
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


On the way home my phone buzzes I look and it's a text from Ally saying her parents loved the picture I gave her and it is now framed on the wall. I ask how. They got home so fast when we still had about 20 minutes before we got home. She told me there pack was actually not that far from the school and so it only took 10 to 15 minutes to get depending on who was driving. Nice I said I sent a picture of Evan driving I told her not to tell he didn't even realize I took a picture of him. She sent lol your secret is safe with me. I laughed and said when just got home and Evan will probably be calling her soon. She replied with ok see you tomorrow.

Evan parks the car and we head into the packhouse my mom and Evans mom are there wait for us I blurt out that Evan found his mate before he even has the chance to dodge the question I knew would his mom would ask. She screams and both our dads and brothers run downstairs to see what happened. Evans mom tells everyone ands they all congratulated him and ask about her. I laugh and tell them how Ben pushed forward and kissed in front of everyone. Evan gives me a look that could kill his face is so red and then he tells everyone about gym and how a girl asked me out and gave her number. I blush and hit him. Then my dad asks if everything went well the spray and if anyone realized I was an omega. Evan said it worked like a charm and nobody suspected anything. Then they talked about Ally coming to meet the pack and that remind him about her dad inviting him to there pack next weekend. His and my dad agreed and surprised me when he said I could go if I wanted I just had to make sure I brought the spray with me. I was so happy. I excused myself and went up stairs to my room and did what little assignments I had to do while Evan called Ally to tell her everything and so their parents could talk as well. For some reason I felt lonely now that Evan found his mate and sad because I knew even if I did meet mine I he wouldn't recognize me as his mate because of the spray. I found myself in my studio painting and it turned out to of Ally and Jack I took a picture and sent it to Ally then I remembered I had Jack and Andrew's number as well so I sent it to Jack asking what her thought. Ally loved it and said her mom wanted to buy it I laughed and said when I was done it would be a gift for them. I had just sent the text when my phone rang it was Jack. Hey man what's up I said. Jack said Evan just told us that you both would be coming next weekend I said yeah I'll be there. He said the Alpha wanted to ask me something and if he could put him on the phone. I was scared but I said yes.

A deep voice sound one the line "hello is this Noah I'm Alpha Hale from the Desert Canyon Pack I was wondering if you could do something for me"? I'm shocked and a little surprised so it takes a minute for me to find my voice. "Yes Alpha Hale how my I help you I finally get out". He laughs and says in two months it's will be my Anniversary with my Mate 20 years is a long time and I saw the work you did both the sketch of Ally's mate and of the painting you did of my gamma's children so I was wondering if you could do a painting for me to give to my mate for our Anniversary I will gladly pay you or even but all you supplies for it I have picture that's fading of use on our first date do you think you could paint it and give it life again. I smile and tell him yes I would love too. He said Ally said I was a romantic would say yes. I laugh and say it's true and I think this is a very romantic ideal and would love to be apart of it then I ask him why didn't he ask Andrew when we both are in the same art class. He laughs and says he asked him already but he said no because he knew of someone who could do a better job then him and that art was just his hobby something to do for fun but that you were a true artist. I'm blushing so much and smiling so big at the words Andrew told his dad. I tell him I can get the picture from him next weekend when I visit with Evan or he can sent it with Andrew and I can get it from him and start on it right away. He says he will give it to Andrew and he can't wait to see what I do. We say goodbye And I do a happy dance thinking about everything that's happened today. Who knew life got more exciting with more then just my pack.