
Chapter 130 Impermanence

The currency universally used in the world comprised not only the Gold Pounds of Northern Draleon, but also the Crowns of the Southern United Kingdom of Carsonrick. Though cobbled together from several kingdoms, by the contemporary year of 1853, a unified kingdom had formed. However, several types of currency called "Crowns" still existed internally.

The Carsonrick Crown was a large denomination currency used for official transactions and, according to the current exchange rate, approximately 11 to 12 Gold Pounds were equivalent to one Carsonrick Crown.

"If it were in Gold Pounds, the amount would be about this number."

As a local, Vice President Mark wrote another note with the number "33" on it. Although this amount wasn't as hefty as the fee Miss Galina had commissioned the day before, Shard only needed to participate in the contest to receive the money, which seemed almost like a windfall.