
Still be mine

Time heals all wounds,but does it?seven years ago Alex and Raine went agains the Normality of the society and fell so hard in love with each other.Alex’s father of course would never let his only son marry a low life commoner,manipulations are made and the lovers are torn apart,Alex leaves the country without the knowledge that he left a living breathing consequences of both their actions.Now seven years later he is back and finds out he had a child all along and he is determined to make it all right Ps:this novel contains mature,sizzling contents.

Hope_vinz · Urbano
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6 Chs

The meeting

"Mummy hurry up,we are gonna be late" a cute girl with black thick long hair called out to her mom

"Just a minute sweetie, I'm almost done just packing lunch"

"Kk" a few moments later Raine and her daughter were on their way to the bake shop that she owned

"I'm so happy it's midterm holiday today,I get to go with you to the shop"her daughter Selena said

but Raine knew better,

You are only saying that because granny is out of town aren't you?

Selena gave a cute laugh "well,granny is fun to be around "

"And I'm not?"Raine asked

"I didn't say that ,u are more fun of course " Raine smiled her daughter has always been a sweet talker,they got into the car and drove off.

In the shop when they were settled in,Raine's friend Peter came in to see her

"Hey Rainey "he called her fondly with the nickname he calls her with

"Hey Peter,how are you doing"

"I'm ok, you?"

"Well I'm good too"

" Peter"Selena called when she Peter

He fondly lifted her up"hello my little fire cracker"he said patting her head

"How is my little angel doing"

"I'm fine,thanks"she replied

"So what are your plans today"he asked Selena

"Well nothing much,mum and I are just gonna go get some groceries later"

"Is it ok if I join"he asked

"We wouldn't want to stress you out Peter"

He waved it off"oh come on ,it's no stress at all,I'm more than happy to help and besides I'm free since I just completed the mall project "

Peter is an architect and a successful one at that,he is the ceo of chysolyte builders,he actually had feelings for Raine and had told her about it,but she said she wasn't interested in any relationship and just wanted them to ramain friends,he didn't want to completely loose her so he took a step back and she respected him for that but that doesn't mean he doesn't still feel the same way,in fact his feelings grew each day,she is the most beautiful woman he has ever met,she was beautiful both in and out.He didn't think he was the problem,he had never seen her any guy either,it seems like she has closed her heart to any sort of relationship and her only goal was her giving her daughter a comfortable and happy life and her loved her for that but he hoped she can let go of any hurt she was feeling so she can be happy because she deserves it.

Alex was in the apartment he got after he totally refuse his dad's wish of him staying in the mansion with him,he would probably loose his mind if he had agreed to that,and besides he love his new house,it was a bachelors pad ,it wasn't a mansion by any means but it was very comfortable just the way he likes it .Today was such a long day and he was exhausted,he needed a drink,he went to the fridge and realized he was almost out of everything,he had been so busy he didn't even think of stocking his apartment with foodstuffs,he got into his car and drove off to the grocery store

"Mom we need apples too"Selena reminded her mom

"We'll go get it "Peter said

"Ok"Raine replied and the left

She was picking some vegetables when she saw someone that she never expected to see

Alex? What was he doing here she thought,she should leave,she knew she should but she couldn't seem to even move her feet talk less of walking and just then he noticed her to,she saw his eyes wide and then she saw him move and walk towards her-wait,why was he walking towards her and why the he'll couldn't she seem to move

"Raine"he called her name in that deep,sexy voice of his that had has been able to melt her insides out

He was he even more handsome than she remembered,the way his lips called her name was making her feel some kind of way,a way she swore never to feel ever again

"Alex"she managed to call her out without her voice cracking or shaking "wow,what are you doing here"

He didn't go with her game plan and say wow Raine it's been a minute,instead he said

"Are you her with someone?"why the hell would he ask that he thought,that was none of his business just then

"Mom"Selena called out "we got the apples"

"Selena don't run around"Peter said

Wait, Selena?was that even possible

Selena went to meet her mom

Raine was quick to end the discussion with Alex and said "it was nice meeting you again but we have to go and with that they were gone