
Simply a king fighting for his people.

Quilla turned to me with a weird smile on her face before she sprinted over, sat down on the ground and hugged my legs.

Cute and all, But that was the least of my problems at the moment. Throughout the moment I was spectating the fight, there was only one thing on my mind.

This damn hand!!!

It's been hurting like crazy ever since I entered this place, I didn't think having your magic circuits get destroyed could hurt this much.

It would be a different case if my magic circuits were still intact, I could have easily manipulated the pain, but there's no magic circuits to manipulate, and even more concerning….

Jeane has been giving me these weird stares, I think she caught on to it, so I've been trying my best to hide the pain by limiting my words.

If she found out I got hurt, I can only imagine how she'd react, it's quite traumatizing, even as a kid she tends to be both over caring and a bit yandereish.

So to avoid getting called out, I'll try my best to hold out the pain for as long as this meeting would take, I'll call it…

Operation fool the black haven so they won't think I'm a weak leader!.

"I…guess that determines it."

As soon as I heard the voice, I instantly moved my eyes to the wolf man sitting in front of me. According to Jeanne, he's supposed to be the leader.

Why is he sweating so much?

Oh… I guess watching a rival organization completely kill off one of your own so quickly is a big reality check.

"Mr Geren, can we proceed with the meeting?" Spoke Jeanne, professional as always, good enough for me.


Geren cleared his throat,

"News about your influence on earth has been getting more and more reputative as of late, even outside the kingdom, it has gotten so famous, The Archons and heroes might get involved with it soon.".

So said the wolf man.

My eyes widened a bit at the thought, I believed the Archons were people who were blessed with power to rule over a particular region…

Having a battle with one of them will be like finally reaching the first boss on floor 1 in a dungeon.

"And we, The Revengers are only known as mere bandits, no matter how much we want to change the world, we lack the power to do so, as proven, we can't defend against ourselves." Geren explained.

"Which is why I propose an alliance, one where we'll help you take over the world, give you information, inside jobs, and in return, you give us some part of the…."


I slammed my left hand on the chair, this action immediately cut off the weird guy speaking,

Staring intensely at him, I uttered,

"What makes you think we want to take over the world?"

"Uhn… i-i thought…"

"Such ideals are only petty, taking over the world, I have no taste for such things… all we are, are a group of people making the world better for other demons to live in… one devoid of all oppression and slavery." I spoke, now stretching my arm out of the cloak, I opened my palm.

From within it, a blue light began to grow, like threads it danced in the air, along with other magic shapes I conjured to explain my words.

"We are neither the hero nor the villains, we are outcast from both, a neutral force that can't be examined or explained… you see it don't you? The sky has only turned red and the cries of the chosen few have been demolished… blood skewed against the masses, that is the world I envisioned".

As I continued, I noticed the fear that was growing on the faces of the Revengers,


I might have taken things too far, I tend to play around with words when I'm Chaos, but still, it works, at least I think I was able to send the message.

"I-I understand, some people can't be reasoned with, they simply want to see the world in shambles, torn apart, burnt, that was the type of man I took you for…"

So said Geren before smiling,

"But knowing you are a king simply fighting for the freedom of his people, I see now, you are quite the individual".

A grin showed on my face, at least he was able to grasp my words, and here I was thinking he would misunderstand the last line.

I withdrew my hand back inside my cloak, the magic I had conjured vanished into the atmosphere and I resumed back to my quiet state.

"Very well, if you would accept my most loyal and dedicated offer to fight alongside your goals, then I will share a bit of information I have with me." Geren offered.

Truthfully, I don't know why my followers want to ally with this man to begin with, he doesn't seem all that powerful, although he has numbers, I still don't see the importance of a couple of weaklings staying together.


If it's something they want, then I don't mind improvising my ideals a bit, since in this case, it doesn't stop me from fulfilling my desire to be strong and also the perfect leader.

With a slight sigh, I replied,

"You may proceed".

"I promise you won't regret this." Geren voiced out, seemingly excited about the fact that I accepted his offer.

"Okay, have you heard about Project Nike?" He asked me.

Just before I could respond, Raphael spoke from behind me.

"Oh? You mean the experiments the Higurashi group were running on? Lord Chaos already destroyed the place five years ago".

'I did?'.

"Oh… I see you also know a few things, but did you also know it was run by the god…Hindra?" Geren asked back.

'Hindra? Isn't that the same god Ava was talking about one time?' I thought to myself as I listened.

"Oh, My lord already killed him and his minions in the explosion… five years ago." Raphael replied, and once again I'm left confused.

When exactly did I kill any god? I know for a fact I wouldn't forget if I fought with god…

Is this some kind of prank? Are they just trying to test how smart the leader of the Black Haven is?.