
Steamy Nights With Vampires

A girl of around 17 suddenly met with a handsome decade old Vampire lord who claimed over her body and soul.

DaoistM0kcv3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Sumona in Labor


She fell down on the ground. A strong gust of pain washed over her body. Her heavily grown belly was trembling like a cutoff leaf. Her baby had grown very big in few days. Actually a normal vampire baby never need nine months to grow inside it's mother's womb. Whenever her lover came to meet her, her belly had been grown an ounce.

"Aahh.. Ouchh.. Motherr.."

She clutched her heavily pregnant belly in both hands and started to pant hard. She now strated to feel dizzy and goggy. Her breath catched and she suddenly felt nuseuous. She clutched a pillar in both hands and tried to rise herself from the floor in vain. Her heavily pregnant belly felt like a big stone to her. Its softness had suddenly gone. She felt that her lower abdomen were too heavy to move or lift.

She fell down with a loud thud sound but kept trying. She did not want to sit down on the ground in this posture. At any time her baby could emerge out of her vagina. So it was preferable that she should move herself to her bed area and lie down there quietly waiting for her baby's coming out of her body. But she could not be able to lift herself left apart going towards the bed.

"Help.. Somebodyyy helpp meee"

She cried aloud but nobody came to help her. Her baby became more restless than before. She felt as if a sharp claw and curved nails were digging her flesh inside her womb. She opened her moisted eyes more big in shock. Was she going to die??!! What kind of beast was residing in her womb that was trying to kill it's own mother in the process of birth??!!!

"Aaahhhhh... Helpppp... I amm dyinggg"

She cried aloud and fell down flat on the stomach. Her pregnant belly met the ground beneath her legs with a loudest thud sound and a crack started to appear there. In the meantime water came pouring down her legs.

Her water broke in this process.


"You mean she is in labor and we can't help her at all!! I storngly object it." Susan yelled in anger.

Maya was sitting beside her left in reserved manner. Her queenlike presence soothed the nerves of everyone presented in the court. She just lifted her left eyebrow while listening this commotation with utter interest.

"Call the king and inform him urgently about the situation." Susan again demanded.

Lady Edwina intervened. "I don't think this is the proper time to talk to him."

"But why?!!" Susan cried once more.

"Because this is his wedding night with the youngest mistress, princess Rena. And on the wedding night no couple should be disturbed. We can't break their privacy." Now Minister Champbell answered her in composed tone.

Maya looked at him with interest and then to Lady Edwina. Wasn't she was the same person who broke their privacy when she and Patrick was consumating for the first time? Then how could the rule be changed for this Princess Rena?!!

"I don't care a damn. My dear sister is dying in childbed. Why should I care about it?" Susan screamed in rage.

Maya also agreed with Susan silently. But she knew that shouting that openly in the public would degrade her image.

"But the king strictly ordered not to interfer tonight. If we will, then he will behead us." This time Minister Mandrek answered her.

"I think we should send a respectable security chief to rescue her at once. Do you have any suggestion?" Maya intervened.

"But sist.." Susan tried to reason with her.

But she lifted her right palm towards her to indicate to stop. Then she continued "Neither Patrick nor Sebastian can go there. It will be easy to overcome our attacks once the King or the Deputy Commander in Chief (Seb) will be held captive by Sir David's army. Then he can defeat us with ease. So it's preferable to send any other young security personal there. However it's my suggestion that you are free to disagree with."

"We have no objection to your suggestion, my queen. It is an excellent suggestion. I prefer the name of my son Ronald in this secret mission." Oldest minister Donald Champbell answered with a curt nod of head.

"Excellent idea. Donald had already proved his mettle. He is an excellent choice indeed." Lady Edwina agreed with the name.

Everyone present there, except Susan, nodded their heads in unison. She turned back to look at Sebastian who smiled a little. He felt proud of his wife's wisdom just now.

"Okay. Then I have to go and prepare the blue-print of this secret attack with Ronald." He got up from his seat.

"Give him the serum invented by Lady Edwina, neceassry weapons and armors so that any beastly newborn vampire can't kill him. I don't bear the consequence if anything happens to this mere 15 years old boy in my conscience." His wife Maya told him.

Sebastian leaned over her gave a quick peck on her forehead and went away hurriedly out of the room. He need to prepare Ronald for the mission. They were quite out of time.
