
States and Monarchs

A million years ago, in a vast world known as Cynosure, a grand movement occurred. The normally silent and unmoved forces that balance the world moved to defeat a rising force that threatened the seemingly everlasting position of absolute power that these forces had. For the longest time, these forces hated each other and engaged in constant wars, but they all united to annihilate this force and remove their leader from existence. Since then, in this world of Runes, Laws, and Arcane, the legend of The White Lotus continued to pass down in history. It forever lived on as the sole force that shook The World Force to its very core. After a million years, this legend turned into a myth with little to no one believing that it ever occurred. However, the rise of a then-ordinary person would revitalize this myth. The existence that was once thought to have died has come to take back what was his and more!

ChaosEternal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


In an enclosed space inside the mountain, a youth was standing with an astonished look on his face. He stood there, shocked, as he looked at the scene before him. There were innumerable amount of Threads of the Law of Life attached to a cocoon of white Runes that he had never seen before. The entire scene was completely beyond his understanding.

"Touch the cocoon, child," the same voice echoed in his mind.

As if hypnotized by the spectacle, he touched it without even thinking. "Argh!" Aez cried as a piercing pain radiated all over his body. He stood there, screaming in pain. He could not do anything else but scream. He did not even think of removing his hand from the cocoon. His mind stopped functioning due to the immensity of the pain he was feeling.

After a while, his screaming stopped, and with it his life. What remained was a mortal body void of consciousness. Slowly, the Runes on the cocoon faded before releasing a flow of mysterious energy to the body of Aez. This process lasted for an entire week. Through it, the Threads of the Law of Life faded as well as the white Runes that made out the cocoon.

In the end, only the body of Aez remained. However, this time, a life filled it. "What a fortune. A vessel actually arrived after I finally healed this much," he said with a smile.

Just now, he completely robbed Aez of his body. Using his Divinity, he forcefully erased the consciousness that resided within the original Divinity of Aez. Then, the mysterious energy that filled Aez throughout the week was the Divinity of the person currently occupying Aez.

"It seemed that I became too careful. I could have robbed the body of the woman outside just the same. However, this is fine too. I can force a better awakening for this body."

The new Aez then slowly walked outside. His demeanor completely changed. His appearance remained the same, but his actions became more sophisticated, elegant, and majestic. No strange aura covered him, but he still gave the impression of a mighty sovereign.

Just as he reached the point of the cave where he previously entered, he said, "After a life and death escape from the palms of The World Force and a million years of surviving and healing my Divinity, I can finally see the world once again."

After coming out of the mountain, the woman who was sitting immediately stood out and greeted him. "Welcome back, master," she said while bowing. 'What happened to him?' she thought. 'He seems different.'

Even without Aez speaking, she already noticed that his entire demeanor changed. 'He became calm?' she questioned in her mind.

"Alieza, let's go home," Aez said.

"Of course, young master," she answered. 'He changed!' she concluded in her thoughts.

"Address me as a majesty or a highness."

"As you wish, your majesty," she obediently replied. 'He definitely changed! What happened there!?'

The two swiftly went back to the city. The city was bustling, full of people. The houses around are either made of precious wood or precious rocks while the establishments are made with ores would cause an ordinary adventurer to drool.

As the two walked on the streets, the people around them looked at Aez with dirty stares. As he noticed this, Aez could only sigh internally. 'I guess I could have waited for a while to obtain a better vessel than this trash,' he thought.

After Aez occupied the body of the previous Aez, he received his memories as well. After all, what he removed was the consciousness that resided within the Divinity. It was what makes a person who they are, much like a soul.

"Take me somewhere where we can buy clothes," Aez ordered.

"As you wish."

Currently, he was wearing an over-the-top gold-embroidered red coat over a gold shirt paired with a gold-embroidered pair of pants. He was uncomfortable with his attire so he changed to a different one. The one he put on was a black and white scholarly robe which was more traditional and ancient looking than what he previously wore. After they came out, one could see that Aez's clothing is unique among everyone which caused even more people to look at him.

As Alieza followed Aez around town to change his wardrobe, shoes, and weapon, she could not help but think that too much had changed in Aez. She was the one who spent the most time with him. She knew Aez almost more than he knew himself. After the day, she could not discount the possibility that Aez is no longer who he was. However, despite this, she did not say anything. She knew that she did not have the right to do so.

The night is already on the horizon when Aez finished his tour. Just then, an orange Arcane Crystal in Alieza's pocket glowed.

"Your majesty, your father is calling for you," Alieza said with a wary look.

"Come," he said. 'This is a peculiar event. According to the memories of this body, he grew up with 7 siblings, I being the youngest. I barely saw my father growing up. Why is he calling for me now? Did he find out about the couple that this kid killed?' Aez thought.

Alieza did not expect Aez's reaction. She thought that he would be scared since the status of his father is the highest within their house. He is also someone feared by all of his siblings. Before, he was given a series of punishments due to his bad behavior. Due to this, Alieza could only think of the worst.

They arrived at a majestic manor filled with beautiful sculptures of marble. The floor, the ceiling, and the walls are all beautifully made which proved just how much money this family had.

When he reached the main hall, he saw all of his siblings lined up before the empty seat in the center of the hall. "What the hell are you wearing?" his eldest brother asked.