
Comfort us

Seeing Eguchi-sensei taking on the doting route, Shio also stepped up her game. While the former was wiping my dried-up sweat, she pulled out a comb and fixed my hair which was just mildly disheveled.

If someone would look in our direction, they would definitely be confused at the treatment I was getting from them. It did look like I was getting favored but it’s more like a mother would do to their son. Besides, even though I’m in the middle of them, there’s sufficient distance between us. Even if they cook up some wild theory, we won’t be mistaken for having an indecent relationship even if they tried. At most, they’ll think that I’m being favored a lot by the two – but that will also be

I guess, this was the limit of what we could do while in an open public space. In any case, this was better than not being able to spend time with them, right?