
Stellaris: The Sojourner's Logs

Stellaris: The Sojourner's Logs is a science fanfiction of the video game, Stellaris. Set in the 22nd century, the story follows the enigmatic narrator aboard the UNS Sojourner, a starship at the forefront of humanity's interstellar exploration. As the ship traverses distant star systems, the narrator unveils mysteries that unfold before their eyes. From the discovery of alien life forms to the remnants of failed colonization attempts, each encounter reveals glimpses into the vastness of space. Amidst the exploration, the narrator's own personal musings add somewhat of a human relief from the cosmos. Read the Foreword at the Auxillary chapters, and give me tips how to write well please!

EdgelordEdgie · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Log 8 - Mushroom Soup

Initiating webpage...



May the 4th be with you, dear readers!

As we continue our journey on Kashyyyk, I'm thrilled to share an exciting development in our agricultural endeavors.

The establishment of the agricultural districts has re-introduced a groundbreaking concept known to Earth as forest farming. It's an innovation that holds great promise for the sustainability of our colony.

The agricultural districts here are not like the conventional farms we're accustomed to on Earth. Instead, they comprise woodland crops grown under a protective canopy. These crops, known as Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), encompass a diverse range of plants with incredible value for medicinal, culinary, and ornamental purposes.

Kashyyyk forest farmers cultivate crops such as ginseng, goldenseal, shiitake mushrooms, and decorative ferns.

Forest farming, a wide-scale practice made possible only on Kashyyyk, provides numerous benefits. Not only does it fulfill the demand for these valuable plants, but it also serves as a sustainable alternative to wild harvesting.

Many of these plants are rare and scarce on Earth, and their wild populations are under significant pressure. Here on Kashyyyk, we have the opportunity to cultivate them in a controlled environment, relieving the strain on their natural habitats.

Furthermore, this intensified production brings additional advantages. Regular attention to the woodland allows us to spot and control invasive plants and pests, ensuring the health and resilience of our agricultural ecosystem.

Moreover, by reducing the harvest pressure on wild plant populations, we create an opportunity for their reestablishment in other woodlands throughout planet Earth.

It's a harmonious cycle that promotes both cultivation and conservation!

Another update is that in order to maintain security and protect our growing colony, two Planetary Guard armies have been established.

These brave humans diligently patrol the Bioluminescent forest, ensuring the safety of our fellow colonists. It's no easy task, as the forest holds many wonders and dangers alike.

Speaking of wonders, the recent survey conducted by the UNS Sojourner has left us in awe. Within the depths of the Bioluminescent forest, the expedition stumbled upon artificial structures that hint at the presence of a long-lost civilization.

However, to our surprise, there were no signs of any current population. The cities stood silent, their structures intact, as if frozen in time.

The architecture and urban planning of these abandoned buildings are a testament to the highly structured and harmonious nature of the civilization that once thrived here.

The species responsible for these cities appear to have been small fungoids, existing in a state of relatively low technological advancement.

The question that lingers in our minds is: where did they all go? The mystery of their disappearance remains unsolved, leaving us with endless speculation.

Could there have been a collective consciousness, a gestalt entity guiding their actions, akin to the Queen of Geonosis? It's a tantalizing thought that ignites our curiosity. I may have to start watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars again.

Reading through these reports such as the mushroom-like structures and the mention of the small fungoids left me yearning for a warm and hearty bowl of mushroom soup.

It's a peculiar connection, I must admit, but one cannot deny the power of the written word in stirring up one's appetite.

That's all for now, my fellow explorers and enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from the crew of the Sojourner!

May the Force guide us on this incredible journey!


[A cozy kitchen set with a futuristic touch. Soft ambient music plays in the background. The host, a friendly holographic figure, appears in the center.]

"Greetings, intergalactic foodies! Are you ready to embark on a taste adventure like no other? Introducing the culinary marvel of the cosmos: Mushroom Fusion!"

[Visuals of the soup appear, showcasing a bowl filled with steaming soup and an array of vibrant mushrooms floating gracefully within.]

"Imagine a symphony of flavors dancing on your taste buds, taking you on a cosmic journey of culinary delight. Our soup is crafted with the finest hand-picked mushrooms from the meteorites of Collodor, where space's secrets and deliciousness converge."

[Close-up shots of the holographic host stirring a pot of soup, showcasing the sizzling mushrooms and aromatic herbs.]


Closing window…

I apologize for the late chapter arrival. It was a hectic weekend of processing applications for work. I may have a job soon!

EdgelordEdgiecreators' thoughts