
Starting Life in the world of DxD

A man tried to save someone from being rob.Got shot then died,As he open his eyes he find himself with that calls himself God and offer him a second chance. This is my first fanfic any constructive criticism is welcome.Its help me greatly to know the opinions of others. disclaimer: I don't own anything here except the Mc

Caeruleum21_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

As the morning sun rise to the horizon it's gentle morning light illuminates the buildings and houses of a town called Kuoh Town.One of this houses in a particular room on the second floor,inside of the room Lay's a baby sleeping soundly.As the morning sunlight hits the window to lighten the room,the baby slowly opens it's eyes.

"Where am I?"As the first thing the baby sees is a unfamiliar ceiling.Trying to get up he was unable to,"why can't I get up."Looking for a reason why, he tried to lift his hands to that they are as small as of a baby."What's happening,what's going on? "As his was thinking on what happened to him,the memories of the previous talk and encounter with God calm him down.

"So I really did reincarnate on a different world,where God's,Angels,Devils,Youkais,magicians and monsters are real."Excited for a new life that was given to him, Suddenly he heard the door to his room open."Good morning my little tsukasa I hope you rested well."Hearing the person who open the door of his room,he turns to look at her and to be met with the sight of a beautiful woman in her early twenties with shoulder length raven hair and black eyes.

"Come now little tsukasa;let's take you for quick bath before feeding you."The woman then proceeded to pick him up and headed to the bathroom. Entering the bathroom,tsukasa finding a mirror to look at himself he so a baby around a month or two.He has jetblack hair and blue eyes.'Damn I'm cute.'tsukasa thought to himself upon seeing his new appearance in the mirror.


After finishing his bath and have now eaten properly,tsukasa tried to test his ability not to be disappointed that he cannot because of his young body.

'What the hell!!! when I tried make the ability that I want;my body feels like I'm going to die again from the pain alone!'So he come up for plan for what's his going to do for the future.'I need to strengthen my mind and body first.'tsukasa is planning to strengthen his mind first by performing mental exercises at his young age.Once he turns 4 its will be physical exercises next.

'Good once I can make finally use powers,I will also try find out if I have a Sacred Gear or not.'tsukasa chose to find out if he has a Sacred Gear later was so he the sufficient strength to defend himself if he has one or not.


Seven years have and tsukasa gain o lot of information during his childhood,one of it is his parents. Their names are Hayashi Ichiro and Hayashi Natsumi.Hayashi ichiro is man in his late twenties with black and blue eyes and Hayashi Natsumi is woman in with shoulder length raven hair and black eyes.They both work on the same company,that also how they met each other.

I also know now on what timeline I'm in right now,because one of my classmates in are the protagonist of this world Hyoudou Issei.I tried to befriend Issei when I first met him,as time goes by we became good friends.

For then on,me and issei play together at school.Right now I'm in the middle of class as suddenly the bell rang indicating that it's time for lunch.A got up as I walk to issei as we always hangout, the girls who try to get my attention would always sent a hateful look at issei and when my I surrounded by girls issei would sent a look jealously and admiration.

"damn it! tsukasa tell me already on how you can make the girls like you so much!",so that I can finally fulfill my dream of being the Harem King!!"issei said to me with an exasperated look on his face.

"haha,sorry issei that's a secret that I can never reveal to you.Who knows on how might you try to abuse this type of power on all the girls try this on."I said to issei with a smug look on my face,because technically this some of the effects of the power that I tried to make when my body can finally endure the process making a powerful ability.

For now I only made two and it's from the series called Worm.Those powers are:

Alexandria:Has enhanced strength and a virtually invincible body Capable of high speed flight,Perfect memory, faster learning, perfect information retention, and heightened cognitive speed.

Glory Girl:Radiates an energy that makes user's allies more inclined to like, respect and look up to user, while making him terrifying to his enemies.Possesses an invisible forcefield which grants him invulnerability and strength.

This are the powers of the characters of that series and with this two powers i can put up a good fight with a high class devil with my current age,imagine how strong is would be when the plot finally starts.

As we got out of the of the classroom with differently we stumbled upon a person with chestnut hair and violet eyes.This girl is Irina Shidou one of the few friends of issei who was under the impression that she was a boy, due appearing quite tomboyish.

"Tsukasa! issei! there you guys are,come on let's go and have lunch together!" Irina said to us as she pulled each of our hands and proceed lead us to eat somewhere.





(Guys, on the next chapter will try to unlock his Sacred Gear and mana.maybe senjutsu too. what kind of Sacred Gear should the Mc have. I'm also not going to take issei's Sacred Gear because plan him to be like the Mc lackey of sort, like senting him to do some of the hardwork, while the Mc is enjoying his time with his Harem. See later guys Peace.)