
Starts as a Vampiress, Ends into a Villainess

Our protagonist is a vampiress that has everything, that all would envy. As she matures, Men after men, after men, they all are in constant turmoil with one another for her hand in marriage. Will she be able to pick one? Marry the 'one' the love of her life in a living in a simple life filled with contentment or will she succumb to greed as a Villainess and be the seductress they all love, to have handsome guys in her beck-and-call wrapped around her finger? ************************************************* 3RD PLACE | BRONZE WINNER WPC# 219 | MARY SUE *************************************************

authortinnnnn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Mistress was astonished the shock was too much for her as she feel the beasts hot breath as his sizzling drool dripped down her cheek 'oh good Lord' for the first time she prayed to a god in hopes that she would be saved from this creature before her.

I am frightened am out of breath huffing and puffing smokes of air like it was my last. Even though I knew it wasnt. My mind must be playing games with me that I am now hallucinating things like this. This incomprehendable beinh before me. 'What is he?' The black fur was like a shiny glistenig onyx and his fangs bared open at me in the color of an elephant's white pearl irridicent ivory tusks with salvared saliva dripping with every drip it scalds my porcelain pale skin that meant that, I was super duper toxic to this kind of substance. My slave Max form was indeed a Were-Being.

His demonic Were-Beast form was very unnatural. Its my first time seeing one in person though fore told by elders legends and myths that stories they tell to little children to entertain them or intrigue them. I was not one to believe such folk tales of the distant past that was made up. And now here I am staring at the 'make believe' I sought to my beliefs. I am so wrong..




'Steady my heart' as my heart rapidly raises due to only emotion I was feeling. Fear. My face remained stoic while inside I was quivering scared that he might gnash me leaving me lifeless pooling in my own blood.

"I cannot tell you what I am my mistress" the beast responded telepathically the mistress couldnt speak. I remained dead silent i stared at him blankly and drew closely into which to confirm if the voice was really his. I pondered more and more. As I lifted my self off the cold cemented ground in a slow pace like a turtle.

" Max?" I blurted out of the blue. I know it was rude to assume if it was the slave that I haggled at the black market but this is the only defence I can get since he looked monsterous to even tame such a creature.

As soon as he spoke nonchantly. the mistress felt gaining ground. Slowly but surely I was going some where with the convo. Being naturally charismatic and very spontaneous was one of my traits that i boast about.

As one of my butlers were about to spear him in captivaty I raise my palm at them halting their actions.

" Stop!" I commanded as one of the guards were about to attack him. The other soldier didnt follow the order that I gave and struck him. He bled and his 'Blood rage' made him more powerful. This is getting out of hand. I have to stop this foolishness.

Control. In the world filled with powerful men with everything where does a female with authority stand. They all are in the side lines waiting. Waiting for a chance to take a step forward. And fill the role in which are also respected and have full 'control' of any situation in what ever it is that may be.

Now is my chance, to prove it. " I SAID STOP!" as the room rattled and cracks forming in trembling shake. The servants were shook and shaken to the core. I felt in charge for once.

As she puts her hand to his cheek to comfort him. Max transformed back into his usual flesh of a human and he too was terrified " ...." I stroke him as I feel the goose bumps on the raised hairs of his skin against mine.

" Leave us!" I yelled. No one needs to see how I treat my precious 'pet' plus rumors easily spread now - a - days there are no such things are secrets.

Every one loves a good gossip that how shallow people are. They mind other peoples flaws except their own. But what good is there, to be that meddle some. I despise those type of stereotypes.

"Tell me...."

" what in the good heavens are you? " A part of me wants to know the truth and the other doesn't care at all. He is mine, I owned him. But I wished we met in different instances, not like this. And more so, an enemy that my great grand father's ancient enemy. Were Beast. A much larger werewolf that is mostly letal to us vampires a very rare breed that is a mic between a lycan and pure bred Alpha werewolf.

Our reason of being enemies is because of strength and power. A being that excels in both wins in riches and glory. Another length of silence yet again. But Max..

He was about to blurt out his first words since he came here.