
Watch Me

Pulling me down to the infirmary bed with her, Hina boldly did this even if Hayashi-sensei could go back at any moment.

That’s why after the kiss she planted on my lips, I stood up and pulled the cover, hiding us behind it.

While I was doing that, I could feel Hina’s eyes follow my every movement.

When I returned to her side, her previous boldness lessened as she slowly inched away to let it be easy for me to get in bed with her again.

“... You closed the curtains.”

“It’ll be bad if someone sees us from the outside, don’t you think so?”

Besides, this place was in the Administration Building, at any moment someone would pass by, be it a teacher or a school staff. Perhaps students too. By covering the view of the outside, it would be easy for me to get out without being caught.

Well, let’s just say what I did with Shio here back then was a lucky situation where we ended up not getting interrupted by anyone.