
Still with you

Friends,someone who’s supposed to help you through your darkest moments. What do you do when one of your friends is a murder? Trust no one,anyone could be planning your death next. ‘Bulletproof Boy Scouts’ is a worldwide band,what will the boys do when they find out,they have a traitor in the band.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Jungkook carefully walked along the road,kicking the small stones. He was on his way home,he didn't tell his friends he went out so they might be waiting for him,waiting to scold him. They were always worried about his safety so he would usually have to sneak out. Now Jungkook is a 22 years old so what exactly would they have to be worried about? You see Jungkook is a idol,and his friends were his bandmates. He didnt like them,but he had to pretend he did in order to get what he wanted. Everyday he had to act normal,I mean he's been doing it for years so now its like he has a spilt personality.

The air around him filled with anxiety and tension as he cautiously took steps towards the house. He quickly observed the situation and all the lights were off,he knew this trick all too well,they were waiting for him in the dark. He decided entering through the window would be his option to maybe live for at least the night. Jungkook just hoped they would all forget about this by tomorrow.

He inched closer to the window,which was almost 10 feet up in the air. How was he supposed to get in? Well that was the problem,𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮,standing next the wall would be a ladder. Perhaps his bandmates had found out? That's when it hit him,he would have to meet them. They were most likely already sitting on his bed just in case he did manage to get in.