
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A destined meeting

After we left Lindinis we head to the north to a place called Vanya. Will we traveled Meliodas suggested we sleep and thats Hawk's, the talking pig, mom would get us there.

Honestly I probably should have rested to but I was still filled with adrenaline. I couldn't use my spell on my self because I feel like I at most only had about enough for two more spells. I need thextra incase I screwed up.

I honestly had a vauge idea of what I wanted to do with it. So I need to save my magic. So here I was sitting on the balcony on the third floor. Elizabeth let me into her room so I could, which helped my plan.

After waiting an hour I saw that Elizabeth was now fast asleep. Seeing this I walked over towards her quietly as not to wake her.

I figured that if I could somehow change the way Elizabeth, Liz for short, remebered me I could change the plot enough to get another ticket.

Standing here I started my plan going through her day. When it got to when she woke up I got rid of the fear and changed it to what she felt when meeting Meliodas.

With that done I thought of exiting, but I remebered how she felt with meliodas.

'If I changed that crush I think I could get enough for a ticket.' By anime law the princess would fall in love with him so changing that should cause a diffrent outcome.

To start my scheme I need to either replace or get rid of her crush on Meliodas. So casting my magic on her again I dug around for a minute tring to find the source of the crush.

Eventually I found the memory of them meeting. As I found the emotion I noticed that it was attached to something else. Grabbing a hold of it I followed it deep into her memories.

As I followed it I got to her childhood I could see her clinging to meliodas who looked excatly the same. He ages well. This was not the source of her love though it still seemed to be further down.

On I truged on till I found feeling my magic be continuosly drained. Then I got to a badly boarded up tunnel like passage. Going through an opening in it I just kept following it. As I traveled down it I could feel that love grow stronger and stronger.

Eventually I found the end of the tunnel. There I saw Elizabeth but not quiet. Here she had four white wings on her back and orange eyes with an odd symbol in the middle.

She was descend from the sky towards Meliodas who seemed... diffrent. As their eyes met I could feel the love oozing off the two. This was the source of her love.

This is where her love for him stemmed from.

'When was this?' I thought confused. Before I could think to much on It I felt my magic starting to run out.

'I need to squish this love now.' I then hurried what I was doing.

Grabbing onto the memory I changed the love she had for him for deep respect.

'Hopefully this will work.'

As I finished I exited her mind and collapsed onto the floor. I had no magic left.Well I did what I needed so its fine, now I need to drag myself to the room I'm sharing with Meliodas.

As I step into the halway I immediatly collapse from magic exhaustion and my adrenaline rush stopping.

As I lose conscious I don't feel asleep. Instead I feel like I'm floating. As I float I hear the familiar ding of the system.


'Large plot change has occured'


One ticket for magic, Skill, and weapon each.

Option to change race given'

'Why did I get so much?' Was the only thing I could ask.

'The love Elizabeth's and Meliodas had for each other is a key point to the plot and history. With it now gone the story will now veer off.'

'I kinda figured that it would be changed a little, not this much.' I thought now unsure were to go from here.

'The users data will now be displayed'

'Nathan Peccatum

Race: Human

Magic 170 Strength 90 Spirit 80

Total power 340

Magic known

Mental magic Lvl3 Rank SSS

Spells: Mental Reading, Mental change, Overload

Skills: Brain worm, Mental Immunity

Evaluation: F

User is slighty better off then the common person.'

With its piece said I now faded into true unconscious.