
chapter 30 hurtful past

Darsh sat on his chair ,and opened the drawer took out a photo frame in which a smiling aditi was posing for her perfect snap and scolding darsh to take it correctly

It was seven years back when darsh joined the office as a trainee under chotepapa after completing his post graduation. Chotima only has her brother in her maternal family after the demise of their parents .Arjun singhal is the only nephew to chotima and a very dear one too . So it happened to be Arjun singhal 's reception where darsh lost his heart for the very first time . Actually darsh is not very fond of these wedding rituals so he decided to attend only the reception. As he doesnt know that this party will change his life forever .Aditi malhotra the younger daughter of famous businessman yash malhotra known for textile business