
Stories In Another World: Making Peace

The story follows two people first, 20 year old Asher Lee Graham and second 15 year old James Arthur Bell. They try to make the world a more peaceful place. But not always by the most peaceful of means.They will have to overcome great obstacles and try to stick together through it all. This is the first story I'm writing so please be patient with me as I work it out. Have a great day or evening or night.

Be_ll · Fantasia
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34 Chs

18: Work Work Work (James)

Thursday, December 7th, 7 Years Before The Sacrifice

James and Asher tend to crops. Neither of them has done this before but they try their best. 

"This is a lot harder than I thought," Asher said

"Yeah, I have a whole new appreciation for farmers," James says

"Wait, isn't it wintertime!? How can they grow crops?" Asher asks

"Well some crops can grow in winter, like carrots or kale," James says

"Oh that's interesting," Asher says

"You know winter is my favorite season," James says

"I always preferred summer," Asher says

"Perhaps you two should focus more on your work rather than talking to each other" someone says

After being called out the two start working on the crops once more.