
Steven Universe: What's your favorite color?

Here's a little story for you, by my standards, about a kid who loves several colors. He really likes red, even though he lives in black. Isaac Barnett was an ordinary teenager until he decided to settle down in Beach City, where he met strange creatures and drastically changed his life. Mentally unstable, Isaac tries to solve the problems of his...acquaintances while his own problem goes nowhere and progresses at a rapid pace.

Drago4n · TV
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12 Chs

6. New Me

- Mmmmmmm...where am I? What..... He opened his eyes and clutched his head before his eyes finally focused

Isaac didn't know how much time had passed, but rather everything was decent since the Sun was already setting outside the window. Isaac found himself on a medical bed, lying wrapped in a white blanket, thank God in his own clothes.

"It's good that at least they didn't undress me, then it would be harder to get out of here." Isaac thought before crawling out from under the covers and sitting down. "Most likely, my indicators are tracked by these things on my finger. So soon they'll find out that I'm awake, so we need to get out of here as soon as possible....".

- I'm glad you finally woke up, young man. At your age, you should take care of your health, not ruin it. – as soon as Isaac started to come up with an escape plan, a woman's voice came from the side.

Isaac turned towards the voice, where a female doctor was already waiting for him. She quickly approached him and began to examine him while Isaac examined her.

-Vision is normal, pulse is good, heartbeat is even, there are no pains in the head or dizziness? – the doctor took out a tablet and began to record.

- No, it's okay....Isaac lightly touched his head and tried not to twist his face from the pain inside.

- Mmmmmm.....I'll take your word for it. Even if you're lying, you'll still end up in my office. She nodded and grinned, continuing to fill out the tablet.

The doctor was a middle-aged woman. She had dark skin, black and silky long hair, in which gray was already visible, a slightly frowning look and wrinkles under her eyes, just like his. She was dressed, of course, in a white robe and a blue blouse underneath, with beige pants and dark heels underneath.

Her brown eyes took another full look at the card before nodding and putting down the tablet. In the next moment, she took a chair and sat down opposite him, crossing her arms over her chest and her legs with each other.

"So, Mr. Stranger, who are you?" There are no records about you in our hospital, you also have no documents or driver's license with you. It is not possible to infect you and it seems to me that you are too young to be here alone. So, who are you and where are your parents? she began to swing her leg slightly, waiting.

While the doctor was telling Isaac important things for her. Isaac was thinking about important things for him.

"First of all, we need to get out of here before I'm exposed. And secondly.....that's a woman. Although she's a little old, but wow.....beauty, especially this look of hers and two weighty arguments....it's just beautiful. So far, the most beautiful woman I've met in this town...so, let's not get distracted! We can think about it later. We need to get out of here first. ".

- Well? Are we going to play silent with you, or are you finally going to talk? The doctor raised an eyebrow in annoyance while Isaac stared at her.


Isaac stood up abruptly, causing the doctor to flinch. He looked at her with a calm gaze before calmly putting on his flip-flops standing by the bed and heading for the exit.

The doctor watched his every step without looking up. He went to the front door and lightly grabbed the handle, then turned to the doctor.

- Doctor, what's your name? A velvety voice came from his mouth.

- Priyanka, Dr. Priyanka. She shook her head and said her name.

- Dr. Priyanka.... Bye!


Isaac abruptly opened the door and ran! He immediately left his room and ran towards the exit with all his strength, directing himself with the help of signs.

Unprepared for this, Dr. Priyanka could only stare at it with her mouth open before coming to her senses!

- Damn it! She stood up abruptly and went to the intercom. – The patient has escaped! I repeat, the patient has escaped! He headed for the exit, catch him! He may have a head injury, do not use physical force!

Isaac ran through the white corridors of the hospital, trying not to collide with people or doctors. Some doctors saw him running and rushed after him. Right now he was looking for a way out, but his thoughts were in a different key.

"Why am I so....easy? ". his gaze went to his feet. "It feels like I'm flying. I've never felt like this.....It's like I've grown wings! ".

Isaac certainly wasn't weak or skinny by nature. He was a very well-built young man who played sports when he was still officially alive. But still, he wasn't super strong, fast or pumped up, just a well-trained teenager.

But now, he is running at such a speed that he literally flies past every person, leaving behind a small wave of air.

A few seconds later, he was already on his way out of the hospital when the doctors only had time to react. They had just started running to the exit in order to block it when Isaac had already left the hospital and was rushing away from her, trying not to look back.

"What the hell? Why am I so fast?! He looked back and saw the hospital rapidly receding. "I can't stop! ".

He was trying to stop. But he did not slow down, but even on the contrary, he added speed! He was running along an asphalt road, leaving a small burning trail behind him. The flip-flops on his feet had already started to melt a little, but he didn't feel it at all!

"Why can't I stop?! My body doesn't seem to listen to me! ". – running past a moving car, Isaac didn't know what to do. "If I hit something at this speed, I'm screwed! ".

And as soon as he thought about it, a house appeared in the path of his feet. An ordinary residential building consisting of bricks...Isaac's eyes dimmed, he understood what would happen next.

- CHEEEEEEEERT! – he covered his face with his hands, hoping for...anything! – STOP IT!

But naturally, he didn't stop.



"I definitely heard the sound of the collision, but why didn't I feel anything? ". – I thought to myself, afraid to open my eyes. - "Maybe I have a pain shock and I don't feel anything from the pain right now. It's just that my brain blocked the pain so that I wouldn't go crazy from it. Blyaayayaya, I did not think that everything would be like this. And what's next? Coma or severe surgery? I'm just from there....".

- Uhm.....Boy, are you alive? – someone touched my shoulder. – Are you okay?

I felt a touch on my body, I decided to open my eyes. A middle-aged man stood over me, completely bald but with a beard. Behind him were two women, a mother and a child to be precise. All three of them looked at me with concern, and my mother generally held a frying pan in her hands, ready for battle.

- Am I.....alive? I carefully removed my hands from my face. – I don't see it?

- Well, you seem to be all right, as I look.....unlike my wall. he pointed off to the side.

First of all, I got up and examined myself for wounds.....nothing. There was not a scratch on my body, not a single wound, not even a bruise! The clothes were in the normal range, there were cuts or holes in some places, but intact. True, the flip-flops were completely worn out, or rather melted and came off my feet.

I found myself lying on the chest of red bricks, along with glass, wood, a torn curtain and a couple of clay pots. To the side where the man pointed, a huge hole was shining, opening a view of the street.

"What now....happened? ". – I squeezed my hand a couple of times and pinched myself, I feel everything. "Why did I survive at all? It's interesting.....something happened to me while I was out. Something was done to me either in the hospital or before it, but what? ".

- Boy, are you okay? I thought you were dead when you broke through my wall. The man folded his hands.

- It seems so....To my surprise, I'm fine. – I got up and dusted myself off.

- Good, good....now get out of my house! he shouted and pointed at the hole in the wall. – Fuck off!

- Okay, okay, shouting wasn't necessary.- I shrugged my shoulders and walked out the same way I came in.

I looked around before correcting the direction and went to my hotel room. On the way, I could only think about how I crashed into a huge brick wall, broke through it and survived, without any wounds or damage.

"The thought that something has been done to me does not leave me in any way." I thought, taking the keys out of my pocket. - "There are two options. The first, the hospital and the second, the black thing in the library. I'm leaning towards the second, but the first option is quite a chance for life."

I turned the key in the lock and reached for the door handle. Grabbing it and squeezing it, I began to turn it in order to open it....


....but the handle broke instantly. It just broke off from the door and was now in my hand and it definitely wasn't a coincidence or the handle was poorly attached. After all, along with the handle itself, I also tore out a small part of the door, near the lock itself.

I stood with it in my hand and looked at it with interest in my eyes before realizing what I had done.

"…..something has definitely happened to me." – I pushed the torn part aside and opened the door. "I need to examine myself. I don't trust doctors. I think I should also change the room and most likely the hotel. I don't want to figure out how it happened that I tore out part of the door."

Going inside, I quickly took off all my clothes, even underwear, and began to examine myself very carefully, every nook of my body, in search of something unusual.

There was nothing unusual. There was only my body, full of what I hate.

"It's the same. Everyone is in their place. Nothing has disappeared or disappeared, which pleases me, I don't want to forget. All that is different from the norm is this, this....". I lightly stroked the skin between my breasts. - "She became more red and even a little....dark? It's like a growing bruise, but I don't feel any pain."

And it was all weird in my body. There were no holes from injections, scars from hiding or surgery, I also did not feel anything foreign in my body. Everything was fine except for this piece of skin.

"Maybe hitting the wall did do some damage, but I just didn't feel it. -I touched the spot again. - "But it still doesn't hurt..... I'll save that for later. First thing to do is pack up and go somewhere else. I've already drawn attention to myself by breaking through someone else's house, I don't need any more attention for today."


[The next day]

Checking into my new hotel, I began to wonder what had happened to me. On another sleepless night, I sat in the dark and tried to come up with one logical idea of what had happened. And since I had no theories or thoughts, I started experimenting.

Do you know what is the world record for push-ups in the world? The most famous world record of push-ups in one go, is about 9000 push-ups. It was done by a Russian guy Pavel, I don't remember his last name.

So, I'm ..... beat his record..... in one hour. In one hour, from 11 to 12, I did over 10,00 push-ups and I didn't even break a sweat... I did, but just a little. I continued doing them as well, but stopped counting at the second ten.

I started squatting, previously my record never reached a hundred. And now I calmly went over a thousand and did more and more.

Press, I won't even talk about it.

I was able to lift the bunk bed of my room with one hand. With the tap of my pinky toe, I chipped off a piece of the wooden nightstand, which I had to throw away. I touched the red-hot bulb without burns or pain and didn't even feel its heat like before.

I stuck the plug into the socket and felt nothing but a slight pointing in my body.

"I am no longer, not human." - I came to this conclusion as I looked at the burning plug. - "No human can do that at the same time, one thing at a time. There's something wrong with my body, something has definitely changed."

I threw the fork away and sat beside the bed, looking at myself in the reflection of the mirror.

"My body has changed. Strength, resistance, speed, strength, flexibility, conductivity, all the properties of my body have changed. Either I have reached some new level of being human or..... I am no longer human."

I shook my hand in my fist and looked out the window. It was night outside and the bright moon was shining.

"I can't think of a single reason why this happened, other than that black stuff in the library. I can't open myself up and see what's inside, as regular knives don't hurt me anymore. they break from contact with my skin. I tried to pierce it, it didn't work."

I sighed and shook my head.

-I have a whole night ahead of me. Something to think about. Another sleepless night, heh. - I shook my head and stood up, stretching. - Better that than sleep. I hate sleep.

Just.... hate sleeping.