

Hi. I'm a rock.

ZeuS · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs



I'm a rock.

My name is-- Stone.

And I've been lying here for a long time. Ever since this mountain was born.

The mountain is my mom. She used to be a little volcano. Then it erupted and spit me out. And I fell, and now I'm a rock.

Well. That's all. I'm a rock, that's all I can tell you.

No, I can't.

What's going on around me.

I don't have eyes, I don't have ears.

But I'm a rock. Which means I don't give a shit about biology.

Well, here's the thing.

There's not much of anything going on here. I've been lying here for 575546 years, seven months, three days, fifty-four seconds, twenty-one milliseconds and four hundred and twenty-two nanoseconds, and suddenly...

Nothing happened.

Interesting, isn't it?

Me too.

Then the monks came by the way. They climbed on top of Mom and built their own temple. But I can't see it from here.

Other people came through here, too. And they left. And some didn't leave. But they're not on mom anymore.


Night is coming. Soon the eagles will be flying back to their nests. I'll be able to catch a glimpse of them for a few seconds. Oh, cool.

Oh, look, someone's coming!

Is that a-- A goblin?

Uh, what are you looking at, I don't get it?

Put that back!

Oh, stop.

Let it go.

At least I'll get to see something new.

I'm not interested, though.

I'm a rock.