
Stay with Me!

"Girl, your body is like a neighbourhood, I want to drive my lips all around it" She rolled her eyes at another one of his pick up lines. "Why don't like you park your lips somewhere away from me" Pouting the man said "But I only like parking in in your garage" before grabbing her to pull her close...… He catches his little tigress being naughty in a very awkward situation but falls for her instantly and he uses the incident to his favor and continues to stay by her side. Now faced with a fake relationship with lots battles to come in the war of love, will this couple survive to make it to status of an official couple!

KKB88 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

How to seduce him

She moved her hand forward and placed it on Rafi's, this prompted him out of his thinking, facing her he heard her say "Do you want to come in and stay the night". ".....!".

The two policemen looked at Riri with surprise, Riri herself was stunned at her comment. "You want me to stay", Rafi questioned. "Yeah you want him to stay", Rio repeated. The couple both turned to glare at Rio, he pursed his lips and whimpered back into his seat. "Well we don't know what they are up to, I feel scared as I don't know what to expect from him anymore and you seem to be worried thinking about how to approach this, I feel like I can trust you", she told him honestly what was on her mind. Rafi smiled at her, he was happy that she trusted him, before she asked him he was thinking of ways to let this happen as he was troubled with the current events. "Honestly I think he is just here because of his suspicions about our relationship but to be on the safe side I would like to come in and have Rio monitor from outside?", Rafi said asking for her opinion. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable and seeing as she asked he wanted to take this opportunity to protect her but not if it made her uncomfortable.

They had been in the car for a while and Rafi didn't want the people in the other car to get suspicious "Ok let's go in for now, stay on communication Rio, you know what to do?", Rio nodded at his LT. "Umm miss", Rio turned to Riri, "I just wanted to say that you don't need to be scared", picking up on what she mentioned earlier "You are in the best hands with our lieutenant, he is a strong man and very trustworthy!" Rio expressed with a cheeky smile and two thumbs up. The young doctor didn't respond but gave him a smile in acceptance. Rafi displayed his friend a strange look before opening the car door to exit. "Miss, also sorry I wasn't able introduce myself earlier, I was pretty shocked to seen my single since birth best friend with a women" he laughed. "By the way I am Rio, I am just not a policeman on his team like he said, I am his best friend, confidant and wing man", he said winking but also also showing his displeasure at Rafi's introduction earlier. He took out his hand for a handshake only for it to be slapped away by the lieutenant who had leaned into the car to see what was holding Riri up, Riri wanted to laugh Rio's remarks and his current hurt expression but she stopped when she saw the cold face of the man who she had shared two kisses with. "I'm Rhiannon but you can call me Riri, thank you for everything Rio", she beamed.

Rio couldn't contain his excitement while waving bye to Riri as she enlightened the car, he had a big grin on his face as he thought 'What a nice lady, beautiful and strong, a perfect sister in law', he giggled. Rafi grabbed Riri's hand to hold after he closed the door behind her, as he intertwined their fingers he looked down to see her face, she looked relaxed and Rafi was relieved, she looked stressed since they had told her about Ian following them.

They walked up to paved path leading up the entrance hand in hand both smiling. Once they had reached the front door, Riri let go of Rafi's hand to rummage through her bag to find her keys. Rafi looked wistfully at his empty hand, he loved the feeling of her small hand in his. He looked back towards the road as Riri was still trying to find her keys, Rio had left by now but only to the top of the street and he could see that Ian's car was still parked up behind. "Found them", he heard Riri proclaim, he turned back to her as she inserted the key into the door and both of them entered the house.

Her house was urban chic being half brick which had a been painted dark grey and half glass, inside the house was decorated in colors of grey, white and Black which fit the theme of the exterior. However once he had stepped in he could see splashes of a bold peacock green and pinks that stood out in the furniture, it seemed like she had carefully decorated her home. Next to door was another door which he could guess was the coat closet, the entry was quite big as the bungalow was open plan with high ceilings, there was silver chandelier on top of a round table which had some post and other ornaments on, to the left was a kitchen with a white marble island and stainless steel appliances, to the right pf him was a a living room with a big leather corner sofa sitting in front of mounted tv above a modern fireplace, he could see a couple of medical books on the glass coffee table in front of the sofa and more on a bookshelf behind. He liked the style of the house a lot, it matched her well, it was modern, chic but homely.

Riri was watching Rafi look across her home with a smile which in turn made her smile but slightly embarrassed, "Welcome to my home", she said nervously, she had never had a man in her house except male relatives and Ant, she was living at home last year looking after her father when she was with Ian. "It's a beautiful home", he expressed when he saw her take off her leather jacket and open the closet door, she pointed towards his suit jacket which he happily gave. Riri glanced at him, he was wearing a white shirt but it was tight around his biceps and waist and accentuated his built figure, she couldn't resist gazing at his upper body which Rafi found hilarious , "Your drooling", "I am not", she snapped back at him. "It's okay, look all you want love", the lieutenant uttered. "Ugh, stop it", she said as she slapped his upper arm which she noticed was firm. "Ooh so now your touching", he remarked. "If I can look all I want, I presume I can touch too", Riri said surprising both her self and him, they both look at each other and burst out laughing, reveling in the flirty atmosphere.

The young doctor walked towards the round table and placed her bag down, taking out her phone to check any messages which she regretted seeing the group chat messages from Maxi and Clara, which she briefly browsed at and roller her eyes at them, she wanted to inform them of the current situation as she needed someone to talk to but knew this was incur further teasing. "I am just going to change out of these clothes, make yourself at home, there is some bottled water in the kitchen", she pointed before entering her bedroom, he nodded and proceeded to the kitchen. He took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator before getting out his phone to ring Rio.

"What's the situation", Rafi asked, "Not even so much as a hello knowing that I am outside helping you out, loosing out on my beauty sleep", Rio retorted. "You don't need beauty sleep", Rafi responded, "Aww LT you think I am handsome too", "No I don't think any amount of beauty sleep is going to help that mug of yours", Rafi sarcastically replied. "Ah so mean, your are just jealous", Rio commented. "Enough, what's the current situation", Rafi firmly said fed up now. "Nothing much, they are still parked on the road with no movement", "Ok, do me another favor and then I think you will be good to leave".

In the meantime, Riri had called Maxi to fill her in, she didn't want to call Clara as firstly she was very drunk when she had left the party and secondly she couldn't keep a secret. After explaining the current happenings to Maxi she looked towards her phone to hear what her friends reaction would be.

"...", she heard silence from the other side of the phone. "Maxi!?", Riri called out. "I'm sorry I was trying to work out whether what I heard was true or my drunk brain was making it up", Maxi told her. "It's not your drunk brain", Riri responded. "So your telling me that man is inside your home right now and he will be staying the night", Maxi excitedly said. Riri rolled her eyes "So out of the whole story I just told you, you ignore the part about Ian and only concerned with the one about Rafi", "Ooh so you are calling each other by your names, how cute", at this point Riri felt like hanging up, she had a flashback of him calling her Riri back in the taxi and how her heart skipped a beat, she guessed they were on first name basis now. "Forget all that about Ian girl, he wouldn't dare do anything, I know you said that you didn't want Ant involved but we will discuss again in the morning, for now there is a sexy AF man in your house and I need you to let me teach you how to seduce him..."