
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Snake Hunter

Staring at this giant butt I was getting aroused. Looking at the rest of her she had a large rack to match her size and a cute face. For some reason she was wearing a leotard too.

Honestly speaking if she was human sized I would have loved to talk to her. However she was the size of a two story building. I have a feeling that even if I wasn't tired she could kill me.

As I turned to walk away I noticed that on the outside of her thigh was a red snake.

'It kind of looks like Meliodas's' I ponder as I started to creep away from the creeping giant.

A second later I stopped my retreat. 'Is she one of the Sins? If so I need to stay.'

With this thought I hid behind a rock nearby. As I hid I was bathed in silence. The thing about silence though is it gives you time to reflect.... or think of bad Ideas.

'Making Liz love me gave me alot of goodies maybe if I do the sameto her...' I figured as I slowly walked towards her face. 'Just need to make Eye contact.'

Getting to her face I realise a problem, She was asleep. So the only option left is to do it by touch. By anime logic though dictates that she will wake up and attack.

As I was debating what to do I suddenly felt a sliver of my magic coming towards us. The only person who would have it now is Liz so she must be on her way with hawk and Meliodas.

'Now or never!' With this placed my hand on her forehead. So far with my knowledge on this its best to find a memory of love block it and direct it towards me.

So I needed to find that memory. Lets hope more magic can solve this. Now I tried using my magic to sort her feelings. Soon I found the emotion string and ran after the source.

Soon I found her as a child only the size of one house. She sat there talking to someone floating in the air. The weird thing though was he seemed more like a haze.

Looking at this I came to a realization 'Someone tried blocking this memory.'

With that I quickly plucked the love from the memory. With that done I figured I could finish the guys job. With the Erasure I wipe it clear.

Now came the tricky part how do I make her love me. She had no memory of me so I couldn't just reattach the string to a memory of me.

With nothing to attach it to I came out and quickly woke her up. With her eyes opening she grabbed me in her hand on instict and brought me up with her.

Now face to face with the giant I felt tiny. Soon her eyes cleared and she focused on me.

"Who are you?" She demanded more then asked.

"I'm Nash I came to find the seven deadly sin with the princess!" I yelll back felling her tighten her hand slightly.

'Now!' With this interaction she now had a memory to tie the string to. Feeling the mind bug form Liz I had another maybe 30 seconds.

So attaching it to the memory I could feel her lighten her grip on me. Then her expression softened.

"hey cutie can you help me find the princess?" I asked while trying to flirt. Badly I might add.

Hearing this she hid half her face with her hair covering her blush. Instead of answering she just nodded and put me on her shoulder.

As started to walk we I pointed her in the wrong direction to get some time to talk. With that done I felt us leave the vicinity of Liz. She would be fine I knew Meliodas would protect her.

"So whats your name?" I ask building some trust to strengthen the emotions.

"Silly me" She said softly bonking her head with her hand. "I am Diane the serpent sin of envy from the Seven Deadly Sins."

So I was right.

I expected the Sins though to be all very scary from the stories I heard. So far though the ones I've met were a pervet and essentially a shy school girl.

I know that either one of them could slaughter me though.

"So how'd you get here?" I ask still making small talk.

"Oh after escaping the capital I ran until I came here. I was Tired so I took a small nap. I had the nice imps here keep watch for me." She explaned.

With this filling the air I finished my magic. I then directed us to Liz. As we got closer to her I decide to push my luck. I quickly kissed her cheek to see how far it went.

I could feel the heat radiate off her and the sound of her heart thumping faster, perfect.

With this test complete Liz came into view with meliodas and the emegency rations.