
Recruiting my first subordinate.

Mana Link.

A technique I created to help build the perfect army, just in case I ever planned to rule over a land and need an army to make my stronghold.

This method involves combining a bountiful amount of my magic circle into my victims, just enough for me to have influence over my victims circuits.

At this point, I can now tweak thiers just as much as I could tweak my own, but as I always say,

"No risk no gain."

I never really planned on using humans to make this army, just weak monsters, so my research went a lot faster.

If the victim's Magic circuit is weaker, and does not fall under the certain requirements needed for me to work on it, it will shatter, and this could kill the victim or sometimes just render their body inanimate.

I've tried this on multiple squirrels and rats, and it all ended the same way. As soon as I improved their body to a certain degree, they gave out and their magic circuits got destroyed.

Which begged the question, how was I going to fix this? I hadn't thought I'd need to do this until I've gathered enough skeletons for my army, but, if Jeanne is going to follow in my path, I need to make her strong and capable of holding that ideal.

"Do I just overwrite the magic circuits completely?" I blurted out, Jeanne instantly giving me a perplexed stare.

If I choose to over write her magic circuits, that would mean completely overshadowing her magic circuits with mine, that in itself is dangerous, I could completely damage hers in the process, or worse, mine.

But then again, if I do succeed in completely overwriting her circuits, I could rework them however I see please, the thought of it excites me even more.

I could improve her physical attributes, and so many more, although the rest would depend on if her body can take it, so I'll have to be careful.

"Okay that settles it, no use in over thinking this."

"Master Aether?" She called out.

"What is your magic type?" I asked.

"I… don't know, I never really thought of it before, I don't need Magic to serve you." She replied to me.

I sighed, gesturing my hand so she could sit on the ground rather than me looking up at her, a man can only strain his neck so much.

"There is no right or wrong, There is no right side on the left, and no left side on the right, each has their own beliefs and each stays true to it."

I continued.

"The path I walk is a dangerous one, I will have a lot of enemies, some in the form of allies and others in the form of vipers, how do you plan to protect that path I walk if you can't defeat my enemies?".

I remember hearing this exact line from an anime once, it got stuck to me and I've always wanted to say this, but not just to my over protective maid.

"I.. ahh.." She stammered.

It's no surprise that she is confused, if I had to guess, if feels like I've just told her she's weak and no use to me if she can't get strong… or at least I think I did.

In any case, times like this, when one feels weak and unable to defend one's Ideals, power comes into play, the weak will gravel and the strong will stand tall, it's how the world works.


My eyes glowed a golden hue, it wouldn't be much of a scene if I only looked gloomy while I uttered my lines.

My hand was stretched in front of me, multiple gold glowing threads, networking from my fingers and dancing around Jeanne.

"You are weak, and no one who follows me can have a title such as that, today, I bestow upon you a gift different from your name, along with the name Jeane you will be known as {001 [The Saber] } the first in my organization to take down the humans who enslaved demons…"

Lucky for me to remember at the right time, I recalled reading in one of the books in the library about a war that took place about 400 years ago.

Against humans and demons.

The gods assisted the humans in winning over the war, and thus, the demons were forced to be slaves, they've been looked down upon for years… If I were a demon, I'd want my revenge.

Perfect reason to join an organization filled with demons.

"Our enemy… humanity, that servange the demons and stole their authority on earth, I wish to put an end to it, rebuild this world into one where the demons are on top and humans are the ones being enslaved, I will be a monster to some and a messiah to other, Jeane, your journey starts from here".

And with that, I gave her a massive power up, since I figured out how to tweak her Magic circuits, I changed the name from Mana Link to Mana Matrix override.

And although I was able to improve both her mental, physical, and magical capabilities, she still needs to train to be able to control the power I have blessed her with.

And I made sure of it, day after day, I trained her as best as I could, and just as I suspected, it didn't take long for her to awaken to her full potential.

So far she's able to wield two types of magic, lightning and Druidry, in just a span of 14 days, she was strong enough to stand toe to toe with a high ranking knight,... I think.

Since she had only been training with me, I can't exactly gauge how strong she has gotten, even though I can tell she has gotten stronger.

So to fix this, I sent her on a small task to track down any part of the forest that she could find criminals lurking around, this should be a good testing ground for her.

And as for me….

A smile showed on my self, my eyes fixed on the uniform laid on my bed, the black smooth texture and red lined designs that brought out the magic in it.

And the hood just placed about the collar,

"My Outfit as the leader of the cult is ready… hahahahahaha! Rejoice! I'll be coming to take over you weaklings soon enough!!!".



If you have any questions, feel free to leave them here, I'll be sure to answer.

P.s and G.T are also acceptable, Thank you.