
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Hit with inspiration

I walk away from the group and call Andrew's phone I see him look at it and I hang up and walk a little bit further. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder. It was Andrew he looks concerned and I tell him I was hit with inspiration and I need his dads number and that I didn't want to ask in front of the others. He smiles and calls his dad and hands me the phone. Hi Alpha Hale this is Noah Emerson I have a question for you. His dad laughs and ask what it is I ask if he could send my a picture of his and his wife wolves I wanted to add the into the picture I give him my number so he can text them to me. When I tell him what I'm going to be doing Andrew's face is so happy and his dad loves the ideal. He asked how I came up with it and I tell him about Evans dad extra training and about what he says about our mates and I was struck with the ideal of add their wolves in the back round howling at the full moon.

Andrew asks for the phone so I say good bye and that I will send him update on the painting. Andrew's says he doesn't need to send a picture and that he has one in his phone from a pack run that would be perfect Alpha Hale had already sent me two pictures but I didn't say anything I could use both of their pictures. Andrew says bye to his dad and we head back to our group I stop at a vending machine and grab a bag of peanut M&Ms and ask if Andrew want's anything. He shakes his head no and says he'll just take some of mine because they are his favorite and I got the last bag. We get back to the blanket and sit down we share my snack and Andrew what we missed. Apparently one of their pack members found their mate today and they are human and that he is taking her on a date to explain everything to her this weekend. Then the bell ring's signaling lunch is over. We fold the blanket and decide to put it in my locker so we have for lunch tomorrow. Walking to class with Andrew he tells me he sent the picture and asks if I will send him a picture when it's done. Yes I will I says then I ask who do think you will get in art class to draw. He laughs at himself and says he forgot we were doing that today.