher asks

"Of course, I always had to hunt for food," The Beast-kin girl says

"Alright now get going," James says

"Ok!" The Beast-kin girl says excitedly

Asher and James watch as The Beast-kin girl runs off to pack her things.

"We could also put her in an orphanage" Asher suggests

"I'm not sure that the best discussion," James says

"Why not," Asher asks

"They take Beast-kin into slavery, That's why we need to stay with her until we find someone who can take care of her" James says

(God's damn it) Asher Thinks

They both see as the Beast-kin girl comes running back holding clothes in her hands and a smile on her face.

"I'm ready to go," The Beast-kin girl says

"Before we head off I think it's best if we give you a name, we can't just go around calling you the Beast-kin girl now can we," James says

"A name! I get a name!" The Beast-kin girl says

"That's not what I thought was going to happen, but do you even have an idea of what to call her?" Asher asks

"How about… Astrid" James suggests

"I LOVE IT!" Astrid shouts in happiness

"Great now let's get going," Asher says

"Alright let's go, Astrid," James says

The three begin to walk away back to the wagon Asher and James had driven to get there.

Character Description

Name: Astrid

Age: 8

Sex: Female

Eye color: Red

Hair: White and long

Class: undecided

Race: Beast-kin (Bunny)

Height: 4 foot 6

Birthday: August 15th